The three Chiyu looked at Qin Shu, while Kongji Kongming and the others looked at Kong Shen.

Kong Shen scratched his bald head and finally said, "Junior sister, why don't we listen to you? Your divination is quite accurate."

Qin Shu saw that everyone was looking at her, so she didn't hesitate.

"Keep going forward."

They had only walked for an hour when they encountered three waves of ice beasts, and even Kong Shen was shocked.

"Why are there so many ice beasts attacking? We walked for four days before and only encountered one attack."

Qin Shu smiled, "There are only two possibilities. One is that we have something they want, and the other is that there is something they are guarding where we are going."

Kong Shen heard this and agreed with it, "Junior sister, what you said makes sense."

After that, he glanced at the female cultivator Qin Shu carried on her shoulders and said, "Junior sister, do you need help?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "What's the difference? When I usually carry the iron wood for body building, it is heavier than this."

Kong Shen fell He did not argue with her anymore, but asked her instead, "Why are you carrying her on your back? There are white shadows everywhere here, and we can't take them all out."

Qin Shu shook her head, "This is different."

Before Kong Shen asked again, the monk Kong Ji said, "Donor Qin is kind-hearted. There is a trace of residual soul on the corpse of this white shadow. It is probably because of this that Donor Qin took her out."

Qin Shu was even more shocked when she heard this. She saw this trace of residual soul because of the shielding of the secret. Her little sister almost went blind when she found this trace of residual soul.

And the monk in front of him just took a light glance and found it?

Kong Shen raised his eyebrows and stared at the white shadow for a long time before saying, "This secret realm has existed for at least tens of thousands of years. There are still residual souls? It seems that this white shadow was also a powerful person when he was alive."

Kong Ming shook his head, "Maybe the person who sealed her residual soul was a powerful person."

The group talked while hurrying on their way, but they were not in a hurry.

Along the way, Qin Shu also followed the two brothers Kong Ming and Kong Ji to comprehend the so-called how to stick to one's original intention.

Just as they were talking, Chi Yu suddenly said, "It's the end."

Qin Shu and others looked up and found that the winding passage ahead was still there.

Chi Yu seemed to be afraid that they would not believe it, so he added, "The wind has changed."

Their bird tribe is most sensitive to wind, and the wind here is obviously more rapid and chaotic than in the passage.

Sure enough, they walked for another quarter of an hour, and a dark hole appeared at the end of a world of ice crystals.

At this moment, it was as if they had reached the end of the universe.

The Du'e Gongfa in Qin Shu's body suddenly started to work rapidly. This feeling was completely different from before, and Qin Shu now had her own judgment.

According to her experience, there should be danger now, and it is not an ordinary danger.

At the same time, there are opportunities, big opportunities!

The opportunity is so big that people can ignore all the dangers in front of them.

Everyone stopped where they were, and no one stepped forward.

"Are we going out?" Runlin said, his tone a little excited.

When they first came to this extremely cold secret realm, the two brothers were full of confidence, but who knew it would be so dangerous here.

If he could get out, he would definitely stay in seclusion and never enter the secret realm again before breaking through the Jindan stage.

Kong Shen shook his head, "The sky is black."

Runyu was not giving up, "Maybe it's dark outside?"

Wen Chi said, "Go and see."

He and Qin Shu learned the same martial arts, and the crisis he sensed in his body was more obvious than Qin Shu.

But the same thing, since we are here, how can we just turn around and leave?

Qin Shu stopped them, "I'll go and see."

"I'll go!" Two voices, one male and one female, sounded at the same time.

Qin Shu looked back and saw that one was Chiyu and the other was Cheng Yan.

Cheng Yan frowned and said, "I am the eldest brother, so I should go."

Chiyu also stated a fact expressionlessly, "I fly fast."

Qin Shu said with a gloomy face, "No one is allowed to go. I will go. I can sense the danger. No one is more suitable than me."

The others stood behind them, with no intention of going forward.

Kong Ji chanted a Buddhist saying, "I can add a golden bell cover for the donor."

Kong Ming also said, "I will add a clear heart mantra for the donor."

Qin Shu put the white shadow on her shoulder on the ground, raised her hand to tidy up the black robe she had changed into, and the cold clothes gave her an infinite sense of security at this time.

"I'm going."

Her tall figure moved forward quickly in the transparent ice crystal corridor. In the process of moving forward, she attached several defensive talismans and several speeding talismans to herself.

The distance to the cave entrance was not very long. The closer to the cave entrance, the more fierce the wind was, and her clothes were blown "whoosh".

Qin Shu stood at the edge of the cave, looking at the outside world.

A huge deep pit appeared in front of her eyes, and the scene at the bottom of the pit made her scalp numb.

Transparent ice crystal lotuses bloomed, and at the roots of these lotuses were countless corpses and bones.

With the appearance of Qin Shu, countless heads emerged from the ice layer everywhere.

There were white shadows and ice beasts.

Qin Shu subconsciously retreated quickly, "Go! Countless white shadows and ice beasts!!"

As she retreated quickly, the heads of ice beasts appeared at the entrance of the cave, clinging to the ice layer.

On the transparent head, sharp teeth were bared, except for the eyes which were red.

Qin Shu keenly realized that these ice beasts were not at the same level as the ones they had encountered before.

She made a prompt decision and quickly threw out a formation plate to block the cave entrance.

The formation plate was also activated in an instant. With the delay of the formation plate, Qin Shu slashed with a golden sword, and three or five ice beasts were broken into pieces and disappeared at the cave entrance.

At this time, her brothers and sisters also chased after them, "What's going on?"

Qin Shu told them what she saw, and Kong Ji and Kong Ming were a step slower and also chased after them.

Hearing Qin Shu's words, Kong Ji also frowned, "Could this be the legendary Ice Buddha Heart Lotus?"

Kong Ming shook his head, "How can a lotus that grows on thousands of dry bones be a Buddha Heart Lotus?"

Qin Shu also turned back to look at them, "It doesn't matter whether it is a Buddha Heart Lotus or not. There are tens of thousands of ice beasts and white shadows below. We can't get close at all."

As she spoke, she swung the sword in her hand again and smashed many ice beasts.

Kong Shen heard this and said weakly, "Then why don't we retreat?"

"No." It was Wen Chi who spoke.

Qin Shu could sense it, so he could naturally sense it too. There was something good underneath.

Kong Shen looked at his two senior brothers again, and saw them sitting cross-legged and chanting Buddhist scriptures.

Listening carefully, it turned out to be the Rebirth Mantra?

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