I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 752 Why do we need to survive the thunder tribulation?

Chengfeng's fingertips had not yet released the spiritual energy, so he glanced at Qin Shu in surprise.

She reacted quite quickly.

Qin Wuya was extremely surprised. How could she have such a high level of cultivation despite how young she was?

There was no other expression on his face, but his heart was undoubtedly already in turmoil at this time.

He hates it! He hated that he accidentally exchanged Qin Shu's spiritual root for Qin Mian. If he had known that he would cultivate so quickly, he should have directly exchanged Qin Mian's spiritual root for him!

His eyes were gradually filled with bloodshot eyes. Qin Shu didn't know what he was thinking. Of course, if she knew, she would only sneer - naive.

Spiritual roots can only determine the width of cultivation, but not the length. Her current cultivation level has something to do with her physical constitution and her diligent study and training, but... it has nothing to do with her spiritual roots.

She raised her eyes and looked at Qin Wuya in front of her, and said, "You changed our spiritual roots, and I will ask for them back today."

Qin Wuya couldn't even speak. He wanted to scold her, but he couldn't reply at all.

Qin Shu turned around again, placed her mother in the formation, and raised her hand to pinch the magic formula herself.

Qin Wuya opened his eyes, blood and tears gradually filling his scarlet eyes. He felt the power from his body being withdrawn bit by bit, and gradually he would become a mortal.

One wrong step, one wrong step!

Qin Shu had already rehearsed the method of changing spiritual roots countless times in advance, and she would not let her mother take the slightest risk.

Bai Shuang and Chengfeng looked on and found it very strange.

But when that water spirit root entered Wen Yu's body, a few clouds suddenly appeared in the clear sky above his head.

Bai Shuang was the first to react. Just as he was about to raise his hand, he was interrupted by Qin Shu, "Don't do it! I'll do it!"

Bai Shuang was stunned, glanced at her, and saw that she had put away the huge black cage and was standing next to her mother.

The thunderclouds above her head gathered little by little, and Qin Shu couldn't help but marvel at the sight, "What's going on? You have to draw your spiritual roots to survive the thunder tribulation? Then why was Qin Wuya okay in the first place? This thunder tribulation Or partial? "

Wen Yu's spiritual roots have just recovered. She has the golden elixir realm but no corresponding spiritual energy. At this time, she is closing her eyes tightly and feeling the water spiritual energy and thunder spiritual energy that suddenly become active around her.

Thunder Tribulation appeared at this time, and for Wen Yu now, it was simply taking advantage of the situation.

She has neither spiritual energy nor a strong body. It is estimated that she will not be able to survive even a single thunderstorm.

Qin Shu watched as the thunderclouds gathered to a certain extent and began to make a "rumbling" sound, as if they were preparing for the next wave of attacks.

Seeing this formation, Qin Shu quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

That’s all! She was really worried that it would be like the last time she went through the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation, when thunder clouds enveloped half of Xuantianmen.

This time, even the back mountain wasn't completely covered, so there was nothing to fear, and there was no need to run.

She put her hands behind her back, looked up at the sky, and did not forget to say to Wen Yu behind her: "Mom, please recover well, leave the rest to me, don't worry about it."

Wen Yu seemed to be trapped in his own world and did not respond to her words.

Qin Shu didn't take it to heart. She watched a bolt of lightning flash across the thundercloud, and the next moment it hit the direction of the mother and daughter.

The moment the thunder calamity struck down, Qin Shu stamped her feet on the ground, rose into the sky, and quickly formed seals in her hands to blast towards the thunder calamity.

A golden seal hit the thunder cloud, and it seemed that even the thunder cloud was scattered.

Qin Shu quickly stopped her hand when she saw this, "No, no, we can't smash the thunder clouds away. How can we temper the body if they are dispersed?"

She rushed towards the thunder cloud again. The whole thunder cloud rumbled for a long time before Qin Shu carried them all down.

She stretched her muscles and was about to prepare for the next wave of attacks, but found that the sky was getting much brighter.

The thunder clouds are actually going to disperse?

what happened? Only thirty-six blows? Are you going to run?

Qin Shu rolled around in the thunderclouds again, trying to attract hatred, but those thunderclouds seemed to be clocking out at a certain time, and each one dispersed faster than the last.

Qin Shu stood in the air, and after a long time, she sighed helplessly.

What a thunder cloud, not dedicated at all.

Aren’t all thunder tribulations aimed at destroying the world? It seemed like it was playing tricks, it just hacked and then left.

Just as Qin Shu was about to go down to check on her mother, a figure appeared next to her. It was her good master—Zhenren Lingxu.

"Who do I think it is! So it's Shu'er? Every time I see you, I always give you a surprise. It's just that your Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation makes less noise than the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation..."

Before he could finish his words, a golden figure hurried over again, "Qin Shu, Qin Shu! Can you, this girl, stay calm for two days? Didn't you just survive the tribulation a year ago?"

"A year ago?" This time it was Master Lingxu's turn to be confused. He took a closer look at Qin Shu's cultivation, "Middle stage of Nascent Soul?"

I broke through the Nascent Soul stage a year ago, and now I’m in the middle Nascent Soul stage? She's only in her twenties, right?

Master Qi Nan was also speechless for a while, "Others are practicing against the will of heaven. How come you, a kid, can practice as easily as drinking water?"

Master Lingxu looked at Qin Shu with a complicated expression. He could suddenly feel the thoughts of those parents who raised their children and did not even dare to blink. He didn't dare to go into seclusion. Every time he came out, the child would grow up a lot, and he felt that he had missed a lot of her growth.

This feeling has never happened before. Other disciples have never made any progress after seeing it again and again...

Qin Shu was worried about causing unnecessary misunderstandings, so she quickly explained: "Misunderstanding, all misunderstandings, the thunder tribulation just now was from my mother."

"Your mother?"

"Your mother?"

The two voices sounded at the same time. Qin Shu looked at Master Lingxu and Master Qi Nan and nodded, "Yes, my mother just broke through."

Master Qi Nan's eyes swept across Wen Yu and finally fell on the formation under her.

"This formation..."

Qin Shu grinned, "It's just to help my mother settle some karma."

Master Lingxu also noticed that Wen Yu's aura was a little bit wrong at this time. She was clearly at the Jindan level, why was her cultivation... so low?

He wanted to ask a few more questions, but felt that this was someone else's private matter. After thinking for a while, he said, "Shu'er's mother may need a while to stabilize her realm. Let's not disturb her here too much. Let's go back first."

Master Qi Nan also thought so. He was more open-minded than Master Ling Xu.

Qin Shu's talent, understanding, and cultivation speed, as long as she didn't do anything to Xuantian Sect, even if she poked a hole in the sky, he could turn a blind eye.

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