I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 672 What is your inheritance?

Qin Shu was also very curious about Duo Ji's true form. She once got a book called "Guide to the Care of the Ghost Face Demon King Flower" when she was in the Beast Taming Sect. The book said that the talent of the Ghost Face Demon King Flower was physical attack plus venom.

I just don't know what talent Ji Duo, who has the blood of herself and the big snake, has.

Ji Duo shook his head, holding his flower head with two leaves and said, "Ji Duo doesn't know either."

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows and continued, "Then how do you attack others?"

Ji Duo still shook his head and said honestly, "Ji Duo is a good child and won't attack others."

Qin Shu thought about it, could it be that he is actually an auxiliary spiritual plant?

This seems to be good, what if Ji Duo is a genius in formation? It's not impossible.

She has no talent in formation, if Ji Duo can do it, it would be great.

What belongs to her son is hers.

Thinking of this, Qin Shu smiled and changed the way she said, "Ji Duo, what is your inheritance?"

Ji Duo blinked, still looking confused.

Qin Shu understood everything as soon as she saw him like this.

As expected, the next moment she heard Ji Duo's baby voice again, "What is inheritance?"

Qin Shu raised her hand to support her forehead, and said helplessly: "This is a long story, you will know when you grow up."

Ji Duo nodded, not quite understanding, and said obediently: "Okay, then Ji Duo will go to bask in the sun!"

Qin Shu responded, and saw Ji Duo's head shrink back, and the long stem quickly returned to its normal length.

The big flower disk was raised, and the warm sunlight shone down, just shining on his flower disk.

His two leaves were also raised high, and the leaves gradually became larger, so that he could get more sunlight.

Qin Shu looked back and was amazed in her heart. When Ji Duo was basking in the moonlight with her before, she thought he was a dark night plant, but she didn't expect that he would start to absorb sunlight again.

But then she thought again, it was normal for him, a flower, to like sunlight.

Seeing Ji Duo practicing obediently, Qin Shu also retracted her gaze. She also had to concentrate and draw this formation as soon as possible.

It was still quite difficult for her to draw such a huge formation in one breath.

But she soon thought of a better way. She had to carve a groove on this open space first, and then she only needed to outline it with ink.

Compared with drawing a complete formation out of thin air in one breath, this way of having a trace to follow is obviously much simpler, and it also saves a lot of time.

Admittedly, if she draws this formation hundreds of times, she can also draw it in one breath, but... there is no need.

Because at this time, she is not sure whether the formation she and Ji Duo developed together is feasible.

If not, all this time is really wasted.

Qin Shu drew the formation on paper more than ten times, and when she felt it was easy, she took out the dagger from the storage ring.

The scorched earth in front of her was a little uneven, and there were traces of previous mistakes, which were not conducive to drawing the formation.

A stream of earth spirit rippled in all directions along Qin Shu's feet with her as the center of the circle, and the scorched earth under her feet seemed to emit a faint black gas.

At the same time, the originally rugged scorched earth and the traces of Qin Shu's previous wrong drawing disappeared.

The entire open space suddenly became very flat in an instant, as if it could directly dry wheat.

Ji Duo was also startled by the scorched earth here. He seemed to become very excited. The big flower plate turned directly in the direction of Qin Shu. His scattered roots under the ground suddenly formed a big net, absorbing most of the diffused earth spirit.

Qin Shu only focused on the formation and did not notice Ji Duo's small movements.

Of course, even if she saw it, she probably wouldn't say anything.

After another three hours, Qin Shu withdrew from the state of full concentration.

At this time, a huge formation had appeared in front of her. She stood up and looked at it, with a satisfied smile on her face.

Next, she put away the dagger and took out a small bottle of ink.

This was the ink that Qin Wuya used when he drew the formation. Such a powerful formation must not use ordinary ink.

However, it cannot be too difficult to find. Qin Wuya must have found it in the human world.

Qin Shu had thought about taking Qin Wuya's ink back to draw, but Sui Han reminded her in time.

It is very convenient to take the ink away directly, but it may also cause Qin Wuya to not have enough ink. History will change again, and their current situation may become more complicated.

Qin Shu thought so too. Now she is only one step away from getting her mother's spiritual roots back. There must be no other variables.

Qin Shu didn't know that one of the rules of time travel is not to interfere with the current time and space order.

Otherwise, it will be in big trouble.

Because of the small half bottle of ink she brought back, Sui Han is currently being tempered by the way of heaven...

Qin Shu didn't know these at all.

She put the ink to her nose and sniffed it gently, trying to distinguish the ingredients in the ink.

As an alchemist, the ability to identify raw materials by smell is essential.

However, Qin Shu frowned when she took a light sniff.

She could identify most of the ingredients in the ink, but there were two ingredients that made her confused.

First, it smelled a bit bloody, but it was different from human blood. It smelled a bit fishy and evil. She seemed to have smelled it somewhere, but she couldn't remember where it was for a while.

Second, this smell was very special. She was very sure that she had never smelled it before.

Qin Shu was silent for a moment, and finally decided to find a helper.

As for who to find, her first reaction was to think of her master Lingxu.

"Jiduo, I'll go down the mountain." Qin Shu said as she walked out.

Jiduo immediately said, "Mom, Jiduo will go with you!"

Qin Shu turned back quickly, "No, I will be back soon, you stay here and watch the formation, don't let anyone destroy it."

When Jiduo heard what Qin Shu said, the two leaves that were pulling out the roots stopped, stuffed the exposed whiskers back into the soil, and said to Qin Shu with a solemn oath, "Mom! Don't worry! Jiduo is here! The formation is here! If anyone dares to destroy the formation, they must be..."

When Qin Shu heard this, her heart trembled, and she quickly turned back and interrupted him, "Jiduo! Good boy, the formation is not as important as you, you are the most important! If someone insists on destroying the formation, you... run."

Jiduo is still a child now. After hearing what Qin Shu said, his face suddenly blossomed with joy, and the red petals seemed to be brighter. He grinned happily, revealing two rows of sharp teeth.


Qin Shu smiled at it and flew down the mountain.

Just as she walked to the edge of the cold pond, she bumped into He Xin who was walking towards her.

Qin Shu's smile just appeared on her face, but when she saw He Xin's empty right arm, her face suddenly sank.

"Shu Shu, you are back?!"

"Who did it?"

They both spoke at the same time.

He Xin was stunned at first, then turned her head to look at her right arm and laughed, "Didn't I tell you? When I went to the ice secret realm, I was entangled by an ice beast and finally broke an arm, so I was able to escape."

Qin Shu's face was so gloomy that water could drip out, but at the same time she could understand it. That secret realm was full of dangers and very strange. Many Jindan Zhenren were trapped in it. It was already very difficult for her to come out alive.

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