I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 653 I should take care of it myself

There was a short-haired girl in a large box, sitting by the window.

As she shook her head, her short hair flew with her movements.

At this moment, the door was pushed open from the outside.

"Xian..." The waiter looked at her movements for a moment, and then gradually found his voice, "Xian Zhang, do you need to refill the tea?"

Qin Shu coughed slightly to ease the embarrassment between them, and then replied seriously: "No need."

Seeing that the waiter was about to leave, Qin Shu quickly called him, "Wait a minute."

The waiter stopped and cupped his hands, "Master Immortal, do you have any other instructions?"

Qin Shu glanced at him and said in a calm tone: "If you have nothing to do, you don't have to come in. A white-haired man will come here looking for me later. Just bring him here."


Seeing the door of the box slowly closing again, Qin Shu was discouraged and leaned on the chair.

The jade slip she placed casually on the table lit up at the right time. When Qin Shu saw the big snake's name on it, she sat upright reflexively.

A ray of spiritual energy hit the jade slip, and Xie Shiyuan's voice slowly came out.

"I don't care whether you draw the spiritual root yourself or ask someone to help you, but... don't forget our agreement."

Qin Shu: "?"

Agreement? ! ! Almost forgot! !

Seventy Qingyuan Pills a day, how long has it been since...

One year and eight months?

Forty-two thousand five hundred and eighty-four...

She was also diligent in refining pills. She had been in seclusion for a month and made a large amount of Qing Yuan Pills, but she had used them all to repay her previous debt to the sect.

Today, she only has more than 800 Qingyuan Pills in her hand.

Qin Shu remained silent for a moment, looking at the tea in her hand that no longer smelled good.

She casually took out six alchemy furnaces from the storage ring. While waiting for her old age, she could refine as many as she could. If there were not enough, she would buy some from outside to make up for them.

As for why she only brought out six alchemy furnaces, it was purely because this small box could only accommodate six alchemy furnaces.

Fortunately, I had exchanged a lot of spiritual plants on my body before, otherwise it would be really hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

From time to time, guests outside can smell the fragrance of red pepper, but they don't know where it comes from.

The waiter led Suihan all the way to the door of the box, and said to him with a smile: "Chief Immortal, we are here, the fragrance is floating."

Suihan sniffed lightly, a strange look lingering on his face.

He waved his hand to the waiter, "You go down, I'll go in by myself."

The waiter responded and left alone.

Sui Han then raised his head and pushed the door open. As soon as the door was opened, the fragrance of red pepper inside became even stronger.

He looked at the alchemy furnaces placed everywhere in the room, and then at Qin Shu, who was sitting in the middle of the room and controlling the fire spirit to make alchemy.

He opened his mouth and just said something, but he was afraid of disturbing Qin Shu's alchemy.

But he didn't expect Qin Shu to speak before him, "Coming?"

Sui Han snorted, but finally couldn't hold it back and said, "Isn't it necessary? Are you going to start refining the elixir just after I've been waiting for these two hours?"

Qin Shu sighed and said with a sad face: "It's a long story. It's not that I have to make elixirs at this time. It just suddenly occurred to me that I still owe someone a large amount of elixirs."

Sui Han watched her talking and refining elixirs, and asked again, "Will talking to me affect your elixir refining?"

Qin Shu smiled and said, "Do you want to know about three functions?"

Suihan frowned, "What is that?"

"It's just a side theory, but it's very useful. You can do many things while being distracted." Qin Shu explained.

Sui Han raised his eyebrows, obviously interested, "Let's take a look?"

Qin Shu was not stingy and threw a booklet to him directly, "I'm busy, you can read it yourself. I'll leave after I finish practicing this batch of elixirs."

Suihan didn't rush her, and read quietly by himself.

About a quarter of an hour later, the six-furnace elixir in Qin Shu's hand took shape again.

She took out the elixir bottle and put the elixir in it, with a satisfied look on her face.

I made three batches of elixirs, a total of one hundred and eighty...

Alas, I wonder if we can discuss with Orochi about making an installment payment?

With a wave of her hand, she put these alchemy furnaces away again.

She took out another top-grade spirit-boosting pill and drank it. Sui Han, who was sitting silently as a backdrop, raised his head and asked Qin Shu, "Where's your mother?"

Qin Shu: "My mother?"

Her face was full of doubts. Seeing this, Sui Han sighed helplessly and said, "You can't just hold the spiritual root in your hands when you extract it, right?"

Qin Shu: "..."

She must have been crazy about swinging a sledgehammer recently, why did she even forget this?

There is a teleportation array between Crimson Gold City and Tailai City, so it is not too troublesome.

Qin Shu quickly sent a message to Qian Ning and asked her mother to come over in the teleportation array.

"My mother has no spiritual power. I would like to trouble you to send her to the teleportation array. I will pick her up here."

Qian Ning agreed. He has been living in Wen Yu's wine shop for a while. Wen Yu has a gentle temper and is more like a mother than his mother.

The elders of Xuantianmen once went down the mountain to invite him to worship at the gate, but he refused.

He prefers this warm family atmosphere to practicing.

It takes about half a day to get here from Tailai City, so we should take advantage of this time to buy some Qingyuan Pills.

She sent a message to the shopkeeper of Nichang Pavilion in Tailai City, but found that the entire Tailai City could only give her more than 10,000 yuan of Qingyuan Pill.

"Second Boss, we really have no choice. Since the outbreak of demonic energy in Nanxiang City, Qingyuan Pills have become a hot commodity. If we hadn't stockpiled a lot of Qingyuan Pills in advance, we wouldn't be able to take out even a thousand, let alone ten thousand."

Qin Shu thought for a moment and said, "Forget it, ten thousand is ten thousand! Give it to me first, and I'll make it up to you later."

Sui Han watched her take the communication jade slip, and then asked curiously, "Is ten thousand Qingyuan Pills not enough? How much do you owe?"

Qin Shu made a bitter face and replied, "Forty-two thousand five hundred and eighty-four, after tonight it will be forty-two thousand six hundred and fifty-four."

Sui Han: "?"

"So many pills? What did you do?"

"This is the fee for Xie Shiyuan to help look after Qin Wuya, 70 Qingyuan pills a day."

Sui Han was silent for a moment, then looked up at the sky and sighed, "If I had known this, I would have looked after him for you personally."

Qin Shu glanced at him, "Seventy Qingyuan pills are so tempting?"

Sui Han shook his head and looked into Qin Shu's eyes with a smile, "No, the tempting ones are the 42,584 pills."

Qin Shu: "..."

Qin Shu calculated the time, and hurriedly refined two batches of pills, then went to Nishang Pavilion to get the pills, and turned back to the teleportation array.

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