"Aunt, what do you think the junior sister's reason is for beating Xiao Shiba?" Wen Chi asked with great interest.

Wen Yu glanced at him, "What can I do? My Shu'er has always been sensible. He must have bullied Shu'er."

Wen Chi laughed, "Aunt, junior sister said that Xiao Shiba blocked her way."

The road was wide enough for twenty people to pass abreast, and she insisted that they were blocking her way.

Xiao Shiba is used to being arrogant, how can he tolerate her words? He choked her a few words, but Qin Shu had always been a person who could do something but keep her mouth shut.

Wen Chi originally thought that by saying this, his aunt would understand who was responsible for this matter.

But he didn't expect that Wen Yu was actually protecting his daughter, "The road is so wide, why did he block my daughter's way? Isn't he just looking for trouble?"

However, Qin Shu also responded calmly: "Yes, he just wants to be beaten."

Not only did he want to be beaten, but the entire second room wanted to be beaten.

At first, no one paid much attention to the fact that Xiao Shiba was beaten, thinking it was just a minor quarrel among children.

But he didn't expect that half a day had passed before Xiaosi was beaten again.

Wen Che from the second room asked with a dark face: "Why do they always provoke that person named Qin? She is already in the Nascent Soul stage. How many of these juniors can be her opponents?"

"I didn't provoke her, I just happened to meet her. She said that Xiao Si was disturbing her absorption of spiritual energy."

Wen Che: "She was practicing at that time?"

"No, she is just walking, but she said that she can also absorb spiritual energy while walking."

Wen Che was so angry that he slapped the table, "She's just looking for trouble! How was Xiao Fourteen beaten? Is it serious?"

"Exactly the same as Xiao Shiba. He kept whining in pain and said it was like being roasted by fire. Even taking pills had no effect."

Wen Che pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Tell the little ones to have eyes in their backs and stay away from the people named Qin."

After all, they are the younger generation who are fighting around. If adults like them go there, they will be bullying the younger ones to some extent.

If Wen Gu knew about it, a lot of resources from their second house would be deducted.

It's all because the eldest brother didn't live up to expectations, his cultivation was a little worse, and his methods were a little worse, so the Wen family fell into the hands of the eldest brother Wen Gu.

However, his words had not reached the ears of several children, and soon after, Xiaoqi and Xiaoba were also beaten.

"Xiao Qi and Xiao Ba are at the peak of their golden elixirs, but the two of them combined have never beaten each other?" Wen Che was shocked.

"Master, let alone fighting, the two young masters have no power to fight back."

Wen Che's face darkened. No wonder the eldest son wanted to send Wen Chi to Xuantianmen. It seemed that there was something wrong with the Wen family's current method of teaching disciples.

Wen Chi is not much older than Xiao Shiba, but his cultivation level is a whole level higher.

Nowadays, if any female disciple from Xuantian Sect comes over, she can press the juniors of the Wen family to the ground and beat them until they are unable to fight back.

Thinking like this, he suddenly had an idea.

Maybe it would be a good thing to give these kids a beating?

After they were beaten, they realized the difference between themselves and others.

Don't be complacent at home all day long, not knowing that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky.

Not only Wen Che, but almost all the elders of the Wen family agreed to this. Seeing that no one was taking care of Qin Shu, the juniors also knew that she was considered lawless at home.

Each one saw her like a mouse seeing a cat, running faster than the other.

On this day, Xiao Shiwu and Xiao Jiu happened to run into Qin Shu in the garden. They screamed strangely and quickly took out their magic weapons and ran away.

However, they never expected that after running for a long time, they looked back -

Qin Shu was still behind them.

Seeing her following them leisurely and leisurely, the two of them were stunned.

Qin Shu curled her lips and showed a warm smile, but she didn't know that her smile fell in the eyes of Xiao Shiwu and Xiao Jiu, as if she was a demon about to eat meat.


I can’t run away, I can’t fight, what should I do?

Xiao Shiwu reacted the fastest. He quickly took out a handful of talismans from the storage ring and stuck it on himself.

It's okay to be beaten, but it would be nice if the effect of the beating could be slightly weakened.

Xiaojiu reacted when he saw this, and quickly put a talisman on himself.

Qin Shu didn't have the patience to wait for them to put on the charms, so she raised her fist directly.

"You two ran away when you saw me? But you said bad things about me behind my back? It looks like I have to beat you up! Watch your moves!"

Xiaojiu's cultivation level is higher than that of Xiaoshiwu, and he is only at the peak of Jindan.

Their attacks were neither painful nor itchy on Qin Shu, and were incomparable to the thunder tribulation she had resisted.

But her punch fell on the two of them, and they were almost half disabled.

Seeing that the beating was almost done, Qin Shu stopped and said, "It's really boring. I don't have the strength to fight back at all. It makes me feel like a bully."

Seeing that she had finally left, Xiao Fifteen got up and pursed his lips in grievance, "Isn't this just bullying? The old monster at the Nascent Soul Stage is bullying me and waiting for the Golden Core Stage."

Xiaojiu lay on the ground and moved as if his muscles and bones were broken. He looked at Xiaoshishi in surprise and asked: "Why can you get up? Why did she show mercy when she beat you?"

Xiao Shiwu rolled his eyes at him, "That's because I'm well prepared!"

Xiaojiu said in confusion: "They are all wearing magic talismans, how come you are fully prepared?"

"I asked my eighteenth brother before, and he said that the man named Qin has fire spirit energy, and the main thing he suffers from is the erosion of fire spirit energy... So I gave him some ice charms, and also put some ice charms on myself." Xiao Shiwu explained.

Xiao Jiu fell silent as he looked at his defensive charms. He was stupid. The other brothers who were beaten didn't dodge even with protective gear. The defensive charms were of no use. It was better than nothing.

Xiao Shiwu was still very uncomfortable with a bruised face, but at least he could get up.

He took out a sound transmission talisman and called his guards to pick up the two brothers in distress.

Since then, everyone rarely went out, and even if they went out, they had to bring dozens of guards.

But, is that the end? Will Qin Shu let them go? He was just thinking too much.

If the mountain doesn't come to her, she will go to the mountain.

Xiao Shiba thought that he had been beaten before and should be let go this time.

But when he was beaten for the second time, he began to doubt his life.

This Qin guy! He is unreasonable!

Why is Qin Shu unreasonable? She is very reasonable. Isn't it just a competition? They didn't say no, so doesn't that mean they acquiesce?

If Xiao Shiba knew what Qin Shu was thinking, he would spit out blood.

You should remove the silencing spell before you say this!

Qin Shu looked at the last leader of the juniors who was beaten to the ground by her, and was immediately disappointed when she saw that the leader of the Wen family had not shown up yet.

It seems that she needs to practice somewhere else.

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