I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 744 It’s time for you to come see me

He was betting that Qin Shu would not dare to enter the suppression range of Fan Tianyin.

However, this time he bet wrong.

Qin Shu raised her sword and rushed in without any psychological burden at all.

She didn't believe it. This kid could withstand the suppression, but she couldn't?

She is confident in her physique that she has built through hard work!

Lao San saw Qin Shu's sword tip stabbing in his direction. He quickly put up a protective shield and rolled around on the ground to barely avoid it.

Originally, although his strength was not top-notch, he was not a soft persimmon at the Nascent Soul stage, but under the suppression of the Heaven-turning Seal, it was a bit difficult to fight flexibly.

Qin Shu could also clearly feel the pressure on her body multiplying. This feeling was somewhat similar to what she felt on Qiyuan Mountain, but compared with the pressure on Qiyuan Mountain, this pressure was really small.

Qin Shu thought for a moment, thought about it, put away the sword in her hand, and took out the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda with her backhand.

The Qibao Glazed Tower has now been unlocked to the fourth level, but Qin Shu still needs to use the first level of suppression.

The suppression of Heaven-turning Seal plus the suppression of Qibao Glazed Pagoda, let me see how long you can last.

The colorful colored glaze rotated in Qin Shu's hands, surrounded by Qin Shu's unique smoky purple aura, making the entire Qibao Glazed Tower look like a dream.

No female cultivator can escape the beauty of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. Fortunately, this magical weapon belongs to Qin Shu.

The third child felt the pressure on his body suddenly increase. When he looked at the magic weapon that appeared in Qin Shu's hand, his pupils shrank.

He was about to take back the Heaven-turning Seal, but he didn't expect Qin Shu to raise his hand again.

"The Immortal guides the way."

She originally learned this trick and thought it was useless, but she really didn't expect it to come in handy at a time like this.

After five breaths of stillness, neither the caster nor the person being cast can move.

But under such pressure, he could hold on for five breaths, what about him?

Qin Shu laughed. Sure enough, the old saying is true. If you have many skills, you won't be overwhelmed. Who knows when they will come in handy?

For Qin Shu, five breaths were fleeting, but for Lao San, it was not too much to say that the days were like years.

Just after five breaths, he suddenly seemed to be exhausted. He fell to his knees on the ground, his hands on the ground, and he was sweating profusely. He seemed to be extremely embarrassed.

Qin Shu also broke out in a thin layer of sweat. She performed a cleansing technique and her black robe regained its former freshness.

The third child was about to speak when he heard a voice that made his scalp numb again.

"The Immortal guides the way."

Another five breaths, this time after the five breaths, Lao San seemed to have turned into a bloody man.

His untrained body could not bear the long-term pressure. His blood vessels burst and blood and sweat seeped out from his pores.

The Heaven-turning Seal was originally a semi-sacred weapon, and Lao San couldn't use its full power, and it consumed a lot of spiritual energy.

This time he could no longer hold up the Heaven-turning Seal, and fell backwards to the ground, with his knees still in a kneeling position.

The palm-sized Heaven-turning Seal also fell from the air. Qin Shu took two steps forward and picked it up.

"It's a nice little thing. Since it's a gift from my cousin, I won't be polite." Qin Shu looked at the third child and smiled brightly.

The third child was so angry that a mouthful of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. Does she know now that she is his cousin? Why didn't you say anything when you started beating someone?

And that heaven-shaking seal...

He didn't even bother to deal with his own embarrassment, and hurriedly said to Qin Shu: "The Heaven-turning Seal belongs to my second uncle, not mine. It can't...can't be given to you!"

Qin Shu didn't care about this, she just put it back into the storage ring.

"Cousin, please don't lie to me. How could my second uncle let you use this thing to bully your cousin? You must have given it to your cousin as a gift in the form of flowers, and my cousin accepted it first."

After she said this, she came over again, knelt down next to the third child, and then said: "Cousin, I don't want your things in vain, I have to do something for you."

She raised her hand and threw it with a cleaning technique, and all the blood on the third child was removed.

Qin Shu took out the jade slip again and said, "I'll have someone come to rescue you! Just wait patiently."

As for her elixir, only people she likes can take it.

Qin Shu left, taking the Heaven-turning Seal with her.

She knew in her heart that this time the elders of the second room were going to come forward...

Each one of them didn't respect martial ethics and bullied the small ones. They actually gave the semi-divine weapon to Xiao San and asked him to teach him a lesson?

Huh, luckily her Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda is a divine weapon. Although it has not been fully developed, it is not something that just a semi-sacred weapon can defeat in front of it.

Qin Shu returned to her residence, opened the door of her room, and opened the door to welcome guests.

As expected, the first person to arrive was Wenchi, a melon-eater.

Wen Chi rushed through the door in a hurry, not even caring about his immortality, and quickly asked: "Junior sister, did you take Wen Che's Heaven-shaking Seal?"

Qin Shu nodded, "How can it be false?"

Wen Chi was so excited that he shook the fan in his hand even more cheerfully. He kept praising, "Not bad, not bad. You really make our big family proud this time."

Although Qin Shu always said that she was from the Qin family, in Wen Chi's eyes she had long been assigned to their big room.

Qin Shu did not refute him this time, but said with a smile: "Brother, do you think Wen Che will come to me?"

Wen Chi closed the fan, put the handle of the fan against his chin, thought for a moment, and then said, "Wen Che always cares about face, I'm afraid he may not come."

Qin Shu sighed, "The Wen family is really rich and powerful. Can't they let him show up even with a semi-artifact?"

Wen Che was of course very angry about Qin Shu's behavior, but Wen Chi's guess was not wrong. He did not go directly to Qin Shu, but went to find Wen Gu.

There are some things he can talk about with Wen Gu, but he really can't talk to a junior.

However, he never expected that Wen Gu, who had been in good health for hundreds of years, suddenly said that he was sick and avoided seeing guests.

Wen Che almost dropped his jaw at his shameless behavior. He held the communication jade slip and scolded him hundreds of times at Wen Gu's door, but Wen Gu ignored him.

In the end, he could only retreat to see Wen Yu.

Coincidentally, Wen Yu was not at her residence.

After asking carefully, it turned out that she went to her daughter's place.

Wen Che now understood that they made such a big move just to make him meet Qin Shu.

Their second house suddenly went from active to passive because of the idiot third brother.

If he could bear to part with this semi-divine artifact, he would not have to go to see it, but... he really couldn't bear to part with it.

A semi-divine artifact, and a semi-divine artifact that can be advanced, is also extremely rare for their wealthy Wen family.

In the future, the spiritual energy in the world of immortal cultivation will become less and less, and it will become more and more difficult to refine high-level magic tools...

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