I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 633 Chongtian Palace has moved

Su You looked at Guo Chong's departing back, his face becoming more and more confused.

"Fei Yi... will it bloom again? This Guo Chong, has he become stupid because of his cultivation? Or are others stupid, but he is the stupidest..."

Seeing Guo Chong walking further and further away, he quickly chased him and shouted, "Old Guo, where are you going?"

Guo Chong did not stop, "Of course I'm going to Nanxiang City."

"Why are you going too?" Su You asked.

Guo Chong turned his head and glanced at him, and asked, "The iron tree blooms, don't you want to see it?"

Su You was somewhat moved by what he said, he really had never seen the iron tree bloom, "Go! But you can't go like this."

This time it was Guo Chong's turn to be confused, "How to go?"

Su You rolled his eyes at him, "Do you still think it was in the past? With our current cultivation and speed, by the time we get there... no matter what kind of flowers, they will all wither."

Guo Chong was stunned, he really didn't expect this.

Before going out, he always went out with Old Xie, his talent was the power of space, and he didn't need to travel by himself at all.

"Then we are now..." Guo Chong and Su You looked at each other.

Then, the two of them appeared outside the teleportation array.

"It's my first time riding the teleportation array." Su You looked a little melancholy.

Guo Chong raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, saying, "You'll get used to it. I didn't get used to it the first time I rode it."

Su You sighed, "Old Xie is still comfortable. His spatial talent is really good."

Guo Chong glanced at him and uttered two words, "Ignorance."

No matter what talent, it will gradually become stronger with the improvement of cultivation. After Old Xie dispersed his power, his spatial talent could not jump far, and he still rode the teleportation array like them.

Before Su You could argue with him, Guo Chong had already left him and walked onto the teleportation array.

Su You hurriedly followed him up. Guo Chong only paid his share of the teleportation fee, and Su You was stopped as soon as he walked up.

"So stingy!" Su You helplessly handed over a medium-grade spirit stone and refused the change.

The manager of the teleportation array looked at the two medium-grade spirit stones in his hand and smiled.

I made a fortune today!

They sat on the teleportation array for most of the day and finally arrived in Nanxiang City. They also received Xie Shiyuan's voice transmission at the same time.

"Move Chongtian Palace to Nanxiang City?" Guo Chong looked incredible, "Old Xie, can you be more outrageous?"

Why didn't he just move to Chijin City and be neighbors with Xuantianmen?

Xie Shiyuan said again: "The cracks here are getting bigger and bigger. I want to guard this place myself."

Guo Chong: "..."

He is narrow-minded.

Su You also said puzzledly: "You are a little too concerned about these human beings."

Xie Shiyuan did not explain too much, just asked them to organize Chongtian Palace disciples to come to Nanxiang City.

Guo Chong was silent again.

Su You coughed lightly and said, "We are already in Nanxiang City."

Xie Shiyuan frowned slightly, "Why are you here?"

Su You: "Old Guo said he would take me to see the iron tree blossoming."

Guo Chong: "..."

Xie Shiyuan frowned even more and ordered directly: "Let Old Guo organize his disciples himself."

Su You glanced at the sound transmission note that was gradually disappearing in front of him, raised his hand and patted Guo Chong on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work, I will go to see the iron tree blossoming by myself."

Guo Chong sneered, "Just you?"

You are so stupid that you don't even know what the iron tree blossoming is, and you still want to see it? It's really naive.

Guo Chong has now guessed what Xie Shiyuan is going to do. He said he wanted to move, and he fully supported it. He turned around and got on the teleportation array for the return trip.


As Chongtian Palace settled in Nanxiang City, this news also spread wildly in the communication square.

Everyone is guessing, what exactly does the sudden appearance of Chongtian Palace in Nanxiang City imply?

Qin Shu also got the news from Wen Chi. The two brothers and sisters thought about it for a long time, and were finally awakened by Chi Yu's words.

"The Demon Lord likes to stay in a place where the demonic energy is diffused. Is there anything incomprehensible?"

Wen Chi: "..."

Qin Shu: "..."

It seems to be the case, but it is still a bit abnormal for the big snake.

Others don't know, but she knows that the big snake doesn't like the demonic energy, otherwise it wouldn't let her refine so many Qingyuan pills.

"Let's leave here quickly. The demonic energy is gradually spreading, which has some impact on the spiritual energy." Wen Chi suggested.

Cheng Yan nodded in agreement, "Rest well today and leave early tomorrow morning."

Qin Shu and Chi Yu also agreed. After leaving Cheng Yan's room, Qin Shu ran to send a message to Bai Shuang.

The four people who agreed to rest well secretly practiced in their own rooms for a night.

The first light came from the window, Wen Chi opened his eyes, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

You guys don't even think about practicing secretly and leaving me behind...

Qin Shu looked at the lighted communication jade slip beside her and saw the message from Xie Shiyuan.

He had never taken the initiative to look for her, so the sudden message this time surprised Qin Shu.

She opened it and saw this line of words.

[Qingyuan Pills cost fifty low-grade spirit stones, Awakening Hoops cost five hundred medium-grade spirit stones, and Dream Demon Crystal Cores cost three hundred low-grade spirit stones. ]

Qin Shu: "?"

She knew what Qingyuan Pills were, and many Qingyuan Pills in Chongtian Palace came from her hands.

But what was that Awakening Hoop?

Although she didn't know, she could find some clues in the communication square.

Soon, she found the answer.

At this time, the communication square was full of information about Chongtian Palace, including Qingyuan Dan, Xingshen Hoop and Dream Demon Crystal Core.

[The Xingshen Hoop is amazing! Really! These 500 crystal stones are worth spending! It can actually keep you clear-headed in the demonic energy. ]

[Then can we go to Qiyuan Mountain to kill people? ]

[The Taoist friend in front, you should be more sober. The demons in Qiyuan Mountain are not the beasts in your back mountain. It's not certain who will kill who. ]

[The guy who boosts others' ambitions and destroys his own prestige! I'm going to kill people! ]


[Are you a disciple of Chongtian Palace? How much spiritual stones does the Xingshen Hoop burn? You didn't mention it at all! ]

[Yes, I wore the Xingshen Hoop for an hour and burned half a first-level Dream Demon Crystal Core. ]

[Are the two Taoist friends above still in need of followers? 】

[Buying Dream Demon Crystal Cores at a high price! Priority will be given to those with large quantities! 】

There were all kinds of things said in the communication square, and Qin Shu understood it after a rough look.

It turns out that the big snake is playing such a big game...

Wen Chi had already made arrangements, and said to Qin Shu and the others: "It seems that we can't leave this morning. I asked someone to buy a few awakening hoops for us. There are not many Dream Demon Crystal Cores to buy, so we are buying them at a high price."

Qin Shu turned her head to look at Wen Chi, her eyes were a little strange.

Wen Chi asked back in a strange way: "What's wrong?"

Qin Shu coughed lightly, pursed her lips, but the corners of her lips couldn't help but rise, "I have it."

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