Because of the judge's pen in Qin Shu's hand, Qin Shu also accidentally covered up the anger on her body, which saved her from the step of looking for the ghost fruit.

The two quarreled and hurried on, and soon arrived outside Fengdu City. The city in front of them was similar in size to Tailai City, but what was suspended in the sky above the city was no longer the ethereal fairy aura but the gloomy ghostly aura.

The ghost cultivators in the city are also very lively, but the currency circulating here is not spiritual stones or gold and silver, but a kind of wish.

Qin Shu followed Wen Chi all the way. When she saw Wen Chi asking someone where the palace of the King of Hell was, she took a look around by herself.

Seeing a green-faced and fanged ghost cultivator with a few jade slips of martial arts on the stall in front of him, she knelt down and looked through them for a long time.

Finally, his consciousness fell on a piece of sapphire slip, "How to nourish the soul?"

This name seems a bit hasty. Qin Shu weighed it in her hands and asked casually: "How do you sell this soul-nurturing method?"

"Thirteen wish stones."

Qin Shu frowned. She didn't have the wish stone. "Can I exchange it with you for something else?"

"Sorry, we don't accept barter." The ghost cultivator politely refused Qin Shu's request.

Qin Shu was a little sad. She didn't expect that when she came to the ghost world with a pocketful of spiritual stones, she would become like dirt.

Maybe she could find a pawn shop to sell a few of her pills first?

Just when she stood up to leave, she suddenly felt something heavy in her left pocket.

She flipped her wrist and took out a handful of blue-black stones from her pocket, which were exactly the same as the stones the ghost cultivators used to trade just now, and there were exactly thirteen stones.

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows. Could it be that Senior Brother Wen Chi didn't take it out before?

She didn't dare to use it and stayed where she was waiting for Wen Chi to come back.

"Senior brother, look..." Qin Shu spread her hands to show him.

Wen Chi's eyes fell on the stone in her hand, and he asked in surprise: "Where did you get this? Is this... a wish stone?"

"Took it out from this pocket." Qin Shu pointed to the pocket and said.

Wen Chi was stunned, "This is the first time I've seen it. I didn't put it in. Nishang Pavilion didn't even go out of Dongzhou, let alone the ghost world. Senior brother, I'm not that capable yet."

Qin Shu was puzzled, "Then where did this come from?"

"These ghost cultivators' wish stones were either earned by themselves, or burned by family members. Do you think someone burned them... ahem... and gave them to you?" Wen Chi said.

Qin Shu touched her chin and thought, "You mean...the third senior brother?"

Wen Chi nodded, "It does seem like something he can do."

Qin Shu then breathed a sigh of relief, "If that's the case, then I'll buy it!"

"What to buy?" Wen Chi asked.

He leaned over and watched with his own eyes as Qin Shu bargained with the ghost cultivator and finally won the sapphire slip for the price of seven wish stones.

"Soul-nurturing magic? Junior sister, do you want to practice this?" Wen Chi asked.

Qin Shu smiled and did not completely deny it. She just said, "I'm just curious. It just so happens that these wish stones can only be used here. It's not a bad idea to buy them."

After saying that, she put away the soul-nurturing magic with her backhand and asked: "Senior brother, have you heard about it? Where is the Lord of Hell?"

"They all kept silent and just pointed to the north, asking me to go over and have a look."

"In that case, let's just go and take a look." Qin Shu raised her feet and walked forward.

Wen Chi also followed, complaining as he walked: "You said that the third child knows how to burn some wish stones for you, but why don't you burn some for me, so that I can bring him some souvenirs when I go back... "

Qin Shu smiled when she heard this, "It's the same for you and me."

The two walked through the crowded ghost street, surrounded by all kinds of weird ghost cultivators. Qin Shu was scared at first, but later she got used to it.

These ghost cultivators are just one of the many living beings. Everyone pursues each other's path. As long as you don't provoke them, no ghost will intentionally hurt others.

Arriving to the north of Fengdu, there were obviously fewer ghost cultivators here.

Qin Shu and Wen Chi also saw the towering sky in the empty space...

"The Hall of the King of Hell." Qin Shu's consciousness scanned the plaque on the building and read.

"Finally found it." The corners of Wen Chi's lips raised slightly, making a nice arc.

Qin Shu touched her chin and then thought about it: "In such a huge Palace of Hell, where are we going to find the Book of Life and Death?"

Wen Chi glanced sideways at her and asked, "Xiao Shu'er, if it were you, where would you put the book of life and death?"

Qin Shu retracted her hand and said, "I will carry it with me."

Wen Chi: "..."

It makes sense, so they still have to go to the King of Hell.

Qin Shu sighed, "It seems... we have to break into the Palace of Hell."

The two of them squatted at the door and waited for a long time, wanting to observe the guards in the Palace of Hell, but found that there seemed to be no guards here at all.

Qin Shu tugged at the hem of Wen Chi's clothes. Wen Chi asked directly without looking at her, "What's wrong?"

Qin Shu came closer to him and said, "Senior brother, can I send a helper out to try?"

Wen Chi withdrew his gaze this time, fell on her, and asked in surprise: "Help? Did you bring a helper when you came? Are your pets? They are alive, and they are very dangerous once they are discovered. Are you really Are you relieved?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "No, not angry."

While she was talking, she took out Xiaodai N number.

Wen Chi looked at the peculiar puppet with three heads and six arms and was silent for a moment: "Junior sister, don't you think its target is a bit big?"

Qin Shu nodded, "Of course it has to be big. If it's not big, won't they be able to see it?"

She just wanted to test the guards here. If she let the puppet sneak past, wouldn't it be impossible to test it?

She hit the puppet with a stream of spiritual energy, gave an order to move forward bravely, and watched him climb up the steps in front of him.

Wen Chi and Qin Shu kept staring at the puppet with fear, fearing that it would have an accident halfway.

Finally, the puppet lived up to everyone's expectations and climbed to the top of the steps.

At this time, a black and purple barrier appeared out of thin air, and Xiao Dai bumped into it. Qin Shu's consciousness could clearly see purple arcs passing through it.

Purple arcs, I don't know if my body can withstand it?

Wen Chi didn't know the crazy idea in Qin Shu's mind, "No wonder there is no need for guards, it turns out that there is a barrier."

Xiao Dai's whole body fell into the barrier, and it could be vaguely seen that it pulled its legs out of the barrier one by one and walked towards the hall again.

It was not until it reached the front of the hall that the ghost cultivator appeared.

Qin Shu looked at Xiao Dai being beaten to pieces, with so many limbs scattered all over the ground, and her heart was broken.

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