I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 673 I have a solution for this

Thinking of this, Qin Shu's expression became relieved.

Forget it, that secret realm has been permanently closed, and now I can only think of ways to restore it to her.

But if you break your arm, it can be easily recovered. If you take a Qianyuan Good Fortune Pill, your broken arm will be reborn immediately.

It's a pity... Qin Shu no longer has the Qianyuan Good Fortune Pill in her hand.

"Don't worry, I'll go to the mission hall in the next few days to exchange some points and give you a Qianyuan Creation Pill." Qin Shu said.

However, as soon as she said this, she received fierce opposition from He Xin, "No, no, no!"

Qin Shu frowned, "We grew up together, why are you so polite to me?"

He Xin smiled, and there was no trace of the anger caused by the broken arm in his eyebrows. Instead, his eyebrows were clear, and he seemed to have a broad mind and a firm heart.

"No, this is my choice. Shushu, it is my choice to break my arm, and it is also my choice to maintain the broken arm to practice the left-hand sword. If I can restore the broken arm with my own strength in the future, it will be great for me personally. A small consummation, but also an experience of the state of mind.”

As she spoke, the look on her face became more and more serious.

Obviously, she didn't say this casually, but it had been in her heart for a long time.

Qin Shu was stunned after hearing what she said. At the same time, she looked at He Xin with a bit of admiration in her eyes.

If we only talk about cultivation, He Xin is not as high as her, but if we compare it to her state of mind, He Xin's state of mind is much firmer than hers.

She is working steadily, and although her spiritual roots are much lower, if there are some adventures in the future, her state will definitely not be lower in the future.

Qin Shu looked at He Xin with a complicated expression.

But He Xin smiled loudly at her, "Just listen to me and let me do it by myself. If I can't even restore an arm for myself, how can I dare to aspire to the immortal path in the future?"

Qin Shu was convinced by her and nodded, "You are right, but if you encounter any trouble, you can come to me to discuss it."

He Xin shook his head, "I don't have any trouble at the moment, but you... look anxious. What happened to you?"

Qin Shu thought that He Xin was from Fanyin City like her, and she was also an excellent alchemist. Maybe she would know?

Thinking of this, Qin Shu took out the small porcelain bottle with her backhand and handed it to He Xin, "Sister, take a look at this. Can you smell what's in it?"

He Xin took it, curiously opened the cork, fanned it with his hand, and took a gentle sniff.

"Castor, sulfur, cinnabar... corpse oil, there seems to be something else, I can't smell it." Her brows furrowed, obviously confused.

When Qin Shu heard this, she was shocked and asked: "Corpse oil??"

He Xin nodded and looked at Qin Shu with a strange look. His brows seemed to be filled with unhappiness, "Didn't you smell it? I will never forget that fishy smell in my dreams."

Seeing He Xin's vow, Qin Shu believed 80% of it, "Why does corpse oil smell like blood?"

He Xin raised his eyes and looked at her, "Don't you know?"

Qin Shu shook her head, she really didn't know.

He Xin sighed, returned the porcelain vase to Qin Shu, and said, "I wonder if you have ever heard of...life sacrifice?"

"Life sacrifice?" Just hearing these two words made her scalp tingle.

He Xin frowned, as if thinking of something unpleasant.

"Yes, it is better to choose a man with a weak crown and a round body. Shave his hair, put it in a pot, and fry it with a slow fire for seven or forty-nine days. The essence and blood must not be damaged..."

Qin Shu's scalp felt numb just by listening to her words.

After she finished speaking, she couldn't help but ask, "Sister, who did you listen to?"

He Xin looked up at her and smiled bitterly, "I didn't hear what others said, I saw it with my own eyes..."

Qin Shu was silent, and then said after a moment: "You have suffered..."

He Xin shook his head, "It's okay now. I even went to Putuo Temple to stay for a while because of this."

Counting the days, almost ten years have passed since they worshiped at Xuantianmen. In the past ten years, the two of them have been practicing separately. They have not seen each other for many years and have their own experiences.

No wonder He Xin has such a state of mind. While gaining something, there is always something to lose.

Seemingly feeling that the atmosphere was a little heavy, He Xin laughed and said, "It's all over. Don't talk about it anymore. I can't solve all your troubles for you. You'd better go find someone else to ask."

Qin Shu nodded, "That's fine, I'm just going to find the master. The rest is up to him to help me clear up my doubts."

"Okay, go quickly. When you're done, let's sit together again. By the way, I haven't thanked you in person for the letter you brought me."

Qin Shu rolled her eyes at her, "They are all sisters. It's just a letter. How many times is it worth saying thank you?"

He Xin winked at her, "Then I'm not welcome. You go ahead and do your work."

Qin Shu was about to leave, but she asked casually, "Are you going to the back mountain?"

He Xin shook his head, "No, I'll take a bath in Hantan."

Seeing Qin Shu's confused look, she continued: "I had an unexpected encounter before. The temperature of the fire spirit energy was too high, but my body couldn't bear it. Fortunately, our sect has such a cold pool."

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows and said, "Sister, I can't help you with anything else, but I can really do this! Wait until I come back from Master and tell you in detail."

He Xin's face suddenly lit up, "Okay!"

The two hurriedly parted, one to the left and the other to the right.

Qin Shu climbed up Lingxiao Peak and hurriedly tapped the stone door of her master, but she learned from the little medicine boy that her master had been in seclusion for a long time and it was unknown when he would come out...

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