I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 718 You are so generous

The Suzaku Patriarch heard this and flew over with a dagger in his eye, but the Qinglong Patriarch was not afraid of him at all. He just snorted coldly and then asked: "Can you do it?"

Ancestor Suzaku turned his face away and coldly choked out two words, "No."

Ancestor Qinglong showed an unexpected look, raised his eyes and looked at Qin Shu, who was floating in the air in the distance, "The human race's ability to understand is really powerful."

Seeing this, Suzaku also glanced at him, "Since you have witnessed the rise of a genius with your own eyes, how can you, the ancestor, be so stubborn?"

Ancestor Qinglong was choked by him, "Aren't you the same?"

Ancestor Suzaku shook his head, "I gave her the Heavenly Flame Golden Stone."

Ancestor Qinglong: "..."

After a moment of silence, he sighed, "That's all, this little girl has been serving you with care these days, ancestor, I will give her a blessing."

While talking, Qin Shu climbed up the cliff again towards the top.

This time she still jumped from the top of the cliff as before, but the difference was that this time when she was reshaping her muscles and bones, the Azure Dragon Ancestor took action.

Qin Shu watched a piece of blue light flying towards her direction. Before she could see clearly what it was, the piece of green light dispersed into a ball of blue mist and enveloped her completely.

Even if Qin Shu didn't see it clearly, her aura couldn't lie. She had been with her ancestor for so long, so she was already familiar with it.

This aura is clearly that of Ancestor Qinglong!

Qin Shu seized the time and frantically ran the body refining formula, absorbing the green mist. Suzaku in the distance also turned his head and looked at Qinglong beside him.

"Are you... so generous?"

Ancestor Qinglong laughed, "Every time I break through, the dragon horn will fall off. I have plenty of these."

He watched with relief as Qin Shu absorbed every drop of the green mist like a whale, "Not bad, not bad, this child is very good at this, there is no waste at all."

Ancestor Suzaku did not refute his words. This child even picked up all the hair he lost, leaving no scraps behind.

This time the reshaping was more successful than the previous ones. Qin Shu climbed ashore from the lava, stretched out her palms and slowly clenched them into fists, feeling that her whole body was filled with surging power.

Qin Shu grinned. It felt so good. Now she felt like she could collapse half of the cliff with just one punch.

Ancestor Qinglong didn't know what good thing he gave her, but it was almost as effective as Xi Rang.

She climbed up the cliff, just in time to expend her strong energy.

When she successfully stood in front of the Qinglong Ancestor, she knelt down and kowtowed three times to the Qinglong Ancestor with a face full of joy, "Disciple, thank you for the kindness of the ancestor!"

The Qinglong Ancestor was lying on the cloud, looking at the child in front of him. Although there was a smile in his eyes, he said in a nonchalant tone: "The gift of reconstruction is not counted, it is just something that is not needed. ”

Of course Qin Shu knew that things that his old man couldn't use were still good things for him!

Ancestor Suzaku was watching from the side, and when he saw this, he also called her, "Stop grinding and whining, go practice quickly."

Qin Shu responded, stood up from the ground, and sprinted towards the edge of the cliff.

Nowadays, jumping off a cliff is nothing to her. She has already gone from being resigned to death at the beginning to doing good things now.

The damage caused to her by jumping off the cliff became less and less. She opened her arms and imagined that she was a bird. The surrounding wind gently blew her ears. She subconsciously wanted to take advantage of the situation, and suddenly there was a Suzaku Ancestor’s message.

"It's okay, don't take advantage of it. Do you want to exercise or train your body?"

Qin Shu had just found the trajectory of the wind when he was woken up by his old man's voice. Qin Shu quickly calmed down and continued to free fall.

"Obviously he is from a human race, but he still understands it so skillfully by taking advantage of the wind." Ancestor Suzaku couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

Compared with Ancestor Suzaku, Ancestor Qinglong is more accepting of her current situation, "She can understand the true meaning of water as a human being, but she is just taking advantage of the wind, so what's the fuss?"

Ancestor Suzaku: "If you say that, it really makes sense."

While the two were talking, Qin Shu had already emerged from the lava.

She was surprised to find that this time she was not shattered to pieces? !

Her lower leg and ribs were broken, but her arms were fine.

She focused on tempering her calves and ribs and climbed up from the magma.

The two ancestors, Suzaku and Qinglong, also noticed the changes in her body. The ancestor Qinglong said directly: "It seems that she has finished her training with you."

Suzaku glanced at him, "Where are you? As long as she wants to practice, I have plenty of things to teach her."

When he said this, Patriarch Qinglong was surprised.

"She is cultivating alone, and you actually have to dig out her bottom line?" Qinglong Ancestor asked.

Ancestor Suzaku snorted softly, "It's rare for someone to come here. They are old and not old. Maybe in a few years, these things will follow me and return to dust."

Finally, Qin Shu jumped down this time and blasted the lava a foot high, but she was completely unscathed.

When she saw this, she knew that she must have been tempered. Now her body has reached the fourth level of the spirit quenching stage, and even a sword falling on her body will not leave even a white mark.

I don’t know if she can escape from the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation in her current state...

Ancestor Qinglong and Ancestor Suzaku landed next to her at the same time. Ancestor Suzaku asked before Qin Shu said her farewell: "I see that you seem to have understood how to take advantage of the wind. I have a suitable person here." Do you want to learn some of my body skills?"

Qin Shu: "?"

study! That must be learned! How could the movement skills of the Suzaku Patriarch be ordinary?

She has already made it up in her mind. If she goes out to meet the enemy in the future, others will not be able to catch up with her, and they will not hurt her even if they hit her. Doesn't this mean she is invincible?

Qin Shu was delighted by her imagination. She smiled happily and kowtowed to the Suzaku ancestor, "Learn! Please ask the ancestor to teach the disciples the body technique!"

Ancestor Suzaku was very satisfied when he saw this, but his expression was much more serious than before.

"My movement skills are different from those of your human race, so it may be a little difficult for you." He spoke.

Qin Shu is not afraid at all. What is there to be afraid of? ! It’s not difficult for her not to learn yet!

The Suzaku Ancestor seemed to see what she was thinking, so he continued: "My Suzaku clan rarely lands on the ground, so the so-called body skills are naturally in the air."

Qin Shu's eyes lit up, and then she gradually calmed down.

She understood why the Suzaku ancestor said that this movement technique was difficult. The Suzaku clan had wings, but she didn't have wings. How easy was it to move the movement technique in the air?

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