I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 646: To forge iron, you must be strong yourself

An extra 20% of pills are dispensable when refining low-level pills, and it doesn't seem so amazing.

But what if it is when refining an eighth-level pill? The original success rate is low. If five pills are made, this pill furnace can be used to force six pills.

An eighth-level pill is enough to sell at a sky-high price. The value of this is really not something that can be explained in a few words.

If Master Yue Zhi's alchemy furnace is auctioned at the Seven Killing Pavilion, the alchemists in the world will be crazy.

It's a pity that this alchemy furnace has been produced and sold in Xuantianmen before it leaves the mountain gate.

Master Lingxu knew that this was Master Yue Zhi's apology, but at the same time he did owe Master Yue Zhi a big favor.

When he goes back, he will look through his collection of recipes to see what kind of pill he can refine for him.

Qin Shu personally sent Master Lingxu out of the mountain gate, and then she turned around and walked towards the refining room.

The little boy under Master Yue Zhi asked Master Yue Zhi if he wanted to prepare a new alchemy room for Qin Shu, but Master Yue Zhi refused.

"No need, let her use my alchemy room. Under my watch, she won't dare to be lazy."

"Yes." The little boy left.

The clanging sound in the alchemy room next door rang again, and Master Yue Zhi withdrew his thoughts.

Five thousand times a day, Shu'er still has to knock for a while.

Master Yue Zhi casually pinched a soundproof cover and sat cross-legged in meditation.

After about eight or nine hours, he opened his eyes and removed the soundproof cover, and found that the next door was still knocking.

Master Yue Zhi frowned slightly, "Si Yan."

The little boy walked in from outside, "Master."

"How long has she been knocking?" Master Yue Zhi asked.

Si Yan: "She has been knocking since this morning, and has not stopped, for a total of eight hours and one quarter."

Master Yue Zhi: "..."

He stood up, "It's been so long, and she hasn't finished knocking five thousand times?"

He frowned and shook his head.

"Are you sure she hasn't stopped? Do you know how many times she knocked?" Master Yue Zhi asked.

"She really hasn't stopped. I have been guarding outside the door. I estimate that it is five thousand, and far more than that."

Master Yue Zhi didn't say anything, but his consciousness went to the next room.

There was a flying sword on the platform, and Qin Shu was holding a hammer and hammering it one after another.

She swung the hammer very regularly. The force on the flying sword has not been completely removed, and the second hammer followed closely, making a regular knocking sound.

The consciousness swept across her back and arms. The muscle strength was perfect, and she was always in a vigorous state of explosion.

Look at the resolute look on her face, and her closed eyes...

Closed eyes?

Master Yuezhi was also very surprised. This kid could still hammer on one point with his eyes closed?

Did he use his spiritual sense?

The flying sword had already been smashed to pieces by her, but Master Yuezhi heard a strange feeling from the clanging.

Although it was said that Yunye was not mature enough, she seemed to really understand Yun.

At this time, Qin Shu was like a mechanical puppet, doing boring and repetitive work motionlessly.

Master Yuezhi saw this and retracted his spiritual sense, ordering no one to disturb her next door.

He wanted to sit in the yard and count in person to see how many times she could knock!

However, this time, Qin Shu was destined to surprise him.

Qin Shu knocked for three consecutive days without stopping once, and even Si Yan was shocked.

There were many disciples who wanted to become Master Yuezhi's disciples, but Master Yuezhi didn't like any of them. Everyone was guessing what kind of disciple he would accept.

In the past few days, Master Yuezhi accepted Qin Shu, the beloved disciple of Master Lingxu and Master Wangjian, which has surprised everyone. Even the head of the sect has some complaints about Master Yuezhi.

He didn't understand why Master Yuezhi insisted on accepting Senior Sister Qin Shu as his disciple at first.

Until this moment, he understood everything.

In the entire young generation of the Weapon Sect, there is absolutely no one who can swing the hammer for three days without stopping, and there is absolutely no one who can comprehend the essence in three days.

Is this what it means to be strong in order to forge iron?

Master Yuezhi sat cross-legged in the courtyard, his eyes closed, but the smile on his face became more and more obvious.

Everyone knows that refining weapons is a hard job, and now it's hard to meet someone who is not afraid of hardship and fatigue, and is extremely self-disciplined.

Let alone Lingxu, even if Master Wangjian came in person and put the sword on his neck, he would have accepted this disciple!

The essence of Qin Shu became more and more obvious, and even Master Yuezhi's physique began to be affected by her. This was the fifth day since she started swinging the hammer.

On a quiet night, the lonely cabin was surrounded by a starry sky.

The clanging sound of iron forging came from the cabin, gradually converging into a strange and mysterious rhythmic movement.


A sudden knocking sound was heard, and no more knocking sound was heard after this sound.

Only then did Master Yue Zhi stand up and walk towards the weapon refining room.

He saw Qin Shu holding a hammer handle in her hand, standing there with a confused look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Master Yue Zhi's voice came from behind her.

Qin Shu held up the hammer handle for him to see, "It's broken."

Master Yue Zhi: "..."

If I had known this, I wouldn't have given this wooden handle.

"It doesn't matter. After learning how to refine weapons, these things won't be afraid of breaking. You can fix anything that breaks by yourself."

Qin Shu nodded, "I'll remember it, disciple."

Master Yuezhi took out a black and gold iron hammer from the storage ring. There was a pointed protrusion on one end of the iron hammer, and it was carved with complicated patterns.

"Change to this one. We don't have many other things in the Qi Sect, but we have many hammers."

Qin Shu looked at the hammer he handed to her, and it was full of low-key luxury.

She reached out to take it, and a hot red flame came into her hand.

Qin Shu looked up at Master Yuezhi in surprise, and saw Master Yuezhi with his hands behind his back, looking at her with a smile, "You can really use this red flame hammer."

Qin Shu didn't know what the red flame hammer was, but she was not a fool. She had traveled all over the country for so many years and had seen many good treasures. She could tell whether this thing was good or bad at a glance.

Before she could say a word of thanks, she heard Master Yue Zhi say, "You already have your own essence now, but you can't be proud. For a weapon refiner, having your own essence is the first step."

Qin Shu straightened her expression and nodded seriously, "Yes!"

Master Yue Zhi said, "You have been swinging the hammer for five consecutive days, take a break."

If nothing unexpected happens, Qin Shu's arm will swell up tomorrow...

Qin Shu responded, ate a body-tempering pill in front of Master Yue Zhi, and said, "Master, I'm going to take a bath in the Sword Sect."

Master Yue Zhi had been in seclusion for a long time and didn't know the function of the Sword Sect's bathhouse until the next day when Qin Shu appeared in front of him as if nothing had happened...

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