Qin Shu laughed and said, "Senior brother, why don't you look up?"

Kong Shen was stunned when he heard Qin Shu's words. He raised his head and looked over.

Qin Shu squatted on the ground, holding the jade slip with one hand and raising it with the other, gesturing at him.

Kongshen's eyes changed, and for a moment he seemed to see the hope of life.

Kong Shen's voice came from the jade slip in Qin Shu's hand again, "Junior sister! I understand!"

The smile on Qin Shu's face continued, "Shall we help you dig together?"

Qin Shu's idea is simple. Nine people working together are faster than five people working together.

But what she didn't expect was that Kongshen actually rejected her kindness, "No need."

Qin Shu: "?"

She was just about to tell senior brother Kongshen that there was no need to see anyone outside, they were all her own, and it was just a small favor.

Then I heard Kong Shen continue to say: "There is a blasting formation, why do we need to do it ourselves?"

Qin Shu: "?"

Why didn't you teach her such a good thing earlier?

The four of them looked at Kongshen through the ice, took out a magic weapon, dipped it in the juice of an unknown plant, and drew a complex pattern on the ice above their heads.

Upon seeing this, Qin Shu immediately took out the photo stone and recorded the sequence of his gestures.

Wen Chi and others were stunned when they saw Qin Shu's actions, "Why are you recording this?"

Qin Shu didn't look back, just stared at Kong Shen's movements, and said casually: "It's always good to learn more. Maybe you can use it sometime."

Wen Chi was silent, and after a moment, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Being careful everywhere is a sign of knowledge. The ancients will not deceive me."

At this time, the drawing of the space depth pattern has come to an end. He used the magic weapon to dig out some grooves at the eight points of the formation, took out eight spiritual stones and pressed them in.

Qin Shu recognized it with sharp eyes. This formation only required the consumption of low-grade spiritual stones? Why did she only know about such a good and cheap thing now?

She looked more seriously, and it wasn't until Kong Shen's last move hit the formation and stopped, that she took two steps back with the image stone in hand.


Immediately afterwards, a magical scene appeared. Based on the range defined by his formation, all the ice layers seven feet upward fell off.

Unfortunately, he was still almost nine feet away from Qin Shu. After Kong Shen communicated with his senior brother for a few words, he saw one of the great monks bending down and lowered his head. He rode up directly and continued to draw the formation.

This time she was closer to Qin Shu, and she could see more accurately.

After the two drills in Kongshen, Qin Shu thought to herself that she had mastered the essence of drawing this so-called blasting formation. She only needed to give her a little time to practice, and she would be able to draw exactly the same one.

Of course, if she wanted the formation to be effective, she had to figure out the most important step.

What material is this formation made of?

This is not a big problem. When senior brother Kongshen comes out, you can ask him and you will know.

Kong Shen drew the second formation faster than the first one. As he hit a spell, another seven feet of ice fell.

At this time, he was only two feet away from Qin Shu, and it would be troublesome to draw the formation. Qin Shu took out the jade slips and shouted to them: "Brother, please get out of the way."

She turned her hand into a fist and punched it. The force broke through the ice and gradually cracked.

Qin Shu took out the sword again and stabbed it casually.

A hole as wide as an arm's length of an adult man appeared in front of everyone. Qin Shu lay at the entrance of the hole and waved her hand towards the inside, "Brother, the door to life is open."

Kongshen laughed, "Thank you so much!"

They jumped out of the hole one after another, and the originally narrow passage suddenly seemed more crowded with five more people.

Qin Shu's eyes also fell on the two great monks beside Senior Brother Kongshen. Judging from their cultivation, they should also be in the late stage of Jindan.

No wonder they can go so deep. In this environment where illusions are everywhere, their Buddhist practice does have an advantage over other monks.

"Junior sister, you asked me to dig along the white shadow, but when we were about to dig, senior brother said that the white shadow was an illusion."

As soon as Kong Shen finished speaking, he saw the body of the female cultivator placed on the ground by Qin Shu.

"This is……"

Qin Shu shrugged, "We dug it out."

The two great monks standing next to Kongshen recited the Buddha's sentence at the same time, "Amitabha."

Kong Shen introduced them to each other, and Qin Shu learned that these two great monks were named Kong Ji and Kong Ming.

Just listen to Kong Ji say: "The illusion here is more powerful than we imagined. It is virtual and real. If you are not careful, you will fall into the trap."

Qin Shu understood this very well. She nodded repeatedly and asked shamelessly: "I wonder how you two can tell these apart? Our journey has been really bumpy."

Kongji thought for a while and only said, "Stick to your heart, and things that shouldn't exist won't be able to confuse you."

Qin Shu: "..."

Maybe she didn't understand enough, why didn't she understand?

Runyu on the side saw this and said: "Fellow Taoist Qin Shu, we meet again, do you want to go with us next?"

Qin Shu glanced at her senior brothers and sisters and signaled to them that she was just a gangster following her senior brothers and sisters, and she didn't have to say specifically.

Wenchi, Chengyan and Akabane looked at each other, nodded briefly, and finally Chengyan said: "Meeting means we are destined. This place is full of dangers. If you don't mind, let's go together next?"

It's not that they have to go together, but none of the four of them know how to form formations. Who knows what they will encounter next?

How could Runyu and his group dislike it? They just want to go back alive now, and the two Yuanying and two Jindan of Xuantian Sect are more than a little stronger than them. How can they be qualified to dislike it?

Just as they showed joy on their faces, they heard Wen Chi continue: "There is only one thing that must be said in advance. If you find something good on the road..."

Runyu immediately expressed his attitude, "The two of us have low cultivation. As long as you can take us out alive, we brothers don't want anything else."

Wen Chi really likes their tactful appearance, but the two brothers Kongji and Kongming said: "Daoyou, to be honest, we risked coming here to find the Ice Buddha Heart Lotus. If we come across this flower, can you give it to us? Other than that, we don't want anything."

Wen Chi and Cheng Yan agreed after discussing it.

With the Buddhist cultivators, their journey was much smoother.

The Ice Buddha Heart Lotus is very useful for Buddhist practitioners to comprehend the Dharma, but it is not so useful for them as sword practitioners and magic practitioners.

Moreover, the two of them have fire spirit roots, and if they practice on that thing, it might have a counter-effect.

When cooperating with others, first negotiate the division of benefits, and the rest will be much easier.

Akabane asked the very familiar question again, "What should we do next?"

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