I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 609 There is always a way out

"If you want to resist this kind of white mist with your physical body, you need at least a Mahayana or higher level of cultivation, otherwise don't even think about it."

Qin Shu fell silent after hearing this.

They all knew there was something good underneath, but they couldn't even break through this layer of white mist, so why should they continue talking?

"A cultivation level above Mahayana..." A faint sigh came from beside her.

Qin Shu looked up and saw a circle of people surrounding her.

She was stunned for a moment, and saw that all of them had bitter expressions on their faces, and their hearts were strangely balanced.

"The ones with the highest level of cultivation among us are only at the Nascent Soul stage, and we can't go down to it at all." Kong Ji said.

Kong Ming continued: "Monks in the Mahayana stage don't even look down on treasures at the level of the Bingji Buddha Heart Lotus."

However, Qin Shu thought of Xie Shiyuan at this moment, and his scales shining with cold light in the clouds.

He should be able to withstand this temperature of Bai Wu, right? Maybe according to the strength of his body, even the extremely cold ice soul can be held in his hands and played with.

Thinking of this, Qin Shu suddenly felt a little regretful.

The big snake is not here either, otherwise why would they have to worry?

At this moment, her messenger slip lit up again, Qin Shu cast a spell on it, and Guo Chong's voice came over again.

"But." He couldn't help but everyone cheered up.

I heard his voice speaking from the end of the jade slip, "The Silent Buddha Heart Lotus will enter a half-life period every seventy-two hours, lasting for a quarter of an hour. During this period, half of the accompanying flowers around it will decay. At this time, its defense will be reduced to a minimum, and after a quarter of an hour, the energy of the mother body will be adjusted, and the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine flowers will be reopened. We must retreat quickly, or we will die.”

His words undoubtedly made everyone's eyes light up. For a quarter of an hour, it was at least somewhat possible.

Qin Shu swallowed, held the jade slip and asked the crucial sentence, "What kind of cultivation level is required to enter the half-life?"

"The physical strength has reached the first level of the muscle training stage, or like you human monks, you have reached the Nascent Soul stage."

Qin Shu breathed a sigh of relief. This was no longer a problem. She was currently at the fifth level of muscle training, so she could still go down and have a look.

Wen Chi and Cheng Yan also breathed a sigh of relief. They had cultivated enough.

Everyone else sighed silently, knowing that they were not qualified to go down.

Wen Chi looked at the two dejected monks, smiled, and said to them: "Don't worry, you two, wait until I go down and pick the flowers and come back..."

Qin Shu glanced at him in surprise, why is the second senior brother so helpful now? Doesn't it look like his character?

Immediately afterwards, the smile on Wen Chi's face became even bigger, "When the time comes, the price will be easily negotiable."

Qin Shu: "..."

Sure enough, this was the second senior brother in her mind. If it was not beneficial, he would not get up early, and if it was beneficial, he would not necessarily get up early.

"So... when will these flowers enter their half-life?" Cheng Yan asked.

Qin Shu shrugged, "I don't know, maybe we'll find out later."

Half of the flowers are missing, even a blind person can see it.

Wen Chi also took out the futon and sat down cross-legged, "It's only seventy-two hours, I can still afford to wait."

Others sat down one after another, some wanted to watch the excitement, and some did not dare to return the same way alone.

The originally quiet corridor was now extremely lively.

Some people discussed Buddhism with each other, some practiced swordsmanship, and some meditated and practiced martial arts.

Qin Shu found a corner, sat down and circulated the rioting spiritual energy before, tempering them to become more solid.

About four days passed like this, and the ice aura in the air suddenly changed dramatically.

Qin Shu shivered, felt the change in temperature, and opened her eyes.

The fog in front of me was about a foot higher than before, and the visibility was also lower.

But through the mist, one can still vaguely see those white flowers dying one after another.

The petals fall one by one and float with the mist, which looks very spectacular and poignant.

Qin Shu stood up immediately, "Has this entered half-life?"

Cheng Yan nodded firmly, "It seems so."

Wen Chi tightened his cloak and nodded slightly, "Yes, hurry up, we only have a quarter of an hour."

He glanced at Cheng Yan and said, "Elder brother takes the lead?"

Cheng Yan didn't hesitate at all, "Yeah."

Qin Shu immediately said: "Then I will come in behind!"

Cheng Yan and Wen Chi glared at her at the same time, "You are in the golden elixir stage, why are you joining in the fun?"

Runyu Runlin and Kong Shen were shocked. When they went to the small world together, Taoist Qin Shu was only in the foundation building stage. How come it has only been so long? Just the golden elixir? !

Qin Shu showed them her biceps and said, "My cultivation is not enough. I have to train my body to make it up. I am barely qualified."

Wen Chi still wanted to teach him a lesson, but Cheng Yan suddenly thought of the rumor about the sect when Qin Shu broke through the golden elixir a while ago.

Ninety-nine and eighty-one thunderstorms, purple lightning and black clouds, she relied on her physical strength to resist them.

If this is the case...it does have the physical strength of the muscle training period.

He pulled Wen Chi's sleeve, and after Wen Chi looked over, he said in a deep voice: "Let her go."

Wen Chi frowned and heard Cheng Yan say again: "She has broken through the muscle-strengthening stage."

Just when the three of them were about to go down, Akabane said again: "Then I will go down behind Senior Brother Wenchi."

The three of them turned back to look at her, and Chiyu shrugged, "I am a demon clan. When I broke through the golden elixir, my physical strength had already passed the muscle-building stage."

The last people to go down changed from three to four. The other cultivators sat on the edge of the cliff, feeling extremely melancholy.

In the end, only the people from Xuantian Sect went down. Who told them not to work hard when they were practicing? Their cultivation was not enough, and they didn't even train their physical strength.

Qin Shu and the others didn't dare to waste any more time, so they jumped into the white mist one after another. It felt like dumplings.

Cheng Yan jumped down first. The moment he touched the white mist, he felt as if his whole body was thrown into a cold pool in the coldest days of winter.

But with the circulation of spiritual energy, the coldness on his body faded a little, and it was still within the tolerable range.

The moment Wen Chi jumped down, his magic weapon lit up, and his face looked much calmer than Cheng Yan.

Then Chiyu and Qin Shu jumped down one after another.

The four of them stepped on the icy bones. After being nourished by the Ice Buddha Heart Lotus for tens of thousands of years, these bones had long been turned into jade.

Qin Shu took a breath and rubbed her nose, "It's really cold."

Chi Yu also shivered, "It's really cold."

She had never felt such coldness in her life, but it was indeed within the tolerable range.

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