I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 620 Suppression Talisman

Seeing a golden light flashing on Qin Shu's head, she immediately dove in.

"Is Tietou Gong useful in this way?" Wen Chi said helplessly.

Cheng Yan also followed up and said: "She must have forgotten the basket that the little bird poked out when she first came to the secret realm."

Akabane: "..."

The junior sister is relatively good, but she always knew that the junior sister seemed to have some foresight of danger.

She glanced at the two senior brothers and said: "There shouldn't be any danger. I just checked and found that the consciousness can enter."

When she said this, Cheng Yan and Wen Chi quickly used their spiritual senses to investigate, and saw Qin Shu being sucked into the whirlpool while using the Iron Head Kung Fu, and then fell headlong onto a soft white snow.

Qin Shu was a little dizzy from the centrifugal force. She shook her head, regained consciousness, and then raised her head and looked around.

This is a world of ice and snow, but it looks more like a huge transparent honeycomb, with white snow mist lingering in every hexagonal hole.

Everything looks original, except for the talisman affixed to the transparent honeycomb.

The talisman was attached to the top of the hive. Compared with the huge honeycomb, the talisman was a bit too insignificant, not even the size of a hexagonal hole.

But the spiritual energy fluctuations coming from it were hard for people to ignore. Qin Shu could see it at a glance.

She got up and found a bunker to hide herself, and then roughly measured the dimensions of the hive again.

"Could it be that...these snow monsters actually have masters?"

Oh, it's very possible, after all, this secret realm itself was built by the predecessors themselves.

Qin Shu sent the data she measured to Senior Brother Wen Chi and told them that there seemed to be no danger at the moment, but she didn't see any treasures and didn't know if they were hidden in the hive.

Wen Chi only replied to her with three words, "Let's talk when we meet."

After a while, her senior brothers and sisters fell out of the whirlpool.

The movement wasn't huge, but it definitely couldn't be ignored.

But the snow monsters in the hive seemed to have lost their five senses, and no one paid attention to them at all.

Qin Shu walked over, helped them up one by one, and threw a heart-clearing spell on them.

Bai Shuang was the last one to come out of the whirlpool. She had nothing to do with the other people's embarrassment.

It was as if a stream of water followed the whirlpool to the end, and then landed lightly on the ground, without a trace of twists and turns, and without a trace of movement.

What's more, even where she landed, there wasn't a single footprint visible.

Qin Shu was greatly shocked, but this also highlighted from the side that even though her new attendant only had 10% cultivation left, he was still so powerful.

Bai Shuang didn't pay attention to Qin Shu's gaze, but looked up at the talisman with a thoughtful expression.

Among the three, Akabane recovered the fastest. Could it be said to be the so-called bird head stability principle?

When Qin Shu was thinking wildly, Wen Chi supported Cheng Yan and patted his face twice.

"Senior brother, are you okay?" Wen Chi asked.

Qin Shu also looked over quickly and found that the senior brother's face was pale and seemed to be in bad condition.

Wen Chi immediately took out a pill for him to take, and then said, "It should be related to the fact that he was sucked by the snow demon."

As the power of the elixir spread, Cheng Yan's face looked much better.

Bai Shuang stood beside them, looked at them condescendingly, and said: "The closer he is to that magic talisman, the greater the impact he will receive. Let him stay here, don't go there."

Qin Shu and others turned their heads to look at the talisman above the beehive in the distance again, and asked her, "What talisman is that?"

"Suppression Talisman." Bai Shuang said.

"Snow demons are not originally gregarious creatures. Someone should have suppressed them here. No matter where they go, they must come back before dark."

Qin Shu suddenly realized, and said: "Who is the owner of the secret realm here? Do you know?"

Bai Shuang glanced at her, but Qin Shu didn't flinch, "What? Can't you say it?"

Bai Shuang shook his head, "You don't know me."

Qin Shu: "?"

It's really strange. Bai Shuang said that he was her master. She even boldly guessed whether the master of this secret realm was herself, or whether it was her enemy in the previous life.

As a result, she said she didn't know him?

"Could it be that you have a secret feud?"

Bai Shuang still shook his head, "To be honest, I actually don't remember it clearly. I can vaguely sense it. The earlier some things are known, the less good they are."

Qin Shu immediately made a silence gesture, "Okay, don't say too much about what can't be said. Let's talk about this hive first."

"That person must have suppressed the snow demon here to hide something." Wen Chi said.

Akabane nodded, "The effectiveness of the spiritual talisman should be much weaker."

Qin Shu also said: "How about we find a way to uncover the talisman?"

"That hive is at least half the size of Lingxiao Peak, and there are definitely not a few snow monsters in it. Senior Brother was sucked by one of the snow monsters and has become like this. What can we think of?" Wen Chi said objectively. said.

Qin Shu also frowned, and they seemed to be in trouble at this time.

Is it true that we have come to this point and have to go back the same way?

Who... would be willing?

At this moment, a milky voice came from Qin Shu's sea of ​​consciousness, "Let me go."

If it’s not a small voice, then it can only be...

Qin Shu took Sang Ze out of the monster bag and said, "You want to go?"

"I'm going to uncover the talisman, but this lair must belong to me." Although his voice was childish, his negotiating momentum was as strong as anyone's.

This was the first time Qin Shu met Sang Ze like this. She was a little surprised, "What do you want with this lair?"

Sang Ze replied to her with three words simply and rudely, "I'm not full."

Qin Shu: "..."

"Can you really do that? Won't these snow monsters hurt you?"

Sang Ze: "Oh, woman, you know nothing about my power."

Qin Shu: "..."

It’s really amazing, Xiaoxiao didn’t know what weird bedtime story she told him again!

Qin Shu said seriously: "Now is not the time to show off. You have to know how many snow monsters there are here. If they attack in groups, you will be sucked into a bird without even breathing."

"No, they can't get close to me. This is my talent."

Qin Shu was shocked, "Okay, please."

She never knew what the Chongming Bird's talent was. At first, she thought it only had great strength!

Seeing how Sang Ze is now, he should have received a lot of inheritance. If he didn't have complete assurance, he would not die.

She did not immediately let go of Sang Ze's hand, but raised her head to confirm with the other senior brothers and sisters, "Sang Ze said he would go, but the nest would be given to him. Do you... have any objections?"

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