I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 719 What is this little girl talking about?

Yuanying cultivators can fly in the air without any magic tools, but it is undoubtedly difficult to practice body skills on the basis of balancing the body.

However, what if it is difficult? Since the Suzaku Patriarch wants to teach her, it means that she is likely to learn it. As long as there is a slight possibility, she will try her best!

The Azure Dragon Patriarch looked at Qin Shu with a serious expression, worried that she would back down, so he said to her: "Who said that you can't fly without wings? Can't I fly?"

The Suzaku Patriarch rolled his eyes at him, "Then you teach me."

The Azure Dragon Patriarch's nostrils were almost raised to the sky, "Do I need body skills with my physique?"

In the face of absolute defense, what is body skills?

The Suzaku Patriarch simply ignored her and said to Qin Shu: "You have now broken through the Nascent Soul stage, and the spiritual energy capacity in your Dantian is several times more than that of cultivators of the same level, which is enough to support you to perform body movements in the air..."

Qin Shu just nodded, and heard the Suzaku Patriarch continue to say: "This technique may be a little difficult for others, but it is okay for you."

Qin Shu was stunned, and saw his red-gold eyes looking at Qin Shu from head to toe, and said: "With your current physique, it doesn't matter even if you fall from the air."

Qin Shu: "..."

That's right, at most you will fall, and you will be a hero again when you get up!

"I will only say the formula of body movement once, so remember it."

Qin Shu nodded immediately, and heard the Suzaku Patriarch say: "Turn over and shrink your abdomen as you expand and contract, dodge and move sideways..."

Qin Shu has a good memory and remembers the formula firmly, but when it comes to actual application, she encounters a problem again.

How to turn over and curl up in the air?

Of course, Suzaku Patriarch didn't really intend to tell her a formula and let her figure it out on her own. He spread his wings and said to the little Qin Shu at his feet: "I will only fly once, you watch carefully."

Qin Shu was more cautious this time. What if she didn't notice any details when she only flew once? She still had to use the recording stone.

She held the recording stone in one hand, input the spiritual energy into it, and recorded all the movements of Suzaku Patriarch.

The huge figure of Suzaku Patriarch passed through the air. It was originally flying in a straight line, but suddenly with a huge movement, the huge body disappeared from the spot and appeared directly above her head.

Qin Shu watched carefully, not only was there shock in her eyes, but she was also thinking about something.

In her eyes, Suzaku Patriarch's flight trajectory is a spatial rectangular coordinate system. Although her body movements are usually powerful, they are all two-dimensional. Now that they have risen to three dimensions, the difficulty coefficient is naturally doubled.

But if she changes her thinking mode, she can disassemble this body movement, start to comprehend it from the two-dimensional level, and then gradually improve it to three dimensions.

If you proceed step by step, you may make faster progress.

Just as she was thinking, Suzaku Patriarch had already landed beside her and asked, "Did you see it clearly?"

Qin Shu came back to her senses, "Hmm?"

Suzaku Patriarch asked again, "Did you see it clearly?"

Qin Shu nodded, "I saw it clearly."

"You try it." Suzaku Patriarch stared at Qin Shu, his eyes sharp, as if he would not allow her to retreat at all.

According to Qin Shu's temperament in the past, she would have rolled up her sleeves and done it.

But this time, she stood there in a daze without moving.

Suzaku Patriarch frowned, "What? Are you scared?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "Wait."

Suzaku Patriarch and Qinglong Patriarch looked at each other, their eyes were very serious.

Suzaku Patriarch really didn't understand. She jumped off the cliff without blinking when he asked her to jump off the cliff. This time, he just asked her to try her body skills, why didn't she dare?

Could it be that she didn't see it clearly?

Just as the dragon and the bird looked at each other in bewilderment, a spiritual energy fluctuation suddenly came from Qin Shu in front of them.

The dragon and the bird turned their heads to look at Qin Shu at the same time. She was still standing there without moving, but the spiritual energy fluctuations on her body became more and more obvious. No one knew what she was doing.

Finally, two groups of smoky purple spiritual energy emerged from Qin Shu's back. Suzaku and Qinglong were stunned at the same time, and saw that the two groups of smoky purple spiritual energy slowly opened up and finally formed a pair of clear spiritual wings.

Qin Shu tried to control the spiritual energy behind her to flap her wings. She actually flew up slowly. Suzaku's pupils shrank, and he looked at Qin Shu with more admiration.

Human race! Sure enough, smart!

Qin Shu flew two circles, felt that the spiritual energy consumption of the small wings behind her was still within an acceptable range, and then stopped and said to the Suzaku Patriarch: "Now that the problem of flying has been solved, I will practice the body skills from the two-dimensional level, and finally adjust the direction and height with the small wings, and the body skills in the three-dimensional level will be mastered by me."

Suzaku: "?"

Qinglong: "???"

What is this little girl talking about? Why can't they understand a word?

Seeing that they didn't react, Qin Shu thought that the two ancestors were testing her, so she tried it according to her own thinking.

She just flew for a while, and she felt something was wrong, so she quickly took out the heroic figure of the Suzaku Patriarch that she had just recorded with the photo stone to observe.

Suzaku Patriarch originally thought that Qin Shu would not be able to even touch the threshold for a while, and maybe he would have to fly twice more, which was not a problem. He didn't plan for her to learn it just by watching once.

But who would have thought? She figured it out by herself and gradually got the hang of it?

Although her body movements were not so smooth, she had used them for tens of thousands of years, and she could tell at a glance that she had mastered the essence of them.

As long as she practiced hard, her body movements would certainly be very smooth in time.

Seeing Qin Shu flying past them, they thought she would come over to ask for praise, but they didn't expect her body to turn around and appear in the northeast again.

Under the night sky, her smoky purple wings exuded a hazy glow, and as her body floated, it seemed like a tide that cut through the sky, fleeting, and making it difficult to figure out her trajectory.

Qin Shu flew for a whole night. At night, her spiritual energy recovery speed was increased under the night sky, which was a good time to practice body movements.

As the scene of the sun and the moon shining together in the sky began to appear, her spiritual energy recovery speed gradually decreased, but she seemed to be tirelessly floating with the wind.

The most important point of the Vermillion Bird Patriarch's body movement is to take advantage of the wind, which is exactly what Qin Shu is good at, and it undoubtedly lowers the threshold for her to learn this body movement.

Gradually, the small wings behind Qin Shu could no longer support her, and gradually became thinner, and she fell lightly from the air.

Just when the two ancestors, Vermillion Bird and Azure Dragon, thought that she should take a break this time, they didn't expect that she turned her wrist, and a bottle of top-grade Manling Pill appeared in Qin Shu's hand...

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