I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 701 I haven’t seen a snake this big yet

Qin Shu's expression also successfully made Qi Nan Zhenren nod with satisfaction, but Shu You, who knew the inside story, had a more obscure smile on his face.

Qi Nan glanced at Shu You and said, "Shu You, bring the wick to Xiao Shu'er."

When the head of the sect was happy, even the address became much closer.

Shu You responded and retreated.

Qin Shu stood there, rubbing her hands secretly, looking forward to it.

A wick of a semi-artifact! Can it be the same as an ordinary wick? Even if there is only a little bit of the wreckage of the semi-artifact, it is destined! Magnificent!

Qin Shu was still thinking about it, and a series of footsteps sounded in her ears.

She quickly looked up and saw that it was Shu You who came back.

He is back! He came back with her semi-artifact!

Shu You stood in front of Master Qi Nan holding the wooden box, and Master Qi Nan glanced at him, "Give it to her."

Shu You's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but he finally held back.

He held the wooden box in both hands and handed it to Qin Shu, who took it with excitement, feeling the weight of the wooden box in her hands.

Qin Shu's excitement was beyond words!

She happily said goodbye to the headmaster, and couldn't wait to go back and open it to see what the so-called semi-artifact wick looked like!

Master Qi Nan looked at her happy look, and didn't stop her, just waved her hand and let her leave.

After Qin Shu left, Shu You couldn't help but said to Qi Nan: "Master, isn't this a bit inappropriate for us?"

Qi Nan's smile faded a little, and he glanced at him, "Why is it inappropriate? Just tell me if what I gave her was a semi-artifact?"


Shu You just opened his mouth and was interrupted by Qi Nan, "No buts, the power of this thing is more than that. Xingchen Zhenren said that perhaps its own realm is even higher than a semi-artifact. People need luck, and so do artifacts. I just gave Xiao Shuer and the lamp a good luck to each other."

Shu You shut up completely. When it comes to talking, he will not be his master's opponent even if he practices for another thousand years.

Looking at Qin Shu, she was holding the wooden box and was reluctant to put it in the storage ring, and ran towards her cave.

As soon as she stepped into the formation, she hurriedly said to A Jin and Ji Duo who greeted her that she had something to do, and then she went into the cave.

She first performed a cleaning spell, and then solemnly placed the wooden box on the small wooden table on the stone bed.

As the lid of the wooden box was gently opened, Qin Shu almost held her breath.

The treasures in the box also appeared in front of her eyes little by little with her movements...

Ah this? Just this? !

Qin Shu looked at a black thing like a hemp rope on the tray and began to doubt her life completely.

This? Is this a semi-artifact?

The head said that there was only a wick left, and looking at this wick... it seemed to be fine.

But? How could the wick of a semi-artifact be so plain? Just a black thread?

She sat cross-legged depressed, folded her arms, and her brows twisted into knots.

At this moment, a slightly teasing voice suddenly sounded in her ear, "Why don't you quickly cover the lid? If the wind blows later, it will be hard to find your half-artifact if it is blown away."

Qin Shu: "..."

She slowly raised her head and saw a half-human, half-snake man appearing on her bed in the corner of the stone bed.

Qin Shu was stunned, "When did you come back?"

Xie Shiyuan supported his head with one hand, his wide sleeves fell at his elbows, and a bright red bracelet was on his fair arm.

He raised his eyes and looked at her, his thin lips slightly parted, "I have been here all the time, but you, you only have your half-artifact in your eyes, and you didn't even see such a big snake."

Qin Shu: "..."

He has been here all the time? How is it possible? She is not so low on vigilance.

Of course, if he doesn't want her to see him, she can't see him even if she opens her eyes wide.

At this time, a breeze came out from nowhere, and the wick on the table moved slightly.

Qin Shu was frightened and quickly closed the lid to protect it.

Xie Shiyuan saw her action, chuckled and asked: "Is this the semi-artifact you mentioned?"

Qin Shu shook her head and corrected: "Wreckage."

Xie Shiyuan raised his eyebrows, "Forgive me for my poor eyesight, but I didn't see its body."

Qin Shu's mouth twitched and her shoulders drooped. It was normal that she couldn't see anything from this black line, and she didn't need to force it.

"Its body is a lamp, and this thing is just the most important wick."

Xie Shiyuan still had the same action, without even moving, but said lazily: "Are you really sure that the most important thing is the wick?"

Qin Shu's breathing stagnated, and her face became sad, "Not so sure."

In fact, even she suspected that the headmaster had just picked up a line to fool her.

Xie Shiyuan's eyes fell on the box, and he suddenly asked, "What's the name of your semi-artifact?"

Qin Shu: "The Immortal Lantern."

Xie Shiyuan's expression changed, the laziness on his face faded, and his eyes gradually became sharper.

Qin Shu saw his change and asked again, "Do you know this lamp?"

After saying this, Xie Shiyuan resumed his lazy and relaxed attitude, "I've heard of it."

Qin Shu immediately became energetic, moved closer to him, and asked beside him: "Tell me something?"

Xie Shiyuan met her expectant eyes, and suddenly raised his lips and tapped his lips.

The smile on Qin Shu's face froze. Should I be so... unrestrained?

The next sentence was Xie Shiyuan said: "Kiss and tell you something."

Qin Shu's face was very serious, "Let's start with eight hundred sentences!"

Isn't it just a kiss? She, Qin, has never been afraid of anyone! Such a big and handsome man, asking her for a kiss? If she refuses, it will be unacceptable!

Xie Shiyuan was successfully amused by Qin Shu's words. When he smiled, there seemed to be light in his eyes, which was very beautiful.

Qin Shu couldn't help but pursed her lips. There is a kind of beauty in this world called beauty without knowing it.

She bent down, and her lips fell on his slightly opened lips without any warning, blocking Xie Shiyuan's next words between her lips and teeth.

Xie Shiyuan's big hand froze, and then naturally fell on her slender waist.

The room was warm and gentle, but two short shadows suddenly appeared on the window outside.

"I told you my daddy is back! Look, he's being held by my mom!" Even if Ji Duo's voice was lowered, his parents, who were very sharp-eyed and sharp-eared, could hear it clearly.

Qin Shu: "..."

She quickly let go of the hand holding Dashe's clothes and stepped back a little, and then she heard Ji Duo's voice again, "I'm so angry, I was wondering why mom didn't hug me when she came back just now, it turns out she came to hug daddy!"

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