I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 619 Don’t worry, I’m here

If someone were watching from the air, they would find that the originally silent secret realm was in chaos.

A group of little white pigs were running wildly in front, and five monks were chasing them closely behind.

Seeing that the group of little white pigs were about to run out of the border of the jade forest, even Qin Shu was worried for them. Who knew if the group of little white pigs would fall down like dumplings on the thin ice?

But just when the little white pigs were about to step on the ice, they turned into a group of ice butterflies, flying into the air one after another, dancing in the sunset. The sunlight shone through their transparent wings, casting a series of bizarre light and shadows, like a dream, beautiful and beautiful.

Qin Shu was stunned, "The pigs have changed?"

Chiyu, who was standing by, landed on the treetops, glanced at Qin Shu, and said, "I'm worried that they will fall down."

When everyone heard her words, they immediately understood.

It turned out that Chiyu temporarily turned the tide.

"Junior sister Chiyu is still quick to react." Wen Chi praised Chiyu and glanced at Qin Shu.

Qin Shu didn't think much of it. Praising her senior sister was praising her. When they were out, she and her senior sister were one!

She also praised: "Senior sister is worthy of being a senior sister! It's really amazing!"

Only Cheng Yan looked at the flying ice butterflies from a distance and asked faintly, "How to chase them next? The ice there hasn't broken yet, and it's not easy to sail the boat, right?"

Qin Shu turned her head and looked at him. Suddenly she thought of something and said, touching her chin, "Those ice butterflies can fly. Have they passed the no-fly zone?"

Wen Chi nodded in agreement, "It's very likely."

Qin Shu's toes touched the branch and flew into the air. The sword was taken out in an instant. She turned over and landed on it.

"Wait a minute, I'll go over and take a look."

The speed of the group of butterflies flying was not fast. If they were not banned, they would catch up quickly.

Qin Shu stepped on the sword and fled along the wind direction. Her movements were very smooth.

However, no one cared about her show at this time, they just wanted to see if she would fall.

Qin Shu herself was also tense, if she fell, she would be ready at the first time.

However, Qin Shu, standing on the sword, rushed towards the direction of the ice butterfly like an arrow from a string, and when she flew out of the jade forest, no one dared to blink.

"Huh! It's done!" Qin Shu was excited.

Looking back, she saw several senior brothers and sisters looking at her with satisfaction.

Qin Shu stood on the sword and waved at them, "Come on!"

Chiyu and Chengyan flew on the sword, Wen Chi stepped on his fan, but Bai Shuang...

A white flower appeared under her feet, and Qin Shu looked at the petals and seemed familiar.

It seemed to be the one she held in her mouth when she was lying in the ice coffin.

No wonder the flower disappeared after she woke up.

I thought it flew with those companion flowers, but it turned out that the flower was her magic weapon.

The five people followed behind Bingdie and flew forward. The further they went, the thinner the ice surface became.

"Where are these snow monsters going?" Qin Shu asked.

Bingdie's flying speed was too slow, and Qin Shu's flying sword was always a bit of a waste.

Therefore, she simply took out the children's music that Wen Chi gave her earlier.

Green leaves can fly with just a few spirit stones, which is enough.

Wen Chi glanced at her, "Didn't Senior Bai Shuang say before? There are marks on their bodies, maybe they are going back to their nest?"

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows slightly, "The rabbit we caught that day was killed, these ice butterflies will really be fine?"

Bai Shuang spoke at this time, "The snow rabbit was stained with our anger."

Qin Shu understood, "So that's it, we have never touched these ice butterflies."

Just when the sun completely set, the ice butterflies suddenly spun, and thousands of ice butterflies flapped their wings, forming a small tornado.

At this time, these tornadoes were blowing towards them.

Qin Shu immediately shouted, "Everyone be careful! Get out of the way!"

At this moment, the ice butterflies completely turned into snow mist, breaking through the ice layer and sinking to the bottom of the water.

Qin Shu and the others looked at the snow mist disappearing on the ice surface, and their faces became a little ugly.

"What should we do? We can't stay underwater for long. The environment here is complicated and the terrain is special. If we can't find the right direction after entering the water..."

Wen Chi just said a sentence and was interrupted by Qin Shu, "Don't worry, I'm here."

The other four turned their heads and looked at Qin Shu.

Qin Shu turned her wrist and a bottle of pills appeared in her hand.

"Water-repellent pill."

Wen Chi looked at the pill in her hand in surprise and asked, "Why do you still have this?"

Qin Shu laughed, "I prepared it when I went to the Endless Sea."

The others also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, "Fortunately, it will be much easier to chase them this time."

Qin Shu gave each of them three pills, one to eat, and the other two to keep as spares.

Cheng Yan and the other three accepted it, but when Qin Shu gave it to Bai Shuang, Bai Shuang shook her head and refused her.

"I don't need it."

Qin Shu looked at her curiously, "No need?"

"Well, my body is not afraid of water." Bai Shuang said.

When she said that, Qin Shu also became curious, body? Not afraid of water?

What is her body? Could it be a snake? White snake?

"Are you also a monster?" Chiyu asked.

She once tried to use the Eye of Truth to look at Bai Shuang's background, but found that she could not see anything.

Bai Shuang shook his head, "No, it's a spirit."

Monsters are different from spirits. Monsters are flesh and blood, while spirits are transformed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

As for what kind of monster she is, Qin Shu is curious, but it is obviously not the time to ask.

If they delay any longer, the snow monsters will disappear.

They took the water-repellent pill and went into the water one after another.

Although the water under the ice layer has melted, the temperature is still very low. They rely on the fire spirit in their bodies to resist the cold.

As for Bai Shuang, Qin Shu and others are not worried about her.

She has been in the ice layer for so long, and she has swallowed the extremely cold ice soul. Will she still be afraid of this little bit of severe cold?

Feeling the fluctuations of the snow monsters in the water, the group chased quickly.

Finally, a vortex appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The snow monsters merged into it one by one, gradually disappearing in front of their eyes, and even their breath disappeared.

Just when Qin Shu and the others were hesitating whether to go in, the clown bird Sang Ze got out of the monster bag and flapped its wings towards the vortex.

Qin Shu grabbed its legs and pulled it back, and turned back to Wen Chi and the others and said, "I'll try to go in first. The place Sang Ze is going to shouldn't be that dangerous. Wait for my news."

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