"Brother, it seems that we have to be careful after we go in again. These ghost cultivators are too violent." Qin Shu whispered.

Wen Chi glanced at him and said, "You still have to think about how to get in. The outer barrier alone is enough for us to drink a pot."

Qin Shu shook her head, "Brother, your wording is not quite accurate. It is enough for you to drink a pot."

Wen Chi looked at her in surprise, "What do you mean?"

Qin Shu said, "I think I should be able to get through it."

"What?" Wen Chi asked, "Xiao Shu'er, are you serious?"

Qin Shu nodded slightly, "I have used the power of thunder and lightning to temper my body. Although this level of thunder and lightning power will be more painful, it should be over if I endure it."

Of course, she still had a little selfishness that she didn't say.

After all, she was a physical cultivator, and the idea of ​​tempering her body had been set in Tiangang Palace. Isn't this thunder and lightning power ready?

When Wen Chi heard her words, he also nodded, "Forget it, since you can do it, I can do it too."

This time it was Qin Shu's turn to be surprised, "Brother, don't be stubborn. If you can't do it, just wait for me outside."

Wen Chi shook his head, "No, you won't do it. You'll know later."

The two of them kept in mind the unspoken rule that it was suitable to fight when the moon was dark and the wind was strong. They didn't go into the hall until it was dark.

When they arrived at the barrier, Qin Shu whispered to Wen Chi, "Brother, can you do it? If not, just stand here for me. I'll be back soon."

Wen Chi gave her a reassuring look and signaled her to start first.

Qin Shu stretched out her arm to test the barrier first, feeling the power of thunder and lightning. The current ran through her body and goose bumps appeared. She clenched her teeth and felt that she could still bear it.

She raised one leg again and walked into the barrier. The body-building technique also started to work at full capacity at this moment.

After watching her walk in, Wen Chi took out another piece of clothing and put it on himself, and casually propped up a protective shield and went in.

However, when he went in, he found that Qin Shu, who had come in before him, had not come out yet?

Qin Shu absorbed several rounds of lightning power inside, and then reluctantly left this barrier.

How long has it been since she was struck by lightning? This feeling is still strangely nostalgic.

If she hadn't been thinking about finding the Book of Life and Death, she would probably have to stay in there for a while longer.

Wen Chi was relieved when he saw Qin Shu come out.

He was about to move forward, but Qin Shu raised her hand to stop him, "Brother, don't be in a hurry."

Wen Chi looked at her in confusion, and saw her turn her wrist and take out three more incense sticks for worshiping the gods.

Qin Shu smiled, "Since you are here to see the King of Hell, how can you come empty-handed?"

Wen Chi gave her a thumbs up, "Not bad, you are teachable. I am very pleased with your ability to draw inferences from one example!"

While speaking, he also took out a handful of incense and lit it.

Qin Shu quickly sealed her nose with the spiritual energy she had just released. The two waited until the incense was burned out before walking inside.

"Brother, let's search separately!"

Wen Chi nodded at her, and the two searched left and right in tacit understanding.

Qin Shu searched one room after another. She never dreamed that in the 21st century, she was afraid of seeing the King of Hell all day long, but now she is eager to see him.

Where did he put the Book of Life and Death?

She searched for a long time, but found nothing.

Finally, she could only helplessly take out the judge's pen, put her hands together and asked in a low voice: "Pen God! Where is the Book of Life and Death? Please point me in the direction!"

She just had no other choice, but she didn't expect that the judge's pen would actually stand up in the next moment.

Wrote two golden characters in the air, "West Wing."

Qin Shu: "!"

She took the judge's pen in her hand and rushed into the West Wing.

The West Wing looked like a reception room, and a tall and strong black-faced ghost was leaning on a chair and sleeping soundly.

Qin Shu didn't know if it was the credit of her incense stick, she walked in lightly.

As soon as she entered, a smell of alcohol rushed towards her.

Qin Shu frowned, it seemed that it was not the effect of the incense stick.

Is this the King of Hell?

The hat does look like it, but he has become the King of Hell in the Ten Palaces, why is he still drinking so much?

Drinking to relieve his sorrow?

She didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly searched in the house.

After searching the whole house, she still couldn't find it.

Qin Shu stood there, supporting her right arm with her left hand, and fell into deep thought again, "Could it be? He really hid it on his body?"

Qin Shu quietly approached again, raised her hand and touched him all over, but still couldn't find it.

"Where could it be hidden?" Qin Shu's brows were so furrowed that they could kill a mosquito.

Finally, her consciousness fell on the hat of the King of Hell.

She raised her hand to take off the hat, and saw a book of words hidden in the hat.

She also recognized the three words on the book, which were:

"Book of Life and Death."

It was really easy to get it!

Qin Shu quickly opened it and found that there was not a single word in it.

Qin Shu was a little anxious. What's going on? Is this book fake?

She sent a stream of spiritual energy to it, but it was still indifferent.

She imitated the previous action and asked the Judge Pen, "Pen God, why is there not a single word on this book?"

There was no response at all, and Qin Shu thought of all kinds of methods, such as soaking in water and burning...

However, this paper does not display the words!

Qin Shu finally felt relieved, raised her hand to take a drop of blood and poured it on.

This time there are words on it. Not only that, but all the mortals who are related to Qin Shu appear on this book of life and death.

Qin Shu saw that her father had eighty years left to live, but her mother only had eight years left.

There was no way she would let this happen!

He wrote seventy-nine years out of her father's eighty years to her mother. This is what he owes her mother!

Further down is Qin Wuya, with a line of characters following his name.

Qin Wuya died at the age of thirteen.

Qin Shu's pupils shrank, and sure enough! He is also a weapon!

Looking at Qin Mian again, he is fourteen years old and has 217 years left to live.

Qin Shu's pupils shrank, something was wrong! How could she still live for more than two hundred years?

Even if she was reborn and knew how to enter Taoism through martial arts, she would not be able to live to be more than two hundred years old as long as she was in the human world.

No, what if she is no longer alive?

Qin Shu was stunned. No wonder they couldn't find Qin Mian's whereabouts anywhere. It turned out that she had already quietly entered the world of immortality!

Qin Shu's heart sank. It was four years earlier than in the previous life.

An eighteen-year-old mortal who enters Taoism through martial arts is a genius, but what about a fourteen-year-old?

She couldn't even think about it, and her heart felt like a mess.

She disrupted all her plans with this move. Which sect will she choose next?

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