I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 740 What's that sound outside?

After Qin Shu was silent, she actually said seriously to the photo stone: "I, Qin Shu, will definitely give a better magic weapon to Senior Brother Wen Chi when I become a master of weapon refining in the future."

Wen Chi was originally just joking with her, but when she said this, he was stunned for a moment.

Why do I feel like I'm bullying a child?

Wen Chi coughed slightly and put away the image stone with his backhand.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, "Shu'er, it's mom."

Wen Chi walked over and opened the door, glanced at his aunt who was standing outside the door and was half a head shorter than him, then looked back at Qin Shu and said: "Little Shu'er, senior brother has left first, I will come to play with you when I'm free. "

Qin Shu responded, Wen Chi said hello to Wen Yu again, and left.

Qin Shu took Wen Yu's arm and pulled her into the house. After the two of them sat down, she asked, "Mom, are they giving you any trouble?"

Wen Yu smiled at Qin Shu's concerned look, "Silly boy, with Chengfeng and Bai Shuang here, who will embarrass me?"

Of course, when I first came back, there was no need to elaborate on the details of those things that made things difficult for me.

For example, at the beginning, Erfang bullied her and forced her to hand over the thing, but was thrown out by Chengfeng.

Her eldest brother Wen Gu even imprisoned the second brother who caused trouble in the second room in a forbidden area for sixty years. She had only spent ten sixty years in total in her life.

It's quite satisfying.

Qin Shu stared at the smile on her face for a long time, but didn't see anything unusual, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mom, what do they want to find from you?" Qin Shu asked.

Wen Yu shook his head, "Don't listen to their nonsense. Even if you are a mortal, you can't hide anything. The exercises you learned in the beginning were all given by them. What else can you have?"

But Qin Shu always felt that something was wrong, "What are they looking for? Why don't I go to Qisha and place an order? Let them help me find it?"

Wen Yu's mouth was very strict. No matter how Qin Shu asked, she said nothing.

"Let them have a headache on their own with these things. You kids, don't get involved."

Qin Shu frowned, "But...if you can't find it, they won't let you go?"

Wen Yu disagreed, "If you don't let me go, I won't leave. This is my home originally, so there is nothing to be afraid of in my own home. They still have to take care of my food and drink, and I don't have to wake up early and work late at night to make a living."

Having said that, she couldn't deceive Qin Shu.

The spiritual stones she gave Wen Yu were enough to buy her a few maids to eat and drink every day, but she didn't want to live a life where she could open her mouth with clothes on hand and food on hand.

What could it be?

There was no storage space on her body, so even if she had something, there was nowhere to hide it.

As for the Kung Fu, she has indeed been practicing the Kung Fu given to her by the Wen family. What is it that keeps them thinking about it?

At this moment, an idea suddenly appeared in Qin Shu's mind.

She stretched out her hand and grabbed her mother's wrist, looked into her eyes, raised her hand to prop up a soundproof cover, and then gently transmitted her voice: "Mom, is that jade pendant they are looking for?"

Wen Yu's expression was obviously strange for a moment, but she soon returned to normal, smiled at Qin Shu, and asked: "What jade pendant?"

Qin Shu: "It's the piece you gave me when I came to the immortal world."

Wen Yu: "It's just an ordinary thing, what's special about it? I'm afraid you don't even know where you threw those things, right?"

Although she wanted to pretend not to care, her last sentence to test Qin Shu fell through.

"Mom, don't lie to me. I accidentally discovered that there is a hidden space inside that jade pendant... At that time, I thought, how could you, a mortal, have such a treasure? My daughter also learned a way to improve her physical fitness from it... Is this the jade pendant they are looking for? No, should I say, it belongs to Jade Perry? "

A storage jade pendant, even if it is for growth purposes, is still essentially a storage space. For the Wen family with a profound background, it is nothing at all.

But if there is something hidden inside... then it is very possible.

Wen Yu watched Qin Shu open and close her mouth, and her voice gradually appeared in her ears.

She finally sighed, raised her hand and wrote four words on her palm: [You put it away].

Looking at these four words, Qin Shu knew that she had guessed correctly.

"Mom, how can I help you?" Qin Shu frowned and continued to speak.

Her mother refused to tell her what that thing was, so naturally she wouldn't let her hand it over.

It would be better to think of other ways to take her mother away.

Wen Yu pursed her lips and chuckled, "If you and my son-in-law are good, mother will be satisfied. If you have a child, you can also send it to me, and mother will help you take care of it..."

Qin Shu: "?"

child? She really does.

But when she thought of her mother holding a flower, she quickly shook the thought out of her mind.

That's all, it's better not to irritate her like this.

"When he can come over, I will bring him to see you." Qin Shu said.

Although she also wanted to legitimately support her mother, she was not strong enough to intimidate others.

When you need the power of a fox or a tiger, it would be perfect to bring a big snake over.

"Not yet. He said he can't come to Wen's house yet."

Wen Yu said without thinking: "Forget it if you can't come, you two just get along well."

It doesn't matter how the mother is doing, she still doesn't want to drag her daughter down with her own affairs.

Qin Shu thought about it, and finally shook her head, "I'll go talk to them tomorrow."

Wen Yu was anxious, "Shu'er, those people in the second house are all devils, don't provoke them."

Qin Shu gently covered her hand with her left hand, and smiled at her to comfort her, "Mom, don't worry, it's just a talk, how can it be considered provoking?"

Seeing that she had made up her mind, Wen Yu had to sigh, "Forget it, if you must go, let your uncle accompany you."

Qin Shu nodded and agreed, "Okay."

The next morning, Qin Shu finished practicing sword, and the sky just got bright, so she put away her sword and went straight to find Wen Gu.

When she walked outside his door, the guard at the door hurriedly came up, "Miss Qin Shu."

Qin Shu nodded slightly and asked, "Where is your uncle?"

"The master hasn't woken up yet."

Qin Shu: "..."

The Wen family has been living a comfortable life for too long, no wonder they don't have much amazing cultivation in this treasure land.

She has finished practicing sword, but they haven't woken up yet?

Are monks really that sleepy? Can't they just sit and meditate to relieve fatigue?

She was free anyway, so she continued to practice sword outside Wen Gu's door. Poor Wen Gu, who had lived for hundreds of years, woke up to the sound of a sword breaking through the air for the first time.

"Come on, what's that noise outside?"

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