I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 753: Make things easier for you

Zhenren Lingxu was about to leave with Zhenren Qinan when Zhenren Qinan suddenly called him.


Zhenren Lingxu turned his head to look at him, and when he saw Zhenren Qinan's serious look, he heard him say: "Aren't you an eighth-grade alchemist? Don't you have any suitable elixirs?"

Lingxu: "?"

If he had them, he would give them to him. Why would he use his own elixirs to offer as gifts?

But this was his beloved disciple after all, and he was also his last disciple, so he didn't bother with him.

He looked at Qin Shu and said: "At present, Master does not have any suitable elixirs, but Master has a elixir that is suitable for your mother's current situation. After Master refines it, I will send it to you."

Qin Shu originally thought that as long as the spiritual roots were restored, it would be fine after a slow recovery.

But now her master has placed a shortcut in front of her. Her eyes suddenly lit up, and she quickly bowed to Ling Xu Zhenren, "Disciple thanks Master!"

Ling Xu Zhenren waved his hand, "There is no need to be polite between you and me, master and disciple, you practice well, Master will go first."

Ling Xu Zhenren left, and Qi Nan Zhenren stayed where he was and did not leave.

Seeing Ling Xu Zhenren walking away, he quietly sent a message to Qin Shu, "Shu'er girl, I don't have anything good to give you, but there is one place that may be beneficial to your mother's recovery."

Qin Shu immediately perked up. If someone else said this, it would be fine, but it was her family's head who said this.

Before this, whether the head asked her to go to the sword tomb for trial or to go to the secret realm to serve the two ancestors, it was a great opportunity for her.

She quickly bowed, "Disciple thanks the head!"

Qi Nan Zhenren moved his lips slightly and said something to Qin Shu, but no one except Qin Shu heard it.

After all, Wen Yu is not a member of Xuantian Sect. He loves her mother and uses the resources of the sect to help her mother recover. It is not in line with the rules of the sect.

However, the head of the sect must learn to be flexible. This is called the Warm Plan for Disciples in the Sect.

In this way, the disciples will have a stronger sense of belonging to the sect. The former head of the sect won him over in this way, otherwise he would not have stepped into the pit of the head of the sect and worked diligently for the sect for so many years.

Seeing Qin Shu's eyes shining, Qi Nan quickly raised his hand to suppress her and said, "Please be patient and wait for me to leave. After I leave, you can take action."

As soon as Qi Nan opened his mouth, Qin Shu understood that he was trying to distance himself from her!

She gave him an understanding look and bowed again, "Disciple respectfully sends the head of the sect!"

Qi Nan's lips curled up slightly, turned around, and disappeared on the spot.

Qin Shu still stood beside her mother to protect her. Bai Shuang and Cheng Feng were not suitable to stay in their Xuantian Sect for the time being, so Qin Shu sent them back to the tavern in Chijin City to take care of the business.

After the two left, another day and night passed before Wen Yu gradually opened her eyes.

Qin Shu watched her complexion gradually return to rosy, and the fluctuations of spiritual energy on her body gradually came, and the joy on her face became more and more obvious.

"Mother! You can practice again!"

Wen Yu was naturally happy. In the past, she only had a mortal lifespan, and she couldn't even live for a hundred years. But now she will have more time to witness her daughter's growth.

Wen Yu smiled at the corners of her mouth and said slowly: "Now the spiritual roots have recovered, but it will take some time for the cultivation to recover."

Qin Shu's consciousness swept through her body. Her mother was in the realm of Jindan, but her spiritual energy had only recovered to almost the fourth level of Qi training.

Qin Shu quietly sent her a message and told her mother what the head of the sect had just told her.

"Mom, the headmaster has spoken, let's go and give it a try!"

Wen Yu wanted to recover her cultivation as soon as possible more than she thought, and she didn't want to be a burden to her daughter anymore.

Seeing Qin Shu talking about it, she nodded and followed Qin Shu all the way to the cold pond of their sect.

Qin Shu knew from the beginning that this cold pond was not simple, but she had never explored it.

She gave Wen Yu a water-repellent pill, and then took her hand and jumped into the cold pond.

The lower the water temperature was, the lower it got. Qin Shu's fire spirit was not afraid of this little bit of coldness, but Wen Yu's spirit had not recovered much now, and she was a feminine water spirit.

Just when she felt that the extremely low temperature made her spirit flow a little stagnant, suddenly a warm spirit came from her left hand.

Wen Yu glanced at her daughter beside her, and her daughter raised her hand and pressed towards the bottom of the pool. Before she could react, she was dragged by her daughter to dive dozens of feet.

Finally, their feet were at the bottom of the cold pond. Qin Shu raised her hand and made a spell, silently reciting the spell taught to her by the headmaster.

At this moment, there was a sudden vibration at the bottom of the pond, and then a mound of earth suddenly appeared on the ground.

Then a huge clam opened its mouth, and a blue bead the size of an adult's fist was placed in it.

Qin Shu pushed Wen Yu, "Mom, that bead is the Water Spirit Bead. Go in and hold the Water Spirit Bead in your palm and meditate. I will come to pick you up in a month."

The headmaster only gave her a month to use it. Although she didn't know how much her mother would recover in a month, she was already very grateful to the headmaster.

Wen Yu responded and was pushed by Qin Shu to sit in the clam shell. Qin Shu made another spell and watched the clam shell close. Then she withdrew her hand with satisfaction and dived towards the water surface.

Qin Shu just emerged from the water and took a breath of fresh air. Not long after, she saw another head popping up not far away.

Looking at the familiar white smoke above her head, Qin Shu recognized it at a glance, "Hexin!"

Just as He Xin raised her hand to wipe off the water on her face, she saw the little sister appearing in front of her, "Qin Shu! It turns out to be you! I just saw a black figure flashing past my eyes, which shocked me. I thought I was some kind of monster in the cold pool!"

Qin Shu laughed, looked at the white mist above her head, and then said, "Why are you still emitting white mist? Will the fire aura in your body still cause trouble to you?"

He Xin sighed, "You may not believe it, but as my cultivation has improved, the fire spirit seems to have become stronger. Although I have trained my body according to what you said, it still seems that I can't keep up with the fire spirit. speed."

Qin Shu thought for a while, then frowned and said, "In this case, we need to use some external help."

Seeing that she still had something to do, He Xin quickly asked, "What external force?"

Qin Shu grinned, raised her finger and pointed at herself, "Me."

"You?" He Xin asked in confusion.

Qin Shu nodded and vowed: "Lend my strength to temper your body."

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