I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 647 The Power of Example

Master Yue Zhi stared at Qin Shu like a monster. Qin Shu also noticed the strange look in his eyes and asked, "Master, what's wrong?"

Master Yue Zhi looked at both Qin Shu's arms, then frowned and asked her, "Are you... okay?"

Qin Shu was confused when she heard this. She spread her hands and asked in confusion, "What can happen to me?"

Yue Zhizhen: "Your arm doesn't hurt?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "It doesn't hurt. I plan to use my left hand to swing the hammer later, with my right hand as a supplement, and then train my left arm and back muscles."

Master Yue looked up at the sky, filled with emotions. If all the disciples of the Qi Sect were so self-disciplined, why worry about the Xuantian Clan Qi Sect not flourishing?

"Shu'er, it's good for you to work hard and make progress, but I have to explain something clearly to you."

Seeing Qin Shu's expression of willingness to hear the details, Master Yue Zhi continued: "When you first start practicing, it's best to focus on one arm. Only by focusing can you improve your skills better."

Qin Shu pursed her lips and looked a little embarrassed, "Doesn't it mean that the left arm cannot be trained properly? The energy and blood are uneven?"

Yue Zhiren: "?"

He was telling her about weapon refining, but she was telling him about body training? Isn't this a chicken-and-duck talk? ! As expected, this girl had an impure purpose in joining their Qi Sect in the first place.

Qin Shu saw that Master Yue Zhi's expression was a little abnormal, so she quickly smiled and said: "Master, don't worry, how long the disciple next to you practices on your right arm, the disciple will definitely practice it, and he will never Delayed.”

Master Yue originally thought that Qin Shu was just getting excited when he started hammering for five days, but he didn't expect Qin Shu to hammer with his left arm for five days this time.

The most outrageous thing was that she went down the mountain, and then came back and continued to swing the hammer like a normal person.

This time, Master Yue Zhi couldn't sit still. Could it be that the higher level of body training still has this benefit?

He is a weapon refiner. The total time he has wielded the hammer over the years is no more than four or five hundred years, and his physical level is not low. However, after practicing for a long time and exceeding the limit of the body's endurance, the limbs will still be sore the next day.

Why does this girl Qin Shu have no reaction at all? Could it be that she has a special constitution?

He privately sent a transmission note to ask about Master Lingxu. Master Lingxu had obtained his top-quality alchemy furnace, and when faced with his problems, he knew everything and could talk about everything.

"This girl doesn't have any physical problems in this area. Maybe it's because she has a better foundation. When she first started, she would swing the sword two thousand times every morning, and now she has increased it to ten thousand times..."

Master Yue Zhi was also filled with emotion when he heard it. It is rare for a female child to endure such hardships. No wonder she has cultivated so much at such a young age.

"Ever since this child became my disciple, I have not worried about her cultivation. Originally, I thought that after her cultivation level breaks through to foundation building, I will teach her alchemy in detail. As a result, I only retreated twice, and she has become golden. The alchemy has been perfected... and the ability to refine alchemy has not fallen behind. You see, the efforts of our Alchemy Sect disciples are all driven by her..."

The more Master Lingxu talks, the happier he becomes.

The black face smiled so hard that his eyes were almost invisible. It seemed like he had found a treasure.

Master Lingxu also reminded him this time. When the transmission talisman in front of him was completely burned out, he shouted out of the cave, "Si Yan!"

The child hurriedly walked in from outside the house and saluted him, "Master, what are your orders?"

Master Yue Zhi said with a smile on his face: "Go and pass on my order. Early tomorrow morning, all the disciples who are in the mountain gate and are not in retreat will be called to come to me."

Si Yan didn't know why Master Yue Zhi gave such an order, but he just passed on the Master's order, then he agreed and retreated.

The other disciples didn't know why Master Yue Zhizhen called them here. Early in the morning, everyone gathered in the courtyard of Master Yue Zhizhen.

"Brother Yu, are you here too? Have you heard why Uncle Yue asked us to come?"

"I don't know. I asked Si Yan quietly, but he couldn't tell me clearly."

"What do you care about? The spiritual energy here is very strong, uncle. If you take a few more breaths, we can practice at the foot of the mountain for half a day."

"That's true."

"Did you hear the sound of refining weapons?"

"I heard it, uncle is refining weapons?"

Everyone was whispering to each other, maybe because the noise was a little too loud, Yue Zhizhen came out of the cave.

As soon as he walked out, everyone was even more surprised.

"Uncle Yue is here, who is in the weapon refining room?"

"Is it Uncle Jinzhong?"

Master Yue Zhi suddenly interrupted everyone with a message, "Sit down and listen quietly."

The others didn't know what he meant, but seeing him taking the lead to sit down in the yard, they all followed suit.

The clanking sound in the yard lasted for four days before it stopped.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a short-haired female cultivator coming out of the weapon refining room.

The female cultivator was obviously stunned when she saw so many of them sitting here.

"Why are there so many people?" Qin Shu stood at the door and quietly sent a message to Si Yan.

Si Yan: "They were all called by real people."

Qin Shu glanced at Master Yue Zhi again, and the news among the disciples of the Qi Sect below went crazy.

"I know her! This is Senior Sister Qin Shu from Dan Sect! Why is she here?!"

"Junior Sister Qin Shu ran away from the Dan Sect to the Sword Sect. What's so strange about coming to our Weapon Sect?"

"That's true."

"Could it be that Junior Sister Qin Shu was the one swinging the hammer in there?"

"No way? I clearly felt the essence just now!"

"I've been swinging the hammer for four days... I'm a waste, not as good as a female cultivator."

"You're wrong. We've been here for four days, but that doesn't mean they've practiced for five days."


Their mutual voice transmissions were all heard clearly by Master Yue Zhi's consciousness. Master Yue Zhi felt that his goal had been achieved when he heard their words.

He coughed lightly and said to everyone: "I called you here today to tell you that the longer you swing the hammer, the greater the possibility of feeling the essence. If you swing the hammer for a short time each time, you may not be able to feel your essence for many years."

As soon as he said this, there was another uproar below.

Those disciples who didn't have their own essence were like chicken blood, and they wanted to go back and retreat in the weapon refining room right now!

Master Yuezhi smiled with satisfaction, "Everyone go back."

Watching them disperse in a swarm, Qin Shu tilted her head and looked in the direction of Master Yuezhi, "Master, will this... work?"

Master Yuezhi pursed his lips and smiled, "Whether it works or not, it's always good to practice more."

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