I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 463 Have you forgotten what my spiritual roots are?

This statement is a perfect interpretation of bullying the weak.

However, his words also encouraged Qin Shu.

She is at the third level of Bone Refining, but Qin Wuya is at the middle stage of Foundation Building. If she only takes action by herself, she is not sure of winning.

But if Guo Chong and others help, it will be almost easy.


How to take out the spiritual root? I guess none of them know this evil technique, right?

Qin Shu tried to ask, and sure enough, the other three looked at each other, and no one had even heard of it.

Wen Chi laughed even more sarcastically when he heard this, "It is indeed something that only demon cultivators can do, but if this evil technique falls into the world of immortal cultivation, I am afraid that the righteous will also become demon cultivators."

Qin Shu: "..."

She was silent, but she agreed with what Senior Brother Wen Chi said in her heart.

Human nature has never been able to withstand scrutiny.

If the righteous cultivators really have such a technique, who can guarantee that they will not change the spiritual roots for their children and grandchildren?

Or maybe those great powers would find a suitable shell before they passed away, replace their spiritual roots in it, and then start over again after taking over the body.

Wen Chi glanced at Qin Shu and said, "When we go back, let Lao San help you find it. Those who work for the demon cultivators here have low cultivation levels and are easy to find."

Qin Shu agreed. At this point, this was the only way to do it.

When they returned to Guye City, Si Xuan had already left, and all the people he brought with him had gone with him.

Just when everyone was confused, a guard guarding the city found them and handed them a letter.

The letter was written by Si Xuan himself. He said that he personally led the troops to Dongyue State and asked them to go to Fuling City to wait for him.

Qin Shu was stunned, "Just go like that?"

Wen Chi and the others didn't understand the war, and couldn't guess his stroke of genius.

At the end of his letter, he wrote that Qin Shu's mother had also been taken away, so she could rest assured.

Qin Shu was indeed a little relieved. If her mother was waiting for her here alone, she would be in danger if Qin Wuya and his sister had any tricks.

Wen Chi also saw Qin Shu's worries, so he comforted her, "Xiao Shu'er, Third Aunt has been dealing with them for so long, but she didn't let them get the upper hand. She must have her own way. You don't need to worry."

Qin Shu felt a little relieved and followed the three of them to Fuling City.

Qin Shu was very motivated along the way, planning to settle accounts with Qin Wuya when she saw him again this time.

However, what she didn't expect was that she found out that she had come to Fuling City in vain.

After Qin Mian, Qin Wuya also disappeared.

Qin Shu asked people for a long time, but to no avail. Qin Wuya should not give up the merit of following the dragon, which was within his reach, or this surprise attack on Dongyue was also his idea.

Qin Shu met Wen Yu again and got the answer from Wen Yu.

"Si Xuan tricked him. After leaving Guye City, he told Qin Wuya about the blood formation in Gulin City and asked him to go to Gulin City in person to find those evil cultivators and avenge the dead soldiers."

"This... he is an evil cultivator himself?" Qin Shu frowned.

Wen Yu laughed, "That's why he has to go to Gulin City. Why not please both sides?"

Qin Shu suddenly realized, "So this is a fence-sitter!"

"But it doesn't matter. I must catch him this time and take out the spiritual root for you." Qin Shu made a bold statement.

After that, she turned to her mother and asked, "Mom, do you know how to take the spiritual root?"

Wen Yu shook her head, "I've been looking for so many years, but I haven't found a way."

Qin Shu sighed, "I'll think of another way."

When she came out of her mother's yard, she was in a very low mood. She always felt that she was not strong enough, otherwise she would not be so passive.

She was thinking wildly all the way until she walked to her own yard and ran into Sui Han at the door.

"Why are you here?" Qin Shu asked.

"I'm here to help you find a solution." Sui Han's expression was still calm.

Qin Shu was no longer surprised. While inviting him to sit in the yard, she casually asked, "What solution?"

Sui Han adjusted his clothes and sat down on the stone bench in the yard before saying, "Have you forgotten what kind of spiritual root I am?"

Qin Shu was stunned, "Time and space."

She blurted out, but after she finished speaking, she suddenly froze.

That's right! Time!

Sui Han knew from her expression that she understood what he meant, and sure enough, he heard Qin Shu say the next sentence, "You mean..."

Sui Han took over the conversation and said, "I can send you to the year of changing spiritual roots, and you can see it with your own eyes."

Qin Shu's eyes lit up, this is also a way.

If it is really feasible, Sui Han's ability is really amazing.

It's just...

Qin Shu frowned and asked him, "Can you do it in your current state?"

Sui Han shook his head, "No."

Qin Shu: "..."

What's the difference between that and not saying it?

Sui Han sighed, "I can only send you to a day ago now, and you will die if you wait any longer."

Qin Shu also heard the deep helplessness in his tone, but her eyes suddenly became bright.

"A day ago?!" Qin Shu was very surprised, "A day ago is good!"

Sui Han was puzzled, raised his eyes, and looked at her with gray pupils, "Tell me in detail."

Qin Shu smiled "hehe" and said, "Old man, there was purple energy coming from the east one day ago!"

Suihan still didn't understand, so Qin Shu explained it to him as if she was taking the initiative to pour the beans.

"After my many experiments, I found that the nemesis of the counterattack force is the purple energy."

When she said this, Suihan guessed it.

She doesn't know exactly how she does it, but she can indeed collect purple energy.

The last time she woke up, she probably used the purple energy to clean up part of the backlash for herself. In this way, it would be understandable that the purple in her eyes disappeared.

Qin Shu seemed to have found a bug in this world and was even more excited than before, "You sent me to the sunrise yesterday, and I went to absorb the purple energy and then came back. Then I will use the purple energy to repair your meridians, and at the same time mine The sea of ​​consciousness will expand, and you can absorb more purple energy next time you go there... Over and over again, after several reincarnations, your meridians will be completely repaired. When the time comes...send me to fourteen years ago again, I want to see it with my own eyes Let’s see how they took our spiritual roots!”

It took Suihan a long time to digest the amount of information in Qin Shu's call.

It can absorb purple energy and can also fight against the power of backlash. When her purple energy becomes completely powerful one day, even if she does whatever she wants in the human world, she will no longer be afraid of the backlash from heaven.

But her method does seem to be good, but... it's a bit laborious.

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