I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 621 Let us open our eyes

Wen Chiyi shrugged, "I have no objection."

Chiyu: "Our clan doesn't like ice nests."

Cheng Yan also nodded and said, "No objection."

Such a big piece of ice, whoever wants it can take it, he can't even take a few swords if he takes it home for sword practice.

Qin Shu breathed a sigh of relief and released the hand that was holding Sang Ze.

"We have reached a consensus, go, let me open my eyes." Qin Shu said.

The clown bird jumped from her palm and landed on the soft snow.

A small ball was directly submerged under the thick white snow.

It stood up and shook its body, shaking off the snow on its body, and its bare wings with few hairs fluttered twice, but it didn't move forward two steps.

Just when Qin Shu was still worried about how it would get through and whether to help it, she saw Sang Ze stopped in place, standing on one foot, closing his eyes, and golden light emerged from his body, three long and one short, quite rhythmic.

Qin Shu was a little surprised. Is this the inheritance of the Chongming bird? Although she couldn't understand it, it looked very powerful.

This strange light lasted for about three breaths, and the clown bird in front of her suddenly changed.

The light on its body suddenly changed, and when the light faded, Qin Shu saw that the bird, which was originally the size of a palm, had now become almost the size of a peacock.

The feathers on its body that were originally plucked bare by it also grew back at this time, and the white feathers perfectly blended with the surrounding environment.

Qin Shu couldn't help but marvel at it, and quietly asked Xiao Xiao in her sea of ​​consciousness, "Is it originally this color, or is it a protective color that changes according to the surrounding environment?"

"I don't know, Xiao Xiao has seen it for the first time."

As he spoke, Sang Ze flapped his wings and flew into the sky.

Watching him fly has a very strange feeling, even the waving of his wings seems to be deliberately turned on the slow motion special effect, but you can still see him approaching the ice nest at a terrifying speed.

Every time he blinks, it freezes in different places like a card frequency, waving its wings slowly.

"Hiss——" Qin Shu whispered to Xiao Xiao in her sea of ​​consciousness, "Does our Sang Ze have this ability?"

Xiao Xiao was lying on the monster bag, and was also stunned.

"This is the first time for Xiao Xiao."

Bai Shuang looked at the flying Chongming bird, and also showed a thoughtful look.

In just a few breaths, Sang Ze approached the huge ice nest. Compared with this ice nest, his body size was just like a bee returning to the nest.

As it approached, the snow monsters in the ice nest floated out and swept towards Sang Ze.

His snow-white body was wrapped and entangled by the snow monster, and he couldn't even see his original appearance, but he was still able to fly.

Qin Shu was a little worried about his safety, and frowned, "Do you really not need help?"

Wen Chi glanced at her, "You didn't make a pact? Can't you sense whether he is in danger?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "No feeling."

Wen Chi told her firmly, "Then there is no danger."

Qin Shu stared at the white ball flying in the distance and nodded slightly, "I am just worried and confused."

Sang Ze really didn't seem to need their help. No matter how the group of white snow monsters tried to stop him, his flying speed did not slow down at all.

Just when he was less than ten feet away from the talisman, a ball of golden light suddenly emerged from his body, and those snowy snow monsters like snow mist flew in all directions.

He jumped up, and his beak pecked the talisman on the top of the ice nest at this moment.

The people below held their breath at this moment, watching him holding the talisman, raising his neck, and spreading his wings, looking very proud.

At the same time, Sang Ze's voice came from Qin Shu's sea of ​​consciousness, "How is it? I told you I can do it!"

Qin Shu quickly praised: "Not bad, not bad, very powerful."

If you knew he was so powerful, who would save him when he fell into the white shadow nest!

Sang Ze stood on the top of the ice nest, waving his wings excitedly. Qin Shu urged: "Don't show off, you should come back now that you have got the things."

Sang Ze didn't speak this time, but shook his head. His claws suddenly became sharp, and he stomped his claws down, and the ice nest that was originally hanging in the air fell to the ground at this moment.

Four cracks slowly spread out with his claws as the origin.


The cracks became larger and larger, and countless snow monsters poured out of the nest, spinning and flying around the broken ice nest, anxious like a group of headless flies.

Sang Ze raised his neck and swallowed the talisman directly.

Qin Shu almost popped her eyes out of her head when she saw this. Before she could send a message to Sang Ze, she heard Sang Ze let out a clear cry.

This cry almost shook Chiyu's blood power, and then he stomped on the ice nest with one claw.

The crystal clear ice nest seemed to be unable to withstand the pressure from the top.


An explosion sounded, and the airflow lifted up the snowflakes in the sky and swept towards Qin Shu and others, and a protective shield blocked them.

When the snowflakes dispersed, the scene in the distance reappeared in front of Qin Shu and others.

The originally majestic white bird disappeared, leaving only a palm-sized bird.

This bird was not idle either, and was tilting its head and plucking its feathers with its beak.

Qin Shu was shocked when she saw it, "Others are anxious to find a panacea all over the world for hair removal, why do you still dislike your plump feathers?"

Sang Ze paused, raised his head and looked in the direction of Qin Shu, and then slowly said: "You don't understand..."

Qin Shu: "..."

She didn't understand. Not only did she not understand what the "bad habit" of the Chongming Bird was, she also didn't understand where the huge ice nest had gone.

Could it be that Sang Ze swallowed it? This guy? His appetite is too outrageous, right?

A Chongming Bird has such a big appetite, just imagine the Taotie...

Tsk tsk, I dare not imagine it.

"Look!" Cheng Yan shouted.

Qin Shu came back to her senses and looked in the direction of Cheng Yan's finger.

A passage appeared where the ice nest was originally hung.

It turned out that both the ice nest and the talisman were to hide this passage.

As for where this passage leads to...

"The fire of the earth's core." Qin Shu was a little excited.

Wen Chi also chuckled, "This time it should be. It's so hidden. It's unreasonable not to have something good."

Cheng Yan even stepped forward directly, "Let's go!"

Chi Yu followed closely.

The group went in without hesitation, and a heat came, a long-lost comfort.

"Fire spirit!" Qin Shu said happily.

"Let's go! This time it's most likely the fire from the Earth's core!"

The palm-sized bird flapped its wings with few feathers left and landed in Qin Shu's palm. Who could associate that well-behaved appearance with the domineering one just now?

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