I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 745: So you have the Wind Spiritual Root

It was precisely because of this that he had to make a trip to Qin Shu's place.

Wen Che sighed, scolded Lao San and Wen Gu half to death in his heart, and finally walked to Qin Shu's door helplessly.

When he arrived, Qin Shu was talking to her mother in the room, and Wen Che was stopped outside by Bai Shuang and Chengfeng.

Wen Che was a little angry at the moment. He was just a junior, but he came to see her in person. How dare she take Qiao?

Besides, this is their Wen family’s territory!

Wen Che's face was dark and his Dantian was filled with anger. His voice carried spiritual energy and carried it into Qin Shu's room.

"Shu'er girl, your second uncle is already at the door. Why don't you let your second uncle go in and sit down?"

Qin Shu, who was talking to Wen Yu, suddenly paused, turned her head and looked out the door, raised her hand and patted Wen Yu's hand gently, and said comfortingly: "Mom, don't worry, he will have a good talk with me."

Wen Yu watched her stand up and slowly walk out of the door with her tall figure. She couldn't help but sigh: "The child is now grown, and I don't need to worry about it anymore."

When Qin Shu walked out of the house, she saw Wen Che, who had a beautiful face, waiting outside the door, but her face was really ugly.

Seeing Qin Shu come out, Wen Che took a serious look at this good niece from head to toe for the first time.

Can a monk in the Nascent Soul stage also have such strong destructive power?

Under his gaze, Qin Shu smiled and clasped her fists and said, "Senior Wen."

Wen Che's expression suddenly changed when he heard her statement, "What did you call me?"

Qin Shu called out again, "Senior Wen."

Wen Che's face turned darker. He raised his chin and said in a deep voice, "Why don't you call me uncle?"

Qin Shu laughed and said, "Senior, when I call you second uncle, you need a greeting gift."

She smiled meaningfully, but Wen Che's heart "thumped", and he knew that this girl was not a good person.

Saying "Second Uncle" might cost him a semi-sacred weapon.

Wen Che pursed his lips, frowned into the character "Chuan", and finally said, "That's all, if you don't want to, just don't scream."

The smile on Qin Shu's lips deepened, "Senior, why are you here in person today? If you send someone to call, won't this junior come to your door?"

Wen Che secretly cursed the hypocrisy in his heart. Didn't she just want to come to the door by herself?

"I heard that those little brats at home seemed to be having a bad time with you these past two days? I was worried that you would be wronged, so I wanted to come over and have a look." Wen Che said.

Qin Shu also called out to her as an old fox in her heart. She would really put gold on her face.

"It's not like we have any grievances, it's just a matter of learning from each other."

In just one sentence, she characterized her unilateral beating as a sparring match, and Wen Che also gradually discovered that Wen Yu's daughter was not an economical person.

Wen Che paid a few more words of concern to Qin Shu. Seeing that he didn't explain his purpose of coming and was not in a hurry, Qin Shu kept accompanying him in circles.

Seeing how calm she was, Wen Che knew that he could only sort out this matter by himself.

He coughed lightly, lowered his face and said, "Shu'er girl, yesterday the third child secretly took the clan's Heaven-turning Seal and used it against you. I'm really sorry..."

Qin Shu laughed heartily, "It doesn't matter, it's just a matter of learning from each other, and there's no requirement to use any magic weapon."

Wen Che saw that she was pretending to be confused, and although he was angry, he had to speak more clearly.

"He used the clan's Heaven-turning Seal, but lost to you. Look at that Heaven-turning Seal..."

Qin Shu didn't even blink, and said directly: "Senior, you don't need to blame yourself. Although the Heaven-turning Seal is not a good thing, it is still useful. This junior will not dislike it."

Wen Che: "..."

He was so angry that he almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood. How could this stinky girl still refuse to take in the oil and salt? !

He now understands that Qin Shu must make it clear to her, otherwise she will not know how long she will go around.

Wen Che coughed slightly and then continued: "Girl Shu'er, this Heaven-turning Seal belongs to the clan. Do you think you can return it?"

Originally, he thought he would do Tai Chi for a long time, but he didn't expect Qin Shu to agree immediately, "Okay!"

The smile on Wen Che's lips had just appeared when he heard Qin Shu continue to say: "My uncle is now in charge of the house, and I will return the Heaven-turning Seal to my uncle."

Wen Che: "..."

His gums were almost broken. Why is it so difficult for this girl to speak?

"In that case, let me tell you straight away, this Heaven-shaking Seal is mine and was taken away by the third child..."

Wen Che thought that this time, she should give it back, right?

Unexpectedly, Qin Shu turned dark and said, "Senior, to be honest, I was hurt by this earth-shattering seal. Since this is your thing, then compensate..."

Wen Che's anger could no longer be suppressed, and the pressure on him suddenly increased, "Shu'er girl, I talked to you so loudly and angrily, are you going to treat me like a monkey again?"

However, what he didn't expect was that Qin Shu acted as if nothing happened under his pressure. Wen Che's original image of her kneeling down and begging for mercy never happened.

Qin Shu's surprised look on Wen Che's face was a bit funny. This kind of pressure? Where are you? She had been with her two ancestors for so long, and the pressure they accidentally exposed from time to time was enough for her.

"Senior, since you said so, I will tell you clearly. It is impossible to take back your magic weapon so easily! Either you exchange it for a better one, or let my mother go! "

Wen Che snorted coldly, "How dare you speak!"

Qin Shu was not moved at all, "Why not?"

She didn't know what secrets the Wen family was hiding, but she had almost figured it out in the past few days, and they were also afraid of the consequences.

Perhaps they were afraid of what her mother had in her hands, or perhaps they were afraid of the Xuantian Sect behind her, or more likely Bai Shuang behind her...

Wen Che waved his sleeves directly, and a strong wind mixed with spiritual energy attacked Qin Shu.

Qin Shu retreated lightly with the wind, and it was clear that no one could see what she was doing, but she kept a relatively stable distance from the sword energy.

As the force of the wind gradually dissipated, Qin Shu's toes landed lightly on the roof.

She looked down at Wen Che and said directly: "Senior, so you have the wind spirit root? No wonder the power of the head of the Wen family did not fall into your hands."

Her words almost angered Wen Che to death, which has always been his concern.

Because of his wind spiritual root, he lost the right to be the head of the Wen family when he was born. It was his elder brother who fought with the first wife.

His elder brother was less talented and was no match for Wen Gu.

If he had a water spiritual root, it would have been great...

However, spiritual roots are given by God, and they are determined from the moment of birth, and no one can change them.

There are some crooked ways to change spiritual roots, but as their cultivation improves, they will face even more terrifying consequences...

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