I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 654: Neither of them is easy to deal with

The teleportation array lit up again and again, but the person who came out of it was not the person she was waiting for.

She, dressed in black with black hair, and Suihan, dressed in white with white hair, stood out among the crowd.

When a middle-aged male cultivator passed by the two of them, he patted his chest and said, "I almost thought I took the wrong teleportation array and arrived in the ghost world! I encountered black and white impermanence!"

Qin Shu's eyes widened and she folded her arms, watching the male cultivator go away before she looked away and fell on Sui Han's white hair.

She looked at it for a long time before she said sincerely: "Really, you still look good with red hair."

Sui Han also stood side by side with her arms folded. After hearing what she said, he glanced at her condescendingly, "Don't think I don't know what you are thinking. Why don't you dye it yourself?"

Qin Shu sighed and said earnestly: "I burn my hair every three days, and even if I dye it, it will be in vain."

Sui Han looked at her hair that had just reached her neck and fell silent.

What she said was indeed the truth.

Just as the two were chatting, the teleportation array suddenly lit up again.

Qin Shu subconsciously looked up, and this time she saw two familiar people in the crowd.

One is her mother, and the other is Qian Ning with a yellow ball head.

"Qian Ning? Why is he here too?" Qin Shu muttered in a low voice and hurriedly greeted him.

Sui Han followed closely behind and heard Qin Shu call, "Mother!"

Qin Shu ran over with a smile and gave her a big hug, "Mom!"

The look on Wen Yu's face softened, "You are so old, and you still have to hold her."

Qin Shu just smiled. Seeing her talking and laughing, she felt that her more than 40,000 Qingyuan Pills were worth it.

Qin Shu turned her attention to Qian Ning again, "Qian Ning, why do you bother to follow me?"

Qian Ning shrugged, "I felt that my aunt seemed a little restless, so I thought that nothing would happen to me, so I followed her."

Qin Shu knew why she was restless. If she saw Qin Wuya in person, she might even want to kill him.

Sui Han looked at the blond man in front of him and asked, "Who is this..."

Qin Shu responded, "Oh, by the way, let me introduce you. This is Augustine Qianning, my friend. This is Tianji Pavilion Suihan, who is also my friend."

The two of them nodded slightly, which was considered as a greeting.

If there were only three of them, Qin Shu would definitely choose to travel overnight.

But her mother now has no spiritual roots and can only be regarded as a mortal. Her spirit is inevitably not as good as that of a monk.

Qin Shu then went to the inn and opened four upper rooms. While her mother slept, the other two did whatever they wanted, and she could still find time to refine the elixir for another night.

When she got up the next morning, Qin Shu had a total of more than 14,000 pills in her hand.

She sighed, knowing that she couldn't pay him back in one breath, so she quietly played the emotional card with Xie Shiyuan.

"Orochi, the two of us have a close personal relationship. Do you think you can... divide that pill into installments? I will pay you fourteen thousand first, and the rest will be returned to you with interest next month."

Xie Shiyuan seemed to be quite free today. She had just sent her message and received a reply from Xie Shiyuan.

"We have a close personal relationship? Why didn't I see it?"

Qin Shu racked her brains to say something, and finally managed to say, "We have been dependent on each other for so long? Isn't that considered a close personal relationship?"

The jade slip seemed to be silent for a moment before replying: "Then our friendship can be considered a life-long friendship?"

Qin Shu: "Yes! That must be it!"

The corner of Xie Shiyuan's lips on the other end of the jade slip slightly raised, and he said kindly: "In that case, I'm sure."

Qin Shu also laughed, and she must pay back her money with interest next time! It might as well let the big snake taste the joy of wallowing in the pile of Qingyuan pills!

Before leaving the teleportation formation, Qin Shu asked her mother to put on the awakening hoop.

After glancing at Qian Ning who was fearless at the side, she handed another awakening hoop to Sui Han with her backhand.

"You can wear it, neither Qian Ning nor I will need this."

Sui Han frowned, "I don't need it either."

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Don't need it? Although your physique is much better than before, it's still bad!"

To put it bluntly, Suihan's physique is not even comparable to that of her mother...

Sui Han looked at her and asked, "What kind of spiritual root am I?"

Qin Shu suddenly realized, "Empty..."

Suihan made a silent gesture towards her and changed the subject, "Can we go?"

Qin Shu nodded, "Let's go! It's just me worrying. None of you are fuel-efficient."

Of course, she muttered the last part under her breath.

Qian Ning and Sui Han didn't know whether they heard her clearly. They just glanced at her lightly and said nothing.

The moment they got off the teleportation array, the four people all lit up with lights of different colors.

It was due to the awakening hoop worn on Wen Yu's forehead that the purple spiritual energy on Qin Shu's body began to circulate, and a faint golden light lit up on Qian Ning's body.

As for Sui Han... the air around him shook, and a circle of vacuum formed. From a distance, it looked like it was enveloped in a layer of white light.

A group of monks around the teleportation array stared at them eagerly, but no one dared to act rashly.

It wasn't until Qin Shu and the others were far away that they heard someone say, "That woman has a magic hoop."

"Do you dare to snatch it? The other three are obviously not good people!"

"If you don't even dare to get close to demonic energy, who would!"

"Forget it, there are many soft persimmons, don't make yourself unhappy."


Qin Shu frowned slightly, it seems...the situation in Nanxiang City is not optimistic.

She said hello to the second senior brother, and went straight to the house that the second senior brother bought here before, first settled her mother and Qian Ning, and then went to Chongtian Palace alone.

Chongtian Palace is indeed not difficult to find. Following the crowd of people queuing to get the elixir, you can see the entrance of Chongtian Palace.

It is exactly the same as the arrangement in Yanyu Tower before. It seems that the big snake has directly moved the entire Chongtian Palace.

A figure is sitting on the top of the stone unicorn at the door with his arms folded, leaning against the door frame.

He seemed to sense something from a distance, so he turned his head and looked at Qin Shu.

The two people's sights intertwined through the people, and the man's face suddenly lit up. He supported his body with one hand and jumped off the stone unicorn, landing steadily on the ground.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, long time no see!"

Qin Shu looked at Guo Chong, who was shrouded in demonic energy. He was still the same as before, but for some reason, she always felt uneasy.

She stepped forward and raised her hand to hold Guo Chong's wrist.

Guo Chong was stunned for a moment, "What? Don't... don't touch me! In public, it's not good for people... no, it's not good for snakes to see it."

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