I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 759 What did you call me?

Qin Shu fell from the sky and looked around, only to realize that not all of these flying boats were monks who came to Qiyuan Mountain for training.

Most of them come... to open a shop.

I saw all kinds of daily necessities hanging on these flying boats, including those selling magic weapons, some selling magic cores, and of course the legendary flower boats.

Qin Shu originally thought that in the world of immortality with storage space, who would go out without bringing enough things?

She carries almost all of her wealth with her. If her son Hua Zi and Ah Jin were not still at home, it would not be a problem for her not to go back in this life.

As soon as Qin Shu landed, someone immediately came over, "Fellow Taoist, do you want to go to the trial? The Awakening Hoop... Oh, you are wearing it. Are you fully prepared for the magic core? Now the magic energy inside is getting stronger and stronger. If it is higher, the magic core will be consumed faster and faster. If fellow Taoist still prepare according to the previous consumption, I am afraid it will not be enough..."

Qin Shu also became interested when she heard this.

"Oh? The demonic energy has increased? How long can a first-order magic core last?"

This man originally cast a wide net, so he didn't expect Qin Shu to pay attention to him. Seeing that Qin Shu actually started talking to her now, she immediately became energetic and became much more enthusiastic.

"Now the first-level demon core may not be able to last even a quarter of an hour. Fellow Taoist, what kind of cultivation level are you now? There are no first-level demons on Qiyuan Mountain now. There are few even second-level demons. Most are third-level and up. If you are not strong enough, it is best not to go... Of course, if you must go, we also have Qingyuan Dan for sale in our store, so we recommend that you prepare some more..."

In a few words, Qin Shu also learned about the current situation of Qiyuan Mountain from him.

Out of gratitude, Qin Shu actually purchased one hundred third-level magic cores from him, spending a total of three hundred middle-grade spiritual stones.

She can no longer use the magic core, but she can still leave it to her mother.

The waiter happily sent her all the way to the entrance of Qiyuan Mountain, and did not forget to tell her, "Fellow Taoist, if you encounter any danger after entering, you can join some teams, and they will be willing to give you a certain amount of spiritual stones." Brought out, but you still have to be careful, there are many people who commit murder and cheat here, so remember not to show off your wealth..."

Qin Shu knew that he also had good intentions, so she smiled and agreed, "Thank you for reminding me, I will go in first! If I need magic core again next time, I will buy it from you!"

The waiter smiled and responded three times in succession, "Yes, yes, if you have extra magic cores, you can bring them to our shop to sell them. We have Chongtian Palace as our backing and will not do things like that to fool people."

When Qin Shu heard that they were actually from Chongtian Palace, she raised her eyebrows in surprise, but she didn't say much, just waved her hand and stepped into the realm of Qiyuan Mountain.

As soon as she entered, the dark demonic aura enveloped her. Qin Shu was not affected for a long time. After just two steps, she saw a house.

In this thick black fog, the house seemed to exist like a paradise, emerging from the mud but not stained, and all the evil spirits seemed to be isolated from the outside of the house.

Qin Shu's eyes slowly moved up and landed under the eaves, where she saw the plaque clearly written - Chongtian Palace Office.

She raised her feet and walked over. The moment she crossed the barrier, Qin Shu felt it.

What kind of barrier is this? It is clearly an independent space opened up on Qiyuan Mountain.

And the only person in the entire Chongtian Palace who can have such a handiwork is Xie Shiyuan.

When Qin Shu walked into the house, she saw a sign hanging in a conspicuous place, with a line of large characters written on it: You need to pay ten third-level magic cores to enter Qiyuan Mountain today!

Qin Shu couldn't help but click her tongue twice. The magic core she had just bought from Chongtian Palace was now being handed over again.

I have to say that Orochi still has some business acumen.

She took out ten magic cores and put them on the table. Just as she was about to pass, she didn't expect that the originally lazy Chongtian Palace disciple suddenly stood up and stared at her for a long time as if to confirm something.

Qin Shu was stunned and asked, "What's wrong?"

The female cultivator looked at Qin Shu's face for a long time to make sure it was not what it looked like in the portrait. There were indeed fluctuations on the rock.

This person should be the one who has been talked about too much above. The difference in appearance is probably due to the use of some form-changing magic weapon.

Before Qin Shu came to her senses, the female cultivator pushed back the ten magic cores she had placed on the table and said respectfully: "Madam, you'd better take these magic cores back."

Qin Shu was stunned, glanced at the magic core in front of her, and suddenly fell into deep thought.

"What...did you call me?"

The female cultivator clasped her hands tightly in front of her and lowered her head, "Madam, my subordinate was unaware of your arrival just now. Please don't blame me."

Qin Shu narrowed her eyes and said, "Did someone tell you that I was coming?"

The female cultivator quickly shook her head, "No, it's just that Lady Liniang once issued an order, saying that if Madam comes to the territory of our Chongtian Palace, she is not allowed to collect spiritual stones."

Qin Shu understood that Liniang's order to round up was Orochi's order, which was not surprising.

There was one thing about her that was quite strange. She put one hand on the table, bent down slightly, moved closer, looked at the female cultivator, and asked, "How did you find me?"

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she deliberately used the magical weapon that could change the appearance given to her by her mother-in-law.

She wouldn't be surprised if Orochi was here in person, but how did the female cultivator figure it out?

When the female cultivator heard Qin Shu's question, she didn't dare to delay at all and replied directly: "As soon as Madam, you came in, the Zhenshan Stone started to react."

Qin Shu was stunned for a moment, "Mountain-holding stone?"

The female cultivator nodded, "The Lord put it here, so we shouldn't touch it."

Qin Shu understood that all this was arranged by the big snake.

She raised her hand to collect the ten third-level magic cores on the table, and then said, "Then I'll go in."

She moved and disappeared from the spot.

The female cultivator stared at the place where she had just stood in a daze. It took her a long time to come back to her senses, and she quickly took out the communication jade slip to share with her friends.

[Guess what? Guess! Who did I see just now? ! ]

[Master Wen Chi? ]

[Impossible, she is not so lucky! ]

[Master Chi Yuan? ]


Everyone guessed who it was, but no one guessed it right.

The female cultivator smiled with satisfaction, and then wrote a line of words and sent it out, [I saw the lady! ]

[Madam! Why am I not on duty today! ]

[I really want to see what the lady looks like. She must be very beautiful to be favored by the master! ]

[Aqiu, did you take a picture? ]

[No... Even if I had it, I wouldn't dare to take it out. Madam is so powerful. I didn't even blink, and she disappeared. Very powerful! ]

[Nonsense, can the master's wife be an ordinary person? I really want to see it with my own eyes...]

[Don't think about it. Madam must have used a magic tool to change her appearance. She is nothing like the one in the portrait. ]

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