I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 702 What does Daddy smell like?

Qin Shu and Xie Shiyuan looked at each other. The two little ones outside had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter.

Then they saw Ajin patting Jiduo's big flower plate, "You are really stupid! How can this be a hug!"

Jiduo lifted the leaves and rubbed the place where she had patted, and looked at Ajin blankly, "Isn't it a hug? What are you doing?"

Ajin touched his chin and thought for a moment, then shook his head.

She didn't know, this obviously involved her blind spot in knowledge.

But after a moment, she boldly guessed: "Maybe your mother wants to taste what your father tastes like?"

Jiduo: "Huh?"

Jiduo's eyes lit up, "What does daddy taste like? Jiduo wants to taste it too!"

Xie Shiyuan couldn't listen any more, and with a wave of his sleeves, the two little ones flew out of the windowsill lightly, without even having time to react.

When they came to their senses, they found themselves planted in the garden.

Ji Duo tried to pull his whiskers out of the soil, and was surprised to find that... he couldn't pull them out at all.

He cried "Wow", Qin Shu heard the movement and scanned with her consciousness, then pursed her lips and remained silent.

Xie Shiyuan glanced at her and asked, "What's wrong? Are you distressed?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "This child needs to be educated."

He even dared to eavesdrop on his parents' bedside? Why doesn't he go to heaven!

Xie Shiyuan curled his lips in satisfaction, as expected... his status was not comparable to that stinky boy.

Qin Shu saw that he seemed to be a little absent-minded, so she asked, "What are you thinking about? So serious?"

Xie Shiyuan came back to his senses, his eyes swept across her face, and then fell outside the window, and said seriously: "I was thinking... why did I think of planting a flower in the first place..."

I didn't think so before, but now I just think this guy is very annoying.

Qin Shu looked up at the sky speechlessly, no, at the top of the cave.

"Not only did he plant it himself, but he also made me bleed from heart."

Xie Shiyuan: "..."

Before he could speak, Qin Shu glanced at him with resentment, "The child has grown up, and you have left without returning, leaving me alone..."

Xie Shiyuan was completely silent, and suddenly felt a faint sense of self-blame in his heart, as if... it was indeed his fault.

If Guo Chong and others knew about his thoughts, wouldn't they be shocked to the point of dropping their chins to the ground?

What faint self-blame? He would still blame himself? Everyone in the world is wrong, but he can't be wrong!

Qin Shu seemed to have noticed Xie Shiyuan's emotions, and immediately said: "It's not easy for me, you tell me about the fairy holding the lantern... It's not too much, right?"

Xie Shiyuan: "..."

Meeting her burning gaze, all the little thoughts in her heart are now clear.

Xie Shiyuan's snake tail supported him to sit up, looking at Qin Shu who was expecting in front of him, and slowly spoke.

"The immortal holds a lantern, an immortal weapon."

Qin Shu was stunned for a moment, but before she could speak, she saw Xie Shiyuan glance at her wooden box lightly and said softly: "But, your wick... I'm afraid it's not even a Taoist weapon now."

Qin Shu: "..."

The surprise came and went quickly, and the emotional gap was too big, which made people quite uncomfortable.

But Qin Shu's mentality was also very good. She thought again that people should not rely too much on external objects. Even if this thing is a Taoist weapon, it is also very good for her current cultivation.

Qin Shu thought so, and then looked at Xie Shiyuan again, and asked him: "Then what's the use of my Taoist weapon...?"

Facing her burning gaze, Xie Shiyuan shook his head calmly.

Qin Shu was stunned, and her expression gradually became subtle, "What do you mean?"

Xie Shiyuan shrugged, "I mean, your Taoist weapon is useless."

Qin Shu: "Beautiful waste?"

Xie Shiyuan: "Beautiful?"

Qin Shu: "..."

Oh, it's just another thing that takes up space.

Xie Shiyuan looked at Qin Shu's frustrated expression and said to her: "Put it away first. If you are lucky enough to find some fragments in the future, maybe they can be used."

Qin Shu nodded slightly, thinking that what he said made sense.

But she suddenly thought of something, raised her eyes and looked at Xie Shiyuan, and asked: "Big Snake, have you seen that lantern? How much of the whole fairy weapon is this wick?"

Xie Shiyuan's eyes fell on Qin Shu, and he hesitated to speak. After a moment, he finally asked: "Do you really want to know?"

When Qin Shu heard this, her heart sank again, and she sighed, "Forget it, you say it, I already have a bottom in my heart."

Xie Shiyuan curled his lips, and then said: "It's not too much to say that it's one in a thousand."

Qin Shu: "..."

She thought she had a bottom in her heart, but she didn't expect that the real bottom was in the abyss.

One in a thousand? What is it called a semi-artifact? Isn't this equivalent to a small part falling from a fairy weapon?

Although the head of the sect said that he rewarded her with a semi-artifact, in fact... it was useless.

This wave, everyone is a winner, except her.

Qin Shu, with a wooden face, threw the wick into her storage jade pendant and kept it for the bottom of the box!

Seeing her angry look, Xie Shiyuan thought for a moment and took out another piece of clothing and handed it to Qin Shu.

Qin Shu looked at the clothing in his hand, which was exactly the same style and color as hers, and asked, "Don't I have one too?"

Xie Shiyuan responded softly, and then said casually, "The one you're wearing is from a few years ago, and this one is new."

Qin Shu's mind hadn't figured it out yet, so she asked, "What's the difference?"

Xie Shiyuan met her eyes and said word by word, "My body was weaker before."

Qin Shu realized instantly that the clothes she was wearing might be the skin shed by the big snake when it was young. At that time, its cultivation was low and its body was weak. Now that its cultivation has improved, the skin it shed is of course much stronger than before.

However, she thought again that the defense she was wearing was already very strong, so the one he gave her now would not be...

Qin Shu's breathing stagnated, and her eyes lit up.

Xie Shiyuan looked at her money-grubber look, raised his hand and pinched her chin, "Don't think about other people's so-called semi-artifacts in the future. If you have the time, you might as well... reward me more."

When he said the last sentence, he deliberately spoke in a low voice.

When Qin Shu heard it, her narrow eyes slightly raised, and a gleam of light seemed to flash across her.

The next moment, she suddenly moved closer to Xie Shiyuan, and their eyes met, and there seemed to be only enough space for a finger between their noses.

Their breathing was glued together, and then the big snake's breathing became disordered.

Qin Shu raised her red lips into a perfect arc, and asked him with a smile, "Reward? What reward do you want?"

Xie Shiyuan's Adam's apple moved slightly, and before he opened his mouth, she pecked his red lips lightly.

"Like this?"

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