I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 636 I am the same as you

Qin Shu's eyes widened. She really didn't expect that magic could be used like this?

Tsk tsk, her mother has been practicing for more than six hundred years, and her mental strength is definitely sufficient.

Although she has no spiritual roots now, her innate moon spirit body has an affinity for spiritual energy that is different from ordinary people, and it is really possible to use some water magic.

While the two were talking, Qian Ning walked in from outside carrying a pole.

He was wearing a black gown, and the golden hair on his head was now longer and was tied on top of his head.

When he saw Qin Shu standing in the yard, he was also surprised, "Qin!"

As he spoke, he placed the two loads of wine on the pole on the ground.

At this time, Qian Ning was more than a bit stronger than when he first came to Dongzhou.

He was originally just a weak magician, but now his tendon muscles can be clearly seen on his arms and shoulders.

It seems that this boy helps his mother with a lot of work here, and it's all manual labor.

It can also be seen that wine making is indeed a hard job.


"You are finally back! I taught my aunt magic, and she is very talented!" Qian Ning told Qin Shu excitedly.

But this time, what was different from before was that he spoke the Dongzhou language.

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows and raised her hand to pat his chest, "Not bad! Dongzhou learns the language very quickly."

Qian Ning was still a little restrained. After hearing Qin Shu's words, he lowered his head in embarrassment and raised his hand to scratch the back of his head.

"Let's go back to the house." Wen Yu took Qin Shu's arm and raised her hand to pick up the wine jar that Qian Ning had just brought back. "Open a jar of wine and give you a taste of my mother's craftsmanship."

Qian Ning also followed silently. Qin Shu asked the two of them about their past few months. After learning that everything was fine, she took out the awakening hoop and two hundred dream demon crystal cores that she had prepared earlier from the storage ring. .

"The demonic energy in Nanxiang City has overflowed, and I'm worried that our Crimson Gold City will not be able to escape sooner or later. You can keep these dream demon crystal cores and awakening hoops. If the day comes, we won't be caught off guard."

Qian Ning waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no, no, I can't have this from you."

Wen Yu also said, "This is Xuantianmen's territory. They will definitely find a way. You always have to go out, so you should keep these things."

Qin Shu shook her head, looked at the two of them, and said with very firm eyes: "Mom, Qian Ning, I don't need this, those demonic energies have no effect on me."

Seeing that Qian Ning still wanted to speak, Qin Shu said again: "Qian Ning, when we left Central Continent, the demonic energy had dispersed in many places in Central Continent. I feel that the barrier between the demonic world and the world of cultivating immortals will be completely broken. It's just that It’s a matter of time. You gave me so many gifts, this little thing is nothing.”

Qian Ning looked at her and smiled, his blue eyes sparkling as if they were hiding the stars and the sea.

"Qin, we are good friends. I know you are very kind to me, but I am just like you. Demonic energy is useless to me."

Qin Shu: "?"

She widened her eyes strangely, looked at Qian Ning who was smiling in front of her, and asked, "It's useless to you? How come it's useless?"

Qian Ning raised his hands and prayed, "The Supreme God will protect me."

Qin Shu: "..."

"Qian Ning, this place is really far away from your Central Continent. Can the Supreme God really control this place?"

Qian Ning shook his head, "No, not far, he will always be in my heart."

Qin Shu pursed her lips and fell silent. She really didn't know what to say.

Finally, she gave both the Awakening Hoop and the Dream Demon Crystal Core to her mother, "Mom, please keep them all."

The mother and daughter looked at each other and said nothing.

If they waited until the demonic energy completely broke out and found out that it was Qian Ning who was speaking harshly, they would quickly put it on him.

If what he said was true, he would keep it for her mother to use.

She stayed at home and had a home-cooked meal. This was the first time she felt the smell of fireworks at home.

It wasn't until night fell that she reluctantly returned to her cave.

A magic spell hit the water and clouds, the mist gradually rose, and the entrance to the cave appeared in her field of vision.

Qin Shu walked in. As soon as she entered, a dark figure rushed towards her.

The speed was so fast that even she couldn't dodge it.

Qin Shu was hugged upright, and then her big mouth opened towards her.

Qin Shu subconsciously drew her sword, and just when she was about to take action, a strange blood rhythm came from her.

Then the childish voice came from the sea of ​​consciousness, "Mother!"

Qin Shu: "..."

The hand that drew the sword paused, and the head was swallowed by the big mouth.

Qin Shu was speechless for a while. What kind of weird way of greeting was this? Can she not want this child?

"Spit my head out quickly." Qin Shu said helplessly.

Ji Duo responded obediently and sensibly, spat out her head, and enthusiastically hugged her neck with leaves, rubbing the big flower disk on her drool-covered face.

Qin Shu's face turned darker and her saliva was evenly smeared! !

She raised her hand and performed a cleaning technique, then walked towards the cave holding the big flower in one hand.

"Mom! Jiduo is a good housekeeper! Anyone who comes to Jiduo will be chased away!" Jiduo said showily.

Qin Shu's heart suddenly thumped. This is her sect, and those who can come to her are her own people. Could they be teased by her fancy son?

"Who is this person? Do you have any impression?" Qin Shu asked.

"A male cultivator! He's tall!"

Qin Shu: "?"

What kind of sign is this? Which male cultivator in the entire world of immortality is not tall? Except for the dwarves.

It seemed that Jiduo felt that her description was not adequate, so she rubbed Qin Shu's face with the big flower plate again and said, "He will come every day! Mother will know about it early tomorrow morning!"

"Huh? Come here every day?" Qin Shu was also a little confused. She didn't seem to owe anyone a foreign debt before leaving, right?

"Yes! Come every day!"

Qin Shu thought for a long time but couldn't figure out who it would be, so she simply didn't care. She would find out early tomorrow morning.

Ji Duo's noisy voice came to my ears, "Mom! Ji Duo misses you so much! Can you take Ji Duo with you next time you go out?"

Qin Shu didn't think it was impossible, so she agreed, "Whether you can do it or not depends on your performance."

"Jiduo must be the most well-behaved!"

He promised excitedly, then changed his tone and asked: "Mom, where is daddy? I haven't seen daddy for a long time."

Qin Shu: "..."

Facing Ji Duo's big painted face, Qin Shu gritted her teeth and said, "He is busy..."

"Ji Duo thought dad didn't want mother and Ji Duo anymore!"

Qin Shu's head is getting bigger, she is just eighteen years old! In the previous life, I had just entered college at this age, but in this life, I became a mother without any pain?

She has become an abandoned woman who dares to be angry but dare not speak out?

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