I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 760 Activating the Soul Locking Array

Qin Shu didn't know that she had become the focus of discussion among the disciples of Chongtian Palace. Everyone was particularly curious about her wife who had never shown her face.

The few who had seen her in person were all more tight-lipped than each other.

Qin Shu stepped into the real Qiyuan Mountain. The concentration of demonic energy there was stronger than outside. She suddenly understood why Chongtian Palace wanted to collect ten third-level demon cores.

If you can't even take out ten third-level demon cores, then you are not suitable to come to Qiyuan Mountain at this time.

The so-called ticket, to put it bluntly, is actually a threshold.

She looked up at the top of the mountain. When she came to Qiyuan Mountain before, the demonic energy was not so dense. She came here to go to the top of the mountain to find out.

But this time, she was not going to climb to the top.

The Qinglong Patriarch had instructed that his heart blood and scales should be buried at the easternmost part of Qiyuan Mountain, farthest from the iron chain.

She retracted her sight and flew towards the east resolutely.

Although the large-scale demonic energy affected her vision, it could not cover her consciousness. She was extremely fast.

She brought a gust of wind wherever she passed, and even the dense demonic energy was blown everywhere.

Not long after she walked, she encountered the first demon she encountered on this trip, a blade demon, level three.

Now Qin Shu only needs one move to deal with a level three demon. She didn't even pause, and the demon fell to the ground.

Qin Shu waved her hand, and the corpse of the blade demon was received by her in an empty storage ring.

Originally, Qin Shu thought that the demonic energy near the iron chain should be the most concentrated, but she didn't expect that the further east she went, the denser the demonic energy became.

At first, she only encountered level three and level four demons, but as she went east, level six and level seven demons gradually appeared.

Qin Shu would clean up the demons when she encountered them at the beginning, but later, she encountered more and more high-level demons, and she no longer acted rashly.

If she accidentally attracted a large number of high-level demons, it would be difficult for her to get away.

She was not here to hunt demons, but to do so by the way. Now the most urgent thing was to complete the commission of the ancestors.

She used the body skills she learned from the old ancestor Zhuque to increase her speed to the extreme.

Even if these high-level demons could sense something unusual, Qin Shu would have drifted away before they could react.

She came to the easternmost part of Qiyuan Mountain. As she got closer to the coastline, the demonic energy gradually faded, and she encountered fewer high-level demons.

Qin Shu was relieved. She was originally worried about what to do if she was discovered by the high-level demons when she cast the Soul Locking Formation. Now it seems that she should not be discovered.

She took out the compass and chose a place that was most suitable for the water attribute of the old ancestor Qinglong. In order not to be disturbed, she took out the formation plate and arranged a protective formation here.

After she disappeared from the original place with the formation plate, she was relieved to set up the Soul Locking Formation according to her memory.

She had some basic knowledge of formations, and although the Soul-locking Formation was rather complicated, she still managed to draw it.

She placed five kinds of top-grade spirit crystals, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, on the eye of the formation and activated it.

Watching the runes on the formation light up one by one, the spiritual energy on the formation began to circulate on its own.

Qin Shu's lips slightly raised, and she took out the heart blood and scales of the Azure Dragon Patriarch and buried them in the formation.

At this moment, the entire Qiyuan Mountain suddenly shook. This feeling was not the first time Qin Shu had experienced it, but she was still obviously stunned for a moment.

Could it be that this earthquake was related to the Soul-locking Formation she arranged?

Qin Shu put away the formation plate and looked around, and found that the demonic energy here seemed to be slightly lighter than before?

But she thought again, the Azure Dragon Patriarch was a divine beast, and his heart blood and scales should have the effect of exorcising demons.

After completing the commission of the Azure Dragon Patriarch, the burden on her shoulders was relieved a little.

Now I can do what I want to do, such as... hunting demons!

Now is a good time to refine weapons!

Before, Qin Shu ran all the way to the east. The farther she was from the iron chain, the less she would be affected by the abnormal gravity.

But now she was free and light. In her eyes, those abnormal gravity were the perfect conditions for body refining.

Without even thinking about it, she stepped on the shrinking earth and flew towards the west.

In her consciousness, the high mountain top and the iron chain on the mountain top were fatally tempting to her!

The closer to the mountain top, the fewer high-level demons there were. Those high-level demons were also wise. Everyone knew that hundreds or thousands of times of gravity were not good.

Only some low-level demons who had not been enlightened lay on the ground and rolled until they were pressed to the ground by gravity and could never move.

Qin Shu chose the best place, with ten to twenty times of gravity, and almost all the demons she encountered were level five demons.

Gravity not only affects her, but also the demons, and these demons also seem more cumbersome under the effect of gravity.

Qin Shu put away the Purple Sky White Jade Sword and took out her big iron hammer.

If you are a demon, you can refine a shield, and if you are a blade demon, you can refine a sword! If you encounter a blood demon, you will consider yourself unlucky, kill it and take it back to confiscate it.

It is not difficult to refine the fifth-level demons. If others are in Qiyuan Mountain, they will have to worry about being affected by the demonic energy, but Qin Shu has purple spiritual energy to protect her body and is even more unscrupulous than these demons.

The previous movement caused many cultivators to withdraw from Qiyuan Mountain in advance for fear of any changes. It is precisely because of this that no one can see Qin Shu's heroic performance here for the time being.

She hammered more than 500 demons for a whole six months. In the entire area of ​​10 to 20 times gravity, a vacuum zone was strangely formed, which had never happened since the emergence of Qiyuan Mountain.

So much so that other high-level cultivators came here to hunt demons, and they found only one after walking ten miles...

Qin Shu looked at the shield she had refined in her hand, a primary treasure?

Suddenly she felt that her weapon refining had improved a lot. She was only at the fifth level of demon control, but she could refine a treasure?

Not bad, not bad, I can take it back to exchange for points.

She put away the shield and looked around. It seemed that there were really no demons...

She sighed, it was really weak! Never mind, the fifth-level demons were not fools, they knew it was dangerous and still ran here.

But Qin Shu was also a little curious. So many of them came here to hunt demons, so what about these demons? Why did they come here? It couldn't be to enjoy the scenery, right?

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Qin Shu's mind, and her pupils shrank suddenly.

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares into you.

In their view, everyone comes here for trials, to hunt demons and obtain demon cores.

Then in the view of those demons, they may also come here for trials, for... hunters.

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