I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 608 Then the question comes

Cheng Yan nodded slightly and responded softly, "Yeah."

The conversation between the two of them aroused the curiosity of others.

Wen Chi was the first to ask: "What's inside?"

No one answered him, so he turned around and looked.

When he saw the scene outside the cave entrance, his expression was not much better than Cheng Yan's.

But when his consciousness connected with the white gas above the corpse, his whole face changed and he quickly withdrew his consciousness.

However, he turned around and jumped up to Qin Shu and others with his body skills. He looked at them and asked, "Can't go down anymore."

The others didn't know what was going on outside, so why did they look like this when they came back?

Everyone cautiously poked their heads out and took a look, and were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Runlin even said with a mournful face, "It's like that down there, do you still want to go down there?"

According to their monks' instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, they should immediately stop their progress at this time, turn around and walk back.

Who knows if they go down and become a few of the piles of corpses?

But looking at these Xuantianmen people who are eager to try, why do they seem to want to go down and take a look?

The two great monks from Putuo Temple were silent when they saw this. After a moment, Kongji took out a gold book with a faint golden light on it.

Qin Shu glanced quietly and saw three words written on the cover of the golden book - "Curse of Rebirth".

Seeing this, Kong Ming and Kong Shen also recited the words "Buddha".

Kong Ji opened his mouth to chant sutras, followed closely by Kong Ming and Kong Shen. Sanskrit sounds echoed in the empty canyon, and even Runyu and the others wanted to follow them and escape into the Buddhist temple.

As the tone of their chanting gradually became higher and higher, the golden book held in Kong Jing's hand also spontaneously ignited.

The golden flame, like a lamp at the entrance of this dark, cold cave, gradually rose into the sky.

Qin Shu also closed her eyes. Among the many corpses, there were many monks who died in vain. They had been under the thick ice for many years, never seeing the light of day...

How could there be no resentful spirits?

When Kong Ji and the others finished chanting, the cold feeling in the entire canyon dissipated a lot.

It seems that there are still many resentful spirits that have been saved by them.

Qin Shu subconsciously went to check out the female cultivator who had carried her all the way. Her remnant soul was still hidden on her left shoulder.

She was closest to the three Kongji brothers, but she was not affected at all.

It seems that she is indeed extraordinary. She can be used to store extremely cold ice soul. She is definitely not an ordinary Baiying.

"Amitabha, God has the virtue of good life. Now that we have encountered it, we can't just sit back and ignore it. We borrowed the golden book of Buddhist Dharma to perform a salvation for these withered bones." Kongji put one hand on his chest and pointed at the other few. The man bowed slightly and explained.

Of course the people in Xuantianmen don't care about this. What they care about is how to get down.

Wen Chi said: "I just checked with my spiritual sense. The white gas floating on the corpse is extremely cold. If we force it down, we may not be able to do anything good."

After hearing what he said, Qin Shu also went to investigate.

I found that although this temperature is also very low, it is still somewhat different from the extreme cold ice soul.

But it was still beyond their endurance. None of them with fire spirit roots could get down, let alone other monks.

Kongji raised his hand and pointed at the one in the center of the large lotus, and said, "That is the Bingji Buddha Heart Lotus."

Qin Shu and others also looked in the direction of her finger and found that the lotus flower was indeed different from the ones around it. Its petals were fuller and smaller.

There will always be other lotuses blooming next to it, but for every one that blooms, another one will wither.

Although Qin Shu didn't have the patience to count them one by one, she vaguely guessed that the number of flowers underneath was maintained at a certain number.

"Do you know how to pick it?" Wen Chi asked.

They had already agreed when they came that if they encountered the Bingji Buddha Heart Lotus, they would leave it to Kongji and the others.

Qin Shu originally thought that since they were coming to pick them, they should be prepared.

Unexpectedly, Kong Ji shook his head directly, "No more."

Qin Shu was stunned, "Why don't you want it now?"

Kongji recited the Buddha's name, "The Buddha saves all living beings, but this Buddha Heart Lotus grows from countless bones. If I get it, my faith will be overturned. This lotus flower... doesn't matter."

Qin Shu looked at Kong Ming and Kong Shen beside him, and they both had the same attitude as him.

Qin Shu thought for a while and then said: "Master Kongji, in my opinion, the corpse is not wrong, and the lotus flower growing on it is not necessarily a monster. This flower is so white and flawless, if it functions according to what you said It also makes people calm down and keep their original intention...Why can't it be a small flower condensed by the kindness of countless corpses waiting day after day? They don't harm people's hearts and yearn for freedom..."

As Qin Shu spoke, Kong Jie and Kong Ming showed a thoughtful expression.

Only Kong Shen looked at Qin Shu with an inexplicable expression. After she finished speaking, he quietly added, "No wonder Master Puxian said you are a good candidate to become a Buddhist."

The corners of Qin Shu's lips twitched. She felt that she was also a good material for cultivating Taoism.

No, she is actually a good candidate for cultivating immortality. No matter what she cultivates, she will reach the same destination through different paths in the end.

After a moment, she added, "In my opinion, you two masters, you should dig up this flower, let it leave this cold and dark place, and save it."

After Qin Shu finished speaking, she kept looking at her Wen Chi and silently added, "Then the question is, how to go down?"

Qin Shu: "..."

Excuse me, I haven't thought about it yet.

Everyone was in a dilemma. In addition to the lotus, there was something else below.

It seemed to be an attraction from the bloodline, and Qin Shu couldn't describe the feeling.

If it was really related to the bloodline, I'm afraid not only she could feel it, but also Senior Brother Wen Chi.

The two senior brothers and sisters looked at each other, and Qin Shu immediately took out the communication jade slip to find external help.

"Old Guo, do you know the Ice Silence Buddha Heart Lotus?" Qin Shu asked.

"He doesn't know." A familiar voice came over.

A vague voice could be heard in the background, "Old Xie, otherwise I'll give you my jade slip."

Qin Shu pursed her lips, and a barely detectable smile flew up the corners of her lips and eyebrows.

"Do you really not know the Ice Silence Buddha Heart Lotus? There is a layer of white fog below, and the temperature is extremely low. We can't go down with our current cultivation." Qin Shu said.

Xie Shiyuan's voice came again, "You actually ran there."

Qin Shu listened to his words, why did she feel that he seemed to know something?

Then, Guo Chong's voice came out from the jade slip, "The Ice Buddha Heart Lotus has a total of 99,990 companion flowers, and each flower blooms and withers. The white mist is a kind of defense for them."

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