I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 696 Do you regret it?

As his words fell to the ground, the clouds and fog covering the road to ask the heart also dispersed.

Qin Shu's thoughts became as clear as the moon appearing from the clouds. She turned her face and looked up at the man beside her, frowning lightly and said: "You want... to let me go through the process of questioning again? "

The curve of Xie Shiyuan's lips deepened, and he nodded slightly, "Exactly."

Qin Shu turned around and looked at the steps going straight up, as if she had been given a slap in the face.

Something seemed to be rising and falling in her mind, and she felt her chest beating very fast.

This feeling was something she had never felt before when she went on a spiritual journey. She couldn't explain why, but she just felt that maybe this time the spiritual journey was a little different.

Of course, maybe ten years ago, she was just a new student and didn't have many distracting thoughts.

Nowadays, she is no longer the innocent child she was back then. She has many things on her mind. Of course, her thoughts are completely different again.

Seeing Qin Shu's silence, Xie Shiyuan did not disturb her, but quietly waited for her answer.

The breeze blew over the corners of their clothes, and the ink colors were intertwined with each other, like two butterflies flying up and down, dependent on each other but different from each other.

After a long time, Qin Shu's expression gradually became clear and firm.

She nodded heavily and said to Xie Shiyuan, "I'm going to go."

The expression on Xie Shiyuan's face did not change. He seemed to have expected Qin Shu to say this.

"Don't worry, I'll wait for you at the end of the road."

This tone and posture make it seem like he is an elder of Xuantian Clan!

Qin Shu found it a little funny, but she still nodded, raised her feet and walked in the direction of asking for help without hesitation.

Xie Shiyuan stood there and looked at Qin Shu's slender back, and the look in his eyes gradually became darker.

There seems to be some mysterious secret hidden in the dark golden eyes. One look at it and you can't help but dive in.

His thin lips were slightly parted, and the breeze took away his murmurs.

I only vaguely heard a sentence, "If you don't ask your mind, how can you climb the ladder to heaven..."

At this time, Qin Shu's figure flashed and she had arrived at the steps where she was asking for help.

Xie Shiyuan watched her step in, and then she disappeared in a flash.

It didn't seem difficult for Qin Shu to regain her spiritual path.

Gravity, which was the most difficult problem for new disciples in the past, is no longer a problem thanks to her tempered physique.

She raised her feet and easily climbed up the ten steps. Everything seemed to be going smoothly.

Just when Qin Shu gradually began to question whether it was useful to ask questions again, she stepped on the twentieth step.

At this moment, she seemed to have stepped into an extremely cold world, and the gravity she endured was countless times greater.

Qin Shu stood up straight against the pressure, but the infinite gravity seemed to be trying to subdue her stubbornness, and pushed her whole body downwards into the ground.

Qin Shu had experience in this area. When she was on the top of Qiyuan Mountain, the pressure of gravity was much stronger than now.

She followed her previous approach and crouched down, minimizing the gravitational potential energy and trying to crawl through this trial.

However, as soon as she squatted down, the suffocating feeling that hit her face covered her mouth and nose.

It's like... drowning.

This idea just came into her mind, and the scene around her changed.

The infinite gravity around her also disappeared at this moment, and she seemed to be at the bottom of a lake, with cold, fear...all kinds of negative emotions wrapping her whole body in it.

Her nerves began to become paralyzed and her thoughts began to blur. She opened her eyes and stared blankly, feeling herself sinking into the depths of the lake.

She was drowning. Drowning will kill you, right? She seemed to have died before.

Are you going to die... again?

Her ears seemed to be cut off from all noise, so quiet that she could only hear her own heartbeat.

"Thump, thump..."

She always felt as if someone should come to save her. Who could it be? Her brain began to lose control, and her memory began to become confused...missing...

There was a little light in the water waves. It was unclear whether it was sunlight or moonlight. It seemed that it was within reach, but it seemed as if there were a thousand mountains weighing on the arm and it was impossible to lift it up.

Her eyes closed slightly, and there seemed to be a voice whispering beside her, "Sleep...sleep..."

She vaguely felt something was wrong, but she couldn't muster the strength.

water? Her eyes fell on her sleeves.

Something is wrong.

Clothes are buoyant in water and will drift with the waves. How could it be like this?

Everything in this world may lie to you, but...knowledge will not.

Besides, she should be able to swim.

After figuring this out, Qin Shu suddenly opened her eyes and swam towards the surface of the water.

Only a weak person would wait for others to save him if he was in dire straits, but she didn't need to!

The water and gravity around her could no longer suppress her. She pushed hard, broke free from the illusion, and took another step up.

Countless steps appeared in front of her again, but the mountain gate that was originally at the end of the road disappeared out of thin air.

This seems to be an endless road. Human beings are very strange creatures. If there is a goal in front of them, they will always want to persist.

But if there is no goal in sight, who can persevere?

Qin Shu walked stubbornly on the steps under the scorching sun. The time was getting longer and longer, and even she couldn't remember what night it was.

She looked up at the steps, and for the first time, a thought came to her mind.

When will this road end? Does this road really have an end?

She sat cross-legged on the steps, closed her eyes and dared not look at the road she came from, and kept asking herself in her heart.

The road is this road, but where was she going in the beginning?

There is no road in this world, and the appearance of roads always leads to where people want to go.

So, where was she going in the beginning?

It is to become stronger, but what is the purpose of becoming stronger?

Qin Mian suddenly appeared in front of her, with a crazy face, holding a sword, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Qin Shu's heart.

"Sister, what if you got the opportunity? It's just a waste!"

"Sister, this is what you owe me."

"Do you regret it?"


The sword in her hand stabbed into Qin Shu's heart little by little, and the pain gradually began to spread to her limbs.

However, just as the pain completely swept through her body, Qin Shu suddenly opened her eyes, and she suddenly raised her hand and slapped Qin Mian in the face.

The other hand seemed to be unconscious and grabbed Qin Mian's sword blade, and pulled it out of her chest bit by bit.

The smile on her face was extremely ironic, and her eyes were also particularly sharp.

"Yes, regret, I have never regretted it so much." This sentence seemed to be squeezed out from Qin Shu's teeth.

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