I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 76 Second Senior Brother is the Most Reliable Man

"Junior sister, aren't you making too much noise?" Wen Chi held his forehead with his hand.

Qin Shu's shoulders drooped, and she looked annoyed, "I don't know, I just followed what I learned before, I don't know what went wrong."

Wen Chi sighed and said to the boy in the alchemy room behind him: "Change the alchemy room for my junior sister, I guess the feng shui here is not good."

Qin Shu looked up at him when she heard this, "Yes! Why didn't I think of it?"

Wen Chi rolled his eyes at her with disdain, but said: "Change the alchemy room and make the alchemy again, I want to see what's going on."

Qin Shu looked at him, and her heart was so touched.

Can you believe it? She has been in the sect for more than a year, and finally she is not raised alone!

People used to say that the master leads the way, and the practice is up to the individual.

And what about her? She has been a disciple for a year, and the master has been in seclusion for more than half a year... She hasn't even seen the master a few times.

"Thank you for your care, Senior Brother!" Qin Shu said this with such sincerity.

The new alchemy room is located in the north-south direction. In the center of the room is an alchemy furnace. It is unknown which apprentice of the Qi Zong made it.

Qin Shu first pinched herself with a cleansing spell, and then bowed to the four directions. When she looked up, she saw a pair of big hands with distinct joints in front of her, holding a stick of incense in their hands.

She was stunned, and then looked up along the big hands, and then she saw a face that was so beautiful that it made people and gods angry.

But the expression on this face was a little bit annoying at this time, and then he heard him say: "Such bad luck can't be improved by praying? Be sincere and burn a stick of incense."

Qin Shu was aware of her little thoughts, and her lips were pursed into a straight line. She took it with a wooden face, snapped her fingers casually, and the incense in her hand was also lit. She bowed seriously.

When she raised her head again, she met his thoughtful eyes, "Junior sister, who are you worshipping?"

Qin Shu's expression was indifferent, and she said lightly: "Heavenly Dao."

Wen Chi was obviously startled, and then he said meaningfully: "Junior sister is really brave."

Qin Shu didn't understand what he meant. She clapped her hands and the incense in her hand burned out.

"Brother, I'm ready. Can I make the elixir?"

Wen Chi sat down on the diagonal line farthest from her, and then nodded slightly, "Let's start."

Qin Shu could do the previous actions with her eyes closed, including removing impurities from the spiritual plants. She did it quite smoothly until she increased the fire spirit again to blend several liquids together...


Qin Shu had a wooden face, not surprised at all. This level of explosion had been her fourth experience today.

She looked up at Wen Chi and saw that Wen Chi had wrapped herself in a protective shield. In the room full of elixir dust, only he and his feet were spotless.

Qin Shu let out a long breath, "Brother, can you see what's wrong?"

If she could find the problem, her furnace would not have exploded in vain.

However, Wen Chi clenched his fist, put it to his lips and coughed, then slowly said: "I didn't see it clearly, or you can do it again?"

Qin Shu almost couldn't catch her breath. If she exploded a few more times, she would probably be able to write "Summary of Experience of 100 Furnace Explosions (Continued)".

"Brother, are you reliable? Otherwise, I'll call the eldest brother over."

Although she had some psychological trauma towards the eldest brother, perhaps people were close or distant, and at present, she still couldn't equate the eldest brother with the person in the previous life.

However, after hearing what she said, Wen Chi's face suddenly became serious and said: "Come again! This time, the furnace explodes on my account!"

When Qin Shu heard this, the corners of her lips immediately rose.

She was not a materialistic child, but if someone talked about material things to her, she would really...compromise easily.

Qin Shu asked the boy in the alchemy room for a new furnace, and Wen Chi made a decision to clean up the alchemy room.

Qin Shu sat cross-legged, and Wen Chi didn't stay so far away from her this time, but squatted beside her.

"Junior sister, do we still need to worship Tiandao?"

Qin Shu shook her head, but didn't dare to speak without restraint, but said: "Maybe the old man Tiandao can't take care of such a small matter like us at this time, let's explore it ourselves."

Wen Chi's eyebrows were all stained with smiles, and he took a fan and tapped Qin Shu's head gently, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, and start refining! Senior brother must let you know that there is no man in this world who is more reliable than your second senior brother! The eldest senior brother is not good either!"

Qin Shu rubbed her head and asked faintly: "Then... where is the master?"

Wen Chi's smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and he glared at her, "Refine the pill!"

Qin Shu pouted, sat up pitifully, raised her hand to touch the storage ring, and took out another batch of medicinal materials.

Repeating the previous action, she was extra careful, but at the moment when several kinds of elixirs merged, the alchemy furnace still couldn't control the explosion.

Qin Shu had experience at this time, and she also took the time to put on a khaki protective shield for herself.

However, this time, Wen Chi, who was squatting beside her, hit it with a spiritual power, and the alchemy furnace that was about to explode shook in the air, and suddenly "poofed" with a sound, as if it had fired a dud.

When it landed again, it had returned to normal.

Qin Shu quickly cast a spell on it, opened the lid of the furnace, and a burnt smell rushed towards her.

She fanned her nose, pinched another spell, and then turned her head to ask Wen Chi, "Brother, do you see what's going on?"

Wen Chi looked at her deeply, and this look made Qin Shu a little confused. But she dared to guarantee that if he asked her to refine it again, she would definitely go to her master to complain immediately!

However, Wen Chi did not disappoint her this time. He nodded slightly and said, "I see."

Qin Shu's eyes lit up, "What's going on?! Please tell me in detail, brother?"

Wen Chi did not explain anything, but took out an alchemy furnace from one of the storage rings on his hand and placed it in front of Qin Shu, "Use this to refine."

Qin Shu looked at the luster and patterns on the alchemy furnace, and she was a little hesitant to do it.

Wen Chi saw this and urged: "What are you still standing there for? Are you refining the elixir?"

Qin Shu hesitated and said: "Brother, what if I accidentally blow up your alchemy furnace? I am a poor junior sister and I really can't afford to pay for it."

Wen Chi sneered at this and shook the jade bone fan in his hand. Then he said slowly: "If you can blow up this alchemy furnace, you don't have to refine the elixir. You can become a talisman cultivator instead. The power must be amazing."

Qin Shu knew that he was teasing her, but his words also gave her some confidence.

Qin Shu closed her eyes and calmed down. A spell was cast on the lid of the furnace, and an endless breath flowed out of the alchemy furnace.

Qin Shu was a fool at this time, and she knew that this alchemy furnace was not an ordinary one.

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