I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 635 Just borrowing a fire

What's going on?

Qin Shu was also curious, what happened? Could it be said that wearing the Awakening Hoop up Mount Qiyuan has unexpected effects?

She clicked in and watched, and found that there were many spectators like her, and everyone was asking questions.

【What's going on? That's what you said! 】

[Where are the people? Why haven't you said anything yet? 】

[Does it have other functions besides refreshing the mind? 】

[If you don’t say anything else, I will go to Qisha Pavilion to issue a death warrant! 】

Qin Shu scrolled down many more times before she saw the message from this fellow Taoist.

[I wore the Awakening Hoop to Mount Qiyuan, and it was indeed much better than the Qingyuan Pill. Six hours after I went up the mountain, all the dream crystal cores I carried were used up. I suddenly had a whim, thinking that the demon core on Qiyuan Mountain might also be useful, so I installed one... I didn't expect it to actually work! Fellow Taoists! I boldly guess that any core of the demon race can be installed on the Awakening Hoop, no matter what kind of dream demon or blade demon...]

This was indeed an astonishing discovery. When he sent this message, the entire communication square was in an uproar.

[When I was in Qiyuan Mountain, I immediately took off the dream demon crystal core and installed a blade demon core on it. It actually worked! 】

[I also tried it, and what he said is true. 】

【grass! Why didn't you tell me earlier? I just came out of Qiyuan Mountain! Sixteen Blade Demons were chopped down, and all the cores were given to Chongtian Palace in exchange for Qing Yuan Dan. 】

【I also……】

[At least you still have the Qing Yuan Pill. That’s good. I’ll just hit the two layers of ice and fire, and there won’t even be any scum left...]


Qin Shu looked at this reply and fell into deep thought.

Ice and fire? Could this be the legendary monk with dual spiritual roots of ice and fire?

Qin Shu silently sent a friend request with admiration and curiosity.

There was no immediate reply, and she became curious about Qiyuan Mountain again.

There are currently only four types of demons in Qiyuan Mountain that have been discovered: Blade Demons, Control Demons, Armor Demons, and Blood Demons. These four demons are not much different in height from the human race, and their brains have been eroded by demonic energy. Low-level demons.

Qin Shu originally escaped from the Beast Control Sect, so she was very sure that there were high-level monsters in the demon world that were as intelligent as humans.

Maybe it was the huge creature bound by iron chains, or maybe it was some existence that suppressed it.

But there is no doubt that Qiyuan Mountain has now become the territory of Chongtian Palace. Xie Shiyuan and the others must know something.

When she went there, she only saw the corpse of the monster on Qiyuan Mountain, not even a single monster.

According to her guess, these monsters might have been released by Chongtian Palace.

Confining these monsters in Qiyuan Mountain for everyone to practice.

Many monks in the Communication Square have long been excited, and everyone is clamoring to go to Qiyuan Mountain to hunt demons.

At this time, someone suddenly said, "What are you going to do in Qiyuan Mountain?" Isn’t Nanxiang City a ready-made training ground? You can also take the teleportation array. 】

【Yes! How could I forget this? 】

[I am in Nanyin City, even the teleportation array is omitted! This is over! 】

【Fellow Taoists! I'm in Nanxiang City! On first! 】

Qin Shu, who was already thousands of miles away, couldn't help but remain silent for a while.

If you had told me earlier, she would not have come back.

We are almost here at Scarlet Gold City. Are you telling me this?

Qin Shu sighed. Who knows? The term "demon hunter" has been popular in the world of immortality for a year, but she has never seen any other demons except dream demons.

Wen Chi said goodbye to Qin Shu halfway and led Bai Shuang back to the clan.

Before leaving, Bai Shuang gave Qin Shu a small white flower and told her that if there was something urgent, she could pull off a petal and send her message.

Qin Shu sent them away and then looked down at the small white flower in her hand.

A flower only has seven petals. It seems that she can transmit the sound seven times, which is almost enough... right?

She looked steadily at the direction Wen Chi and Bai Shuang were leaving, feeling reluctant to leave in Cheng Yan's eyes.

Then he comforted her, "A second senior brother is gone, and the senior brother is still here."

Qin Shu turned around and glanced at him inexplicably, then said, "I'm going to Crimson Gold City later, you guys go back directly?"

Akabane shook his head, "I went to the clan, this time to the Ice Secret Realm. I thought I could find the remains of my ancestors, but obviously... I was not so lucky."

She spread her hands and looked helpless.

"Go back and say hello to the clan. The secret realm over there has been completely closed. Maybe I can reopen that secret realm after I reach a certain level in cultivation. Don't think about it before then."

After saying this, she looked up and saw Qin Shu staring at her blankly.

Akabane raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qin Shu blinked and grinned, "Senior sister, this is the first time you have said such a long thing in one breath."

Akabane: "..."

She was silent for a moment, and finally flew directly to stand on the Red Flame Sword, "Let's go."

Seeing her fly away, Qin Shu laughed. She could see clearly just now that the little senior sister was clearly smiling.

She and her senior brother were the only two people left on the originally bustling flying magic weapon.

Cheng Yan glanced at her and said, "I'll go to the sect to exchange some materials and wait for you to come back and help me refine my sword."

Qin Shu: "?"

Sword refining? Put it on the agenda so soon?

It turns out that everyone else is just talking, and only the senior brother is an action person.

"But...I don't know how?" Qin Shu said.

Cheng Yan snorted, "You don't need to refine it, just borrow a fire. Even if you can, I dare not let you touch my sword."

Looking at him holding the sword tightly in his hand, Qin Shu suddenly thought of the rumor.

The sword of a sword cultivator is their wife, so it is understandable that they are so cautious now.

Qin Shu touched her nose and smiled embarrassedly, "Okay, okay, just borrow a fire, that's much simpler."

She didn't dare to say anything else, but now her control of fire has risen to a new level again, and it's not an exaggeration to say that she has mastered it.

When the flying magic weapon flew to Chijin City, Qin Shu jumped down directly, and Cheng Yan flew towards Xuantian Gate again.

Qin Shu came to the door of her kitchen and saw her mother brewing wine.

She just muttered a few words, and clear water suddenly gushed out of the wooden barrel. Qin Shu was shocked.

"Mom!" she called.

Wen Yu turned around and looked at Qin Shu, and her face suddenly became happy.

"Shu'er! You're back?!" She stood up and wiped her hands on her apron.

Qin Shu stepped forward, looked at the water in the wooden barrel in surprise, grabbed her mother's arm with both hands, and asked her, "Mom! Has your spiritual root recovered?!"

Wen Yu was stunned, then laughed, "What! That's the little water ball technique that Qian Ning taught me. Oh, no, he said this is called something... magic?"

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