I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 634 Not only that, but there are many more

Wen Chi looked at her in surprise, "Do you have a Dream Demon Crystal Core?"

Qin Shu nodded reservedly, the smile on her face becoming more and more obvious.

Wen Chi chuckled softly, and obviously did not take her words seriously, so he said: "How many can you have? Keep those crystal nuclei for yourself! I will make arrangements when I go back and hire some monks. Go hunt down the Dream Demon, and I’ll give you a share when the time comes.”

Qin Shu blinked her eyes and said seriously: "Brother, not only do I have some, I also have quite a lot."

"How many?" Wen Chi asked casually.

Qin Shu raised her hand to make an eight sign, and Wen Chi raised an eyebrow, "Eighty?"

Qin Shu shook her head, and Wen Chi smiled and said, "There shouldn't be only eight, right?"

Qin Shu shook her head and corrected: "Eight hundred."

There are not only a large number of first-order dream demon crystal cores, but also many second-order and even third-order dream demon crystal cores.

Wen Chi was really shocked this time, not only him, but also Cheng Yan and Akabane looked surprised.

"Where did you get so many dream demon crystal cores?"

Qin Shu shrugged and gave a wry smile, "It's a long story. At that time, I took over thirty groups of sect tasks. I was busy and forgot to hand in..."

The scene was a little quiet for a while. After a while, Wen Chi was the first to laugh out loud, "If I remember correctly, the compensation for not completing the task will be doubled."

Qin Shu had a bitter look on her face. She was so happy just now, but now she felt so uncomfortable.

It seems that after returning this time, I will be in seclusion for a while to make alchemy and pay off my debts.

There was nothing she could do about the Awakening Soul Hoop, but she could still make a lot of Qingyuan Pills.

Cheng Yan had other doubts. He looked at Qin Shu and asked, "Thirty groups only have 300 crystal nuclei. Why do you have so many?"

Qin Shu folded her arms, raised her chin slightly, turned her head slightly to the side, and explained proudly yet shyly: "King Juan will naturally exceed the quota when he takes action."

Cheng Yan: "..."

Akabane: "..."

Wen Chi couldn't help but twitched his lips, but he still helped: "Thanks to you, I collected a lot more, which comes in handy at this time. Demonic energy suddenly appeared in Nanxiang City, and other cities couldn't tell what it was. When the time comes, everyone must be prepared.”

Qin Shu took out the Dream Demon Crystal Core and divided one hundred among them first.

Bai Shuang said she didn't need this, so Qin Shu took her share back.

If she didn't have to leave some for her mother, Qian Ning, and two masters, she would just share it with everyone.

But even so, Wen Chi and the others felt that Qin Shu had given too much.

"There are so many that I won't use, so just give a few of them for transition. I'll be fine after I receive them in a few days."

Qin Shu shook her head, "I don't need this, so you can keep it."

The three senior brothers and sisters all understood when they thought of Qin Shu's special aura, but there was inevitably a slight hint of envy in their eyes.

After returning to the house, Qin Shu replied to Xie Shiyuan, "What? Do you want to do business?"

Xie Shiyuan's voice came over, "I know you won't use these things. If you have extra, I'll charge them at this price."

Qin Shu thought of the Dream Demon Crystal Core in her pocket and suddenly felt that she was carrying a huge sum of money, but...

"No, the people around me also want to use it. I won't sell it."

"I guess you want the Dream Demon Crystal Core? I have a lot of them here." Xie Shiyuan's slow voice sounded, but Qin Shu felt that he was showing off.

However, in the next sentence, I heard Xie Shiyuan say: "You can exchange it for Qingyuan Dan. You can make it yourself, or other monks in your sect can make it."

An idea came to Qin Shu's mind subconsciously. If all the Qingyuan Pills fell into the hands of the same person, wouldn't it become a monopoly? Isn't that appropriate?

She hesitated.

Xie Shiyuan sneered, "If you miss me so much, I might as well not do this business with you."

Qin Shu was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that as long as he wanted to, she had no privacy in front of him.

It's just that he hasn't had a peek into his thoughts for a long time.

Qin Shu frowned, "You have to give me an explanation, otherwise, I can't do this business with you."

The jade slip was silent for a long time. Qin Shu knew that the snake was angry, and she was extremely conflicted at this time.

She wanted to believe in Orochi, but they already had enough Qingyuan Pills that they had hoarded in Chongtian Palace, so why did they need so many Qingyuan Pills?

After a long time, the voice of the big snake came again.

"You'll know early tomorrow morning."

Qin Shu agreed. If that's the case, let's wait until tomorrow morning.

On the way back to Xuantianmen, Qin Shu once again saw a message from the communication square.

[The Lord of Chongtian Palace has ordered that ordinary monks in Nanxiang City who are infected with demonic aura can go to the Chongtian Palace office to receive a Qingyuan Pill for free. 】

Qin Shu: "..."

How could the Demon Lord be more upright than a righteous monk like her?

Qin Shu was not the only one who thought this way, the entire communication square was extremely lively.

[Is Chongtian Palace going to be cleared? 】

[What is whitewashing? They haven't done anything bad in the first place? 】

[Does anyone still remember the massacre of Jibei City by the Lord Chongtian Palace? 】

[I’m not saying that this matter is inherently suspicious. Just because someone saw Xie Shiyuan back then, it doesn’t mean that he killed someone. Maybe they were just passing by? 】

[What a passerby, it’s really washable. 】

Qin Shu looked a little angry and wanted to argue with them.

Just then, she saw another anonymous reply.

[Quietly ask, you are so confident that Chongtian Palace will send you the Qingyuan Pill, will you go and get it? 】

【meeting! 】

[I announce that Chongtian Palace will be promoted to the fifth most decent sect today! 】

[Fellow Taoist above, you know how to be sarcastic. 】

As time went by, the jade slips became more and more lively.

There were all kinds of things to say, some were praised and some were scolded. Although she knew that Da She wouldn't care about this, Qin Shu still felt a little unworthy of him.

She was thinking all the way. Even Wen Chi noticed her abnormality and joked with a smile: "Why didn't King Juan pay close attention to his cultivation and instead played with jade slips?"

Qin Shu raised her eyes and glanced at him, with a solemn look on her face and said: "I am thinking about important matters related to the life and death of mankind."

Wen Chi laughed, "How about it? Have you thought of anything?"

Qin Shu nodded slightly, "I want to contribute to the progress of mankind."

She solemnly replied to Xie Shiyuan, "I agree to this deal." 】

Xie Shiyuan didn't know what he was busy with, and when he didn't receive a reply for a long time, Qin Shu changed hands and looked at other messages.

This sight made her discover another shocking message. As soon as it was sent out, it attracted countless people to watch.

【Fellow Taoists! I went up to Qiyuan Mountain wearing the Awakening Hoop! Guess what? What's going on? ! 】

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