I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 697: Revisiting the Path of Integrity

Qin Mian didn't seem to expect Qin Shu to react like this, and didn't expect Qin Shu to slap her.

Qin Shu sneered and said in a deep voice: "I regret not resisting at the beginning. What does your previous grievance have to do with me? Why do I have to bear it?!"

Qin Mian's face was gloomy, "You..."

Qin Shu continued: "You keep calling me sister, but who are you? Do you know in your heart? Are you really Qin Mian?"

Qin Mian's figure suddenly began to fluctuate, and Qin Shu seemed to see two shadows in her eyes.

However, these are not important now.

Qin Shu's bloody fingers almost instantly formed a seal, "I wanted to avoid you before, but not now. For the rest of my life, if anyone blocks my way, I will kill him!"

Her eyes opened in an instant, and there was a faint golden color floating in them, and the formation diagram in her hand was pushed back.

Xie Shiyuan noticed the fluctuations here, and with a casual touch of his fingertips, the space seemed to be sealed, and no sporadic spiritual fluctuations could be transmitted.

Qin Mian disappeared in front of Qin Shu, and she herself broke free from the illusion.

Qin Shu let out a long breath of turbid air. In fact, even she herself did not expect that she had such deep resentment in her heart.

This time Qin Mian did not become a weapon, and the will that dominated her body was her own.

She was still talented, but so what? She was the strongest.

Qin Shu raised her head and stepped onto the next step again. She had experienced mountains of swords and seas of fire, but none of them could stop her from moving forward.

Until a figure appeared in front of her, dressed in green, holding a sword in his arms.

Qin Shu stopped, looked at him solemnly, and called out, "Big Brother."

Cheng Yan slowly raised his head, "Junior Sister, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Qin Shu looked at the big brother in front of him, his temples seemed a little gray, completely different from the big brother she remembered.

"Junior sister, I'm waiting here just to tell you, don't go any further, the front is not the place you should go." Cheng Yan's eyes were heavy, and his tone was a little intimidating.

Qin Shu did not reply to him, but looked up at him for a long time, and then suddenly asked: "Big Brother, do you want to spar?"

Cheng Yan's face was serious, and he snorted coldly, "Nonsense."

Qin Shu immediately understood, "Big Brother, I call you Big Brother just because of your face. You are my senior brother, but not entirely."

Cheng Yan was about to scold, but was interrupted by Qin Shu.

"You are not the Big Brother who has a close relationship with me, and you are not a real sword cultivator."

If the secret realm tested her because of this, it was indeed completely unnecessary. When she first came to the world of immortal cultivation, Big Brother asked Qin Mian to give her a pleasure.

She originally thought that she should have a grudge, but as her cultivation level became higher and higher, her relationship with Big Brother became closer.

She was relieved by what the senior brother said. The real-time situation is different, and the decision should be different.

The senior brother is not the senior brother of this life, and she is not Qin Shu of this life.

If a person only traps himself in the past, he will be burdened by the past.

She raised her hand and a purple jade sword appeared in her hand. She looked at the senior brother in front of her with a fearless and cold face, "A true sword cultivator is not afraid of any challenge, senior brother, draw your sword."

She swung the sword, but did not receive a counterattack from the senior brother, but instead cut through the scene in front of her.

Senior Brother Wen Chi walked out of the cave with a smile and said to Qin Shu: "Cousin, the clan has just purchased a batch of cloud shark yarn. Aunt said to make you a new dress. Let's go and take a look together?"

Qin Shu felt unusually uncomfortable when she walked in from Wen Chi.

As for the reason, she couldn't say it at all.

"Cloud shark yarn? What is that?" Qin Shu heard herself asking.

"Isn't that what you've been thinking about? Auntie said that when we get married, she'll use this yarn to make clothes for you."

When Wen Chi said this, Qin Shu's mind suddenly went on fire.

There were many things she couldn't remember clearly, as if someone had deliberately erased her memory, but some things were engraved in her DNA.

For example, close relatives cannot get married!

She shook off Wen Chi's hand and raised her hand to cover Wen Chi's forehead. Before she could react, she spoke first, "Second Senior Brother, are you okay? Look carefully, I'm Qin Shu!"

Wen Chi still had a deep look in his eyes, as if Qin Shu was the only one in the world.

"Cousin, what's wrong with you? You were fine just now, why do you suddenly want to regret the engagement?"

Qin Shu felt that her soul seemed to be fluctuating, and she could hardly control her temper.

The next moment, the Purple Sky White Jade Sword directly attacked, "Monster! Watch out!"

Wen Chi's figure disappeared, and Qin Shu appeared on the steps again.

Xie Shiyuan looked at Qin Shu from a distance, with a relieved smile on his face.

"Not bad, these two levels are quite fast."

He originally thought that Qin Shu would rest for a while, but he didn't expect that she would step onto the next step again without any hesitation.

As she took this step, a feeling of dizziness suddenly swept over her.

When she opened her eyes again, Qin Shu found that someone was giving her artificial respiration.

A young handsome brother seemed familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen him before.

The handsome brother was relieved to see her wake up, "You finally woke up, I thought it was too late to save you."

The concrete floor beneath her was extremely hot. Qin Shu sat up and glanced around blankly.

The lake, the green belt, the asphalt road... and the water stain under her.

"I saw your admission letter. Are you a student of Tsinghua University?" the handsome brother asked.

Qin Shu pulled back her thoughts, nodded, and whispered, "Well, I haven't reported yet. Thank you for saving me."

The handsome brother shook his head gently, and his hair on his forehead was still stained with some water stains, "You're welcome, it's just a small favor. Your name is Qin Shu? I'm going to Tsinghua University, can I give you a ride?"

Qin Shu nodded, came back to her senses, and quickly shook her head, "My name is Qin Shu, don't bother you to give me a ride, I'll take a taxi myself. By the way, I don't know your name yet? I will definitely repay you when I learn skills in the future."

The handsome brother laughed, his smile was very beautiful, and he heard him say, "My last name is Xie, Xie Shiyuan."

Under the scorching sun, his smile was like a little deer that ran straight into Qin Shu's heart, so... so handsome.

But? Xie Shiyuan? Why did she seem to have heard this name somewhere?

Qin Shu thought so and said so.

"Why do I seem to have heard of your name?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she looked up and bumped into Xie Shiyuan's half-smile.

And his eyes fell into Qin Shu's eyes, and seemed to be somewhat meaningful.

Qin Shu was stunned, then smiled awkwardly, and quickly explained: "I really feel familiar with it, not because you are handsome..."

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