I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 754: Complete Transformation

He Xin still didn't understand, "Borrow your power? How? How to temper the body?"

Qin Shu smiled at him, "How about we go to the shore to talk?"

He Xin shook her head, "Forget it, it will be more comfortable in the water."

Qin Shu looked at the white steam coming out of her head and sighed, "It's not a good thing for you to rely on the cold pond like this. You have to let your body adapt to this temperature."

If you always rely on external objects, when will you be able to completely conquer it?

He Xin was stunned, and Qin Shu said again: "You can improve your tolerance little by little, and hold on a little longer every day than yesterday."

He Xin thought about what Qin Shu said carefully, and felt that what she said made some sense, so he followed her to the shore.

Qin Shu pinched a cleansing spell to dry the wetness on her body completely, and He Xin didn't even use the cleansing spell. After a while, her clothes and hair were dry.

The two came to He Xin's residence. She opened the restrictions of the cave and asked Qin Shu for specific methods.

Qin Shu said she had a way, so she didn't lie to her. She said, "Do you remember that I became a disciple of Master Yue Zhi of the Weapon Sect two years ago?"

He Xin's eyes lit up, "I remember! But what kind of magic weapon can you refine? To suppress this fire spirit?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "It's not advisable to rely too much on external objects!"

He Xin frowned slightly, "Then what do you mean?"

Qin Shu smiled, "I mean, I can use the essence of refining weapons to help you refine your body."

He Xin: "..."

He Xin was silent for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "With your current cultivation level, I'm afraid I can't withstand your hammer."

Qin Shu shook her head, "Don't worry, I can use the hammer for now."

He Xin was still a little worried. Now she could no longer see Qin Shu's cultivation level, but she was very sure of one thing.

Qin Shu is now more powerful than last time...

Qin Shu encouraged: "Try it, you have to go out and practice, you can't be confined to this cold pond forever."

He Xin glanced at her in confusion and said: "Why do I feel that you just want to fight with others?"

Qin Shu coughed lightly, "You can't say that, I just want to witness your growth by the way."

He Xin made up her mind this time. She nodded at Qin Shu and said: "Then try it! Maybe your method is really feasible?"

Qin Shu grinned when she heard this, "I can see that you have a great opportunity. If you can really get through this, your future will be limitless."

Although He Xin has never said it clearly, she has been tortured by the fire spirit in her body for so long. The natural treasure she accidentally absorbed before must not be an ordinary thing.

He Xin has really settled down at this time. Maybe the days to come will not be easy, but she knows that she will usher in a thorough transformation.

"Practice! When will it start?" He Xin asked, glancing at Qin Shu.

Qin Shu glanced at the sky outside and said directly, "It's still early, let's do it now."

As she spoke, she walked out of the house. He Xin was stunned for a moment, and quickly followed her.

Qin Shu's current cultivation level, she couldn't hold on without any spiritual power.

She first used 10% of her strength, looked at He Xin who struggled to take her move but was stunned, and shouted loudly: "Why are you standing there? Use the body-building technique! Use the force to temper your body!"

He Xin came back to her senses, felt the raging power in her body, and realized that this was the essence that Qin Shu said, and quickly used the body-building technique to dissolve this essence into her flesh and blood.

She just raised her head, and the next punch came at her again. She quickly raised her leg to receive the blow. This time, the force was slightly stronger than before, but it was just at the critical point that could knock her away, but also allow her to continue smoothly.

From this point alone, she could deeply feel the strength of Qin Shu. After only fighting with her once, she could understand her details and control the force perfectly.

Her attitude became more serious. The little sisters were so powerful, so she naturally had to catch up.

She would not think that she could not even bear this little bit of hardship!

After receiving more than 60 punches from Qin Shu, she was sweating all over, and her wheat-colored skin exuded a bright luster.

She supported herself on her knees with one hand, bent over, panting, and sweat fell to the ground along her hair.

She blinked her eyes, raised her hand to wipe away the sweat that seeped into the corners of her eyes, raised her head and continued: "Come again! I'm fine!"

Qin Shu saw that she was about to fall to the ground in the next moment, but she was still holding on. In the end, she stopped and gave her a body-refining pill, saying: "He Xin, too much is as bad as too little. Go take a bath first and come to my place tomorrow."

After He Xin took the pill, she clearly felt that a surge of vitality seemed to emerge in her exhausted body, and she exhaled a long stream of hot air.

Watching Qin Shu waved and left, she recovered for a long time.

At this time, she suddenly realized...the fire spirit in her body didn't seem so hard to bear?

Qin Shu was right. It was useless to suppress the fire spirit blindly. It was better to improve herself.

She went to the Sword Sect to take a medicinal bath, and then trained her body alone in the cave for a whole night.

As soon as Qin Shu returned to the cave, she met two pairs of resentful eyes.

"Master, you came back without even saying hello. As your close disciple, I have to learn about your return from others..." You Zijin's face was full of grievance, which was really inconsistent with his tall figure.

Qin Shu was speechless for a moment, coughed slightly, and said deliberately: "Isn't this normal? How long have I been a disciple, and I have never seen my master a few times."

She is still an inner disciple!

You Zijin: "..."

What she said was actually correct, but if he wasn't clingy, how could he hold his thigh so firmly? With his master's irresponsible appearance, he doesn't look familiar to many gangsters. Will she remember that she has such a registered disciple?

Next to him was Wen Run, who had the same purpose of holding his thigh in advance.

He pursed his lips and looked extremely deep, "Cousin, you said I could come to you every day, but I have been here for half a month and have never seen you."

As soon as he said this, You Zijin glanced at him in great surprise, and his heart felt strangely balanced.

The master didn't even see her cousin. She was such an insignificant little apprentice, and she even took her to watch the master Yuezhi refining weapons!

After hearing Wen Run's words, Qin Shu coughed slightly and touched her nose, "I protected my mother for the past two days and didn't have time to come back."

When she said this, her gentle expression recovered a little, "I see. Now that my cousin is back, do you still need to practice boxing today?"

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