I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 75: Seems to have no talent for alchemy

Qin Shu didn't believe it at first, so she poured out all the things in the storage ring and searched carefully, but still couldn't find it.

She thought about it carefully, could it be that she accidentally lost it when she took things out?

It's unlikely, the storage ring has always been used as she wants, only taking out what she needs, how could it be lost?

She was puzzled and frowned, until her eyes fell on the frog statue that she had thrown aside, she was suddenly stunned.

Ah this? What's going on?

She reached out and took the statue in her hand, turned it over and over and looked at it carefully for a moment, and then muttered to herself: "This frog? Why does it seem a little green?"

It was obviously not like this when she picked it up that day?

These two things were quickly connected by her, and she used her spiritual power to scan the frog statue again, but still couldn't see anything.

Qin Shu was angry, and she was so angry that she threw the frog's mouth downward, but still found nothing.

"What on earth are you! Spit out my spirit stone!"

And this frog seemed to be a dead thing, and there was no movement at all.

Qin Shu threw the frog aside, crossed her arms, and sulked for a long time.

Finally, she didn't know what she thought of, and took another low-grade spirit stone and threw it into the frog's mouth, and gritted her teeth and said: "You ate the spirit stone, it'd better be useful! Otherwise, I'll throw you into the alchemy furnace to refine it!"

I don't know if her warning worked, but she saw a white light flashing on the frog's body. When Qin Shu looked over again, she found that it spit out a seed.

Yes, a seed, green.

Qin Shu squatted down and picked up the green seed. She looked at it carefully but couldn't recognize what kind it was.

She thought for a long time, thinking that since she didn't know it anyway, she might as well plant it and see, and she would know when it grew out.

Qin Shu didn't stop, and simply took out four low-grade spirit stones and fed them to the frog. As expected, the frog spit out four more seeds for her.

According to her shallow knowledge and subtle observation, these seeds all grow differently. It seems that the frogs also randomly give seeds.

She circled a piece of land in the corner of the yard as an experimental field. It would be best if the things she planted were worth a low-grade spirit stone, otherwise she would have to refine this frog!

Before planting the seeds, Qin Shu used wood spirit energy to nourish them for half a day in order to increase the survival rate.

After doing all this, she went back to the house alone and closed the stone door to study the photo column she picked up from the secret realm.

Watching a movie alone is lonely, but if it is for learning, it is exciting. Qin Shu imitated the lip shape of the beautiful girl with blonde hair and blue eyes over and over again.

Because the photo stone has no pause and rewind function, she can only watch it from the beginning over and over again.

In the end, the movie was in her mind almost as soon as she closed her eyes, and she imitated the lip shape unconsciously.

I don't know how many days have passed outside, but finally on this day, she imitated the obscure and mysterious Sanskrit sound, and a prototype with fire appeared behind her.

It's done!

Qin Shu opened her eyes, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, she looked up to the sky and roared, feeling so happy!

She! What a genius! Haha!

She casually pinched a cleaning spell, combed her hair again, and planned to go to the mission hall to exchange points for a bottle of fasting pills.

And by the way, exchange the spiritual plants she got in the secret realm for points.

She just came out of the door, and Xiao Xiao fell directly from the sky and lay on her head.

"Shu Shu! You finally came out!"

Qin Shu took away the big tail hanging on her face, and then said to her: "Did you get into trouble when I was in seclusion?"

"No! Xiao Xiao helped you water! The seeds are growing tall!" Xiao Xiao jumped up excitedly, stepped on Qin Shu's head, and puffed out his chest, so proud.

Unfortunately, Qin Shu couldn't see it.

"Oh? Seeds? I'll go take a look."

She came to the experimental field she had enclosed and saw five small seedlings. They looked less than two inches tall, but they all survived.

She thought for a while and asked, "How long have I been in seclusion?"

Xiao Xiao pondered for a moment before saying, "It's been dark sixty-seven times."

Qin Shu was stunned, "Two and a half months? That long?"

She sighed while taking out the communication jade slip and quickly browsed the information square to see if she had missed any big news.

But she was bombarded with countless messages as soon as she took it out. This time, in addition to her little sister and Xin, there was also her second senior brother Wen Chi.

"Little Taoist nun, did you forget something?"

"Disappear again?"

"Little Taoist nun, the mission hall has started to urge, where are the pills? Where are the promised pills?"


Qin Shu was silent. It turned out that the creditor was urging her to pay the debt, and her sect mission was now owed for two more months.

She sighed and decided to try alchemy after exchanging points.

Speaking of which, she, an alchemist, had never refined a furnace of pills!

After leaving the mission hall, she went straight to the alchemy room.

Before entering, she reviewed the alchemy instructions twice at the door, and then took ten portions of medicinal materials and walked in with a heroic spirit.

After all, she was now at the fourth level of Qi training, so it was not possible that ten portions of medicinal materials could not make a furnace of pills, right?

However, reality is always cruel. She learned the theory very well, but she didn't know what went wrong. The moment the pill was formed, it would explode.

As the saying goes, three times is the limit. After Qin Shu exploded the furnace three times, she finally gave up trying on her own and sent a message to Wen Chi.

"Brother, is there a possibility that I don't have the talent for alchemy?"

Wen Chi responded quickly, "What do you mean by this? Do you want to shirk your responsibility?"

"I came to the alchemy room to make alchemy today. I made three furnaces and they exploded. The hairpin on my head broke."

Wen Chi: "What? The furnace exploded?! You! You are really capable! If the alchemy furnace explodes, you have to pay for it with spirit stones!"

Qin Shu touched her nose with her dark little hand and smiled embarrassedly, "So, didn't I come to you, brother? Come to the rivers and lakes to help. If it explodes again, I, the junior sister, can only sell myself to pay off the debt."

Wen Chi was speechless for a while, but still left two words, "Wait!"

Qin Shu sat cross-legged in the alchemy room, her eyes watching her nose, her nose watching her heart, thinking about her actions and steps, and gradually began to doubt her life.

It shouldn't be? She did it according to the content of the book, how could the furnace explode?

At worst, the pills would not be made at most, but even the alchemy furnace exploded, what exactly is the problem?

Wen Chi was also worried that she would really owe Ling Xiaofeng a lot of debt, so he hurried over.

He pushed open the door, and what came into his sight was a mess and a black little man, which was really unbearable to look at.

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