I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 741 It is easy to invite a god but difficult to send him away

The servant serving Wen Gu hurriedly walked to the inner room, "Go back to the master, Miss Qin Shu is here."

Wen Gu was obviously stunned for a moment, and then asked again: "But I got up late today?"

"Going back to Master, it's almost the same time as before. Miss Qin Shu came early."

Wen Gu sat up on the bed with one hand, "What is she doing outside? Why do I seem to hear a faint sound in the air?"

"Miss Qin Shu said that she is idle, so she might as well practice her swordplay and wait for you to wake up."

Wen Gu waved his hand, performed a cleaning technique, and even changed his clothes.

He got off the bed and asked again, "How long has she been here?"

"More than an hour."

Wen Gu: "..."

"Get up so early?"

"Master, I have asked the person who serves Miss Qin Shu. She didn't sleep at all last night and practiced swordplay all night."

Wen Gu was silent again. He was too embarrassed to keep Qin Shu waiting, so he quickly stood up and went out to greet her.

Qin Shu did not forget to keep an eye on all directions while practicing swordsmanship. Just as the door rang, she was stabbing out with her sword. She quickly looked back and saw her uncle coming out.

Qin Shu quickly put away her sword, walked over and hugged Wen Gu, "Uncle."

Wen Gu had a warm smile on his face, and his eyes swept over the sword she was carrying, "Shu'er, how do I remember that you and Wen Chi both joined Lingxiao Peak?"

Ling Xiaofeng belongs to the Dan Sect, so why did she practice swordplay all night?

"The disciple also worshiped Master Jian Zong Wang Jian..."

Wen Gu suddenly realized, and before he could speak, Qin Shu added: "And the master of Qi Zongyue will be my teacher."

Wen Gu: "..."

The words of admonishment that came to his mouth were swallowed by him. Others who practice too much may affect their cultivation, but his niece should not.

Just look at her current cultivation level.

"Now that you're here, let's sit with uncle."

Wen Gu led Qin Shu into the room and sat down on the chair. He turned his wrist and a tea set appeared in his hands.

Qin Shu watched him carrying the jade pot and making tea skillfully. His appearance was exactly the same as that of her second senior brother.

While making tea, Wen Gu chatted with Qin Shu, "Shu'er, you came to see my uncle early in the morning. Is there something urgent?"

Qin Shu wasn't very familiar with him, and since he was an elder, she felt a little reserved sitting across from him.

She folded her hands on her knees like a well-behaved primary school student.

"It's not that I'm in a hurry, I just didn't expect that my uncle hasn't gotten up yet, so I came here a little early."

Wen Gu: "..."

It can be seen that this child is not very good at talking.

"Uncle, I just want to ask my mother, who has been back to her parents' home for several months. Can she go back with me this time?"

Wen Gu looked into Qin Shu's clear eyes and sighed, "I'm afraid it's not that easy."

Qin Shu frowned and asked again: "Why?"

Wen Gu didn't hide it from her, "Your mother has a secret of cultivation. Before they get the secret from your mother, I'm afraid they won't let your mother go so easily."

"What's the secret? Why didn't I see it?" Qin Shu was really curious.

According to her mother's wishes, if nothing else happened, the so-called secret should be in her hands. But she has had the jade pendant for many years, and she has already read through the books there, and has practiced the useful and useless ones. It seems that there is nothing particularly special?

Wen Gu said: "It doesn't matter whether you see it or not. What's important is that they see it."

Qin Shu frowned and said, "Do we still need to talk about this matter? What if the secret is really not in my mother's hands?"

Wen Gu sighed, "Shu'er, uncle understands what you mean. Last month, I wanted to send your mother away quietly, but they stopped her before she could get out of the confinement."

Qin Shu was puzzled, "With Chengfeng and Bai Shuang here, Chengfeng is very fast. If he wants to leave, he can escape no matter what."

Wen Gu shook his head, "Maybe outside, but this is the Wen family."

Qin Shu thought for a moment, and finally said: "It's okay if you don't let her go, but I won't leave either. The spiritual energy here is strong. I will stay with my mother until I break through the spirit transformation."

She will definitely make them understand that it is easy to invite God but hard to send away!

Wen Gu handed over a cup of freshly brewed tea and said, "Shu'er, try this Ten Thousand Years Silver Grass Vine to relieve your anger. Your mother and son have been away for many years, and my uncle has been feeling very guilty. This time he just needs to stay a little longer."

Qin Shu agreed wholeheartedly, drank tea and nibbled on the spiritual fruit. She didn't leave until she was full and full.

Wen Gu looked at Qin Shu's leaving figure and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: Shu'er is really easy to talk to, unlike that brat from his family who is so stubborn.

However, before it was afternoon, a servant came to send word that Miss Qin Shu had beaten Xiao Shiba in the second room.

Wen Gu quickly sat up straight and asked: "How? Was it hit hard?"

"I can't see any external injuries, but Young Master 18 was lying on the ground whining in pain."

Wen Gu breathed a sigh of relief, "This little 18 must be cheating."

The servant also said: "Miss Qin Shu didn't even draw her sword, so she fought him with her bare hands. The Eighteenth Young Master is wearing protective gear, so it shouldn't be a serious problem."

Wen Gu nodded slightly, "That's all, let me send you two bottles of Peiyuan Pill to comfort me."

The second-bedroom boy, Xiao Shiba, was in unspeakable pain at this moment. The punch from Qin felt as if he had been hit by a hammer, and his whole body ached from the skin to the bones. She seemed to still have a fire spirit, and that fiery flame remained in his body and could not be dissipated. It was burning his skin and meridians all the time, which was really fatal.

He lay on the bed and tossed and turned, moaning every time he moved.

His family also came to see him, and they all said he was faking it. How painful would it be if there were no cracks in the protective gear?

He looked at this group of people standing and talking without feeling pain in their backs, and gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence from his lips, "You will know when you get beaten."

However, his second brother was sitting on a chair, looking at Erlang's legs and said disdainfully: "What can a little girl from the human world do with ordinary mortal blood bleeding on her body? You are a waste, and you want others to suffer with you." beat?"

Xiao Shiba snorted coldly, turned over in pain, and issued an eviction order, "Get out!"

The fourth child said from the side: "Xiao Shiba, why are you talking to the second brother?!"

Xiao Shiba: "Get out of here too!"

On the other hand, Wen Yu also held Qin Shu's hand and asked with a distressed look on her face: "Shu'er, does it hurt your hand? What do you think you care about with them? Those who are so old will only embarrass my daughter. ”

Wen Chi couldn't stand watching anymore. His junior sister had a body that was as good as a Taoist weapon. How many of these juniors from the Wen family could punch her?

Besides, it’s really hard to say who is embarrassing whom...

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