I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 761 How do you know so much?

Qin Shu's expression gradually became serious. If it was as she guessed, maybe this was just a vanguard battlefield where the two worlds first clashed, and there would be a tough battle to be fought in the future.

She went all the way down the mountain forest, and all the blind demons and demonic plants she passed were killed by her sword.

I bumped into a few monks sporadically along the way, but everyone kept a safe distance tacitly to each other, in order to try their best to prevent the possibility of murder and robbery.

Until she went down the mountain, the warm sunshine shone on her body again. The haze and all the negative emotions that had been shrouding her heart for a long time suddenly disappeared at this moment, and she really felt like she was suddenly enlightened.

Even with this sunshine, the world of immortality must not be eroded by demonic energy!

Qin Shu let out a long breath and raised her head to face the sun. She didn't know whether it was because the sun was particularly dazzling today or for some other reason, but she saw a familiar phantom.

He is tall and tall, with a handsome face.

Qin Shu was stunned when she heard the "phantom" in front of her suddenly speak, "Why did you go to Qiyuan Mountain and your mind was disturbed?"

Qin Shu opened her mouth in surprise, "This...isn't a phantom?"

Xie Shiyuan's hand fell on the top of her hair, and the real touch came, and she realized that it was all true!

"You? Are you done?" Qin Shu asked.

Xie Shiyuan shook his head, "Isn't it my turn to say this?"

Qin Shu was just stunned when she heard Xie Shiyuan say again, "I've been waiting for you here for half a year."

Qin Shu frowned slightly, "Half a year?"

What a coincidence. Half a year ago, she buried the blood and scales of the Qinglong Ancestor in the spirit-locking formation on the east side of Qiyuan Mountain, and then went on to attack the fifth-level demons for half a year.

"Well, I was busy with something important a while ago. No, I just came to find you as soon as I got away." Xie Shiyuan said.

His consciousness swept across Qin Shu's body, "Is it already the middle stage of Nascent Soul?"

Qin Shu nodded, "The Wen family's spiritual energy is very strong, and I broke through not long after I arrived. If it weren't for the fact that the second room of the Wen family is so unpleasant, I would still be willing to stay in the Wen family for a while."

Xie Shiyuan's laughter came from above her head, "I'm afraid that if you want to stay longer, the Wen family won't let you stay for a long time. With the spiritual energy you spent to break through, the Wen family should send you away overnight."

Qin Shu knew what he said was true, wrinkled her nose and said nothing.

Xie Shiyuan raised his hand, picked her up around the waist, put her on his shoulders, turned around and disappeared.

Qin Shu looked at the changes in the scene around her and asked quickly: "Where are you taking me?"

"Go back to Nanxiang City."

It had only been three or four years since he came. At this time, the surrounding area of ​​Nanxiang City was overflowing with demonic energy, and even Nanyin City had fallen.

Qin Shu looked at the foggy scene and frowned, "Can we just watch the world of immortality being swallowed up by demonic energy?"

Xie Shiyuan was walking at a slow pace, and his voice was neither fast nor slow. "I didn't watch helplessly."

Qin Shu: "?"

Then I thought again, he was the one who made the Qing Yuan Pill and the Awakening Soul Hoop, and also sealed the crack in the Beast Control Sect.

"I was in seclusion for more than two years a while ago. I didn't expect the cracks to have spread to this extent." Xie Shiyuan said softly.

Qin Shu frowned and asked what she had always wanted to know but had never asked.

"Orochi, why is the barrier between the world of immortality and the world of demons so fragile?"

There are barriers between the human world, the ghost world and the immortal world, but I have never heard of any problems.

"This is all the fault of the Gods back then."


"Well, the Gods have always claimed to be noble, and the Demons are dirty monsters in their eyes, so they have blocked the passage for them to ascend. The Demons and Monsters generally cultivate their bodies. As the years of cultivation increase, The body also strengthens.”

As he spoke, Xie Shiyuan glanced at the woman sitting on his shoulder who was listening to the story attentively, smiled, and continued: "Unlike human monks, demons do not need any spiritual energy at all to practice, and they don't even rely much on demonic energy. . When their power exceeds the limit of one world, they can feel the barrier of the world, but their way to ascend to the upper world has been blocked, so they have to focus on the world of cultivation. "

Qin Shu suddenly understood, "Do they want to take the path to the immortal world? Ascend to the upper world?"

Xie Shiyuan nodded slightly, "Yeah."

Qin Shu frowned again, "But isn't it possible to ascend to the world of immortality?"

Xie Shiyuan didn't know what he was thinking of, and his expression was a little complicated, "They probably don't know."

Qin Shu looked up at the sky. She could not feel the so-called world barrier with her current cultivation level. "Why do the gods want to seal the passage to ascension? Can't even the law of heaven restrain them?"

Xie Shiyuan twitched his lips, but there was no smile in his eyes, "Their noble bloodline is not allowed to be tainted by the blood of foreigners."

"You mean...intermarriage?" Qin Shu asked.

Xie Shiyuan responded, "The divine power will weaken as the bloodline is diluted. After they discovered this, they completely put all ethnic groups on the opposite side."

Qin Shu thought of the war she saw between the gods and the beasts, and asked, "Even the beasts can't do it?"

Xie Shiyuan didn't seem to expect that she would ask this, and looked at her in surprise, "How did you know?"

Qin Shu shrugged, "I saw it myself."

Xie Shiyuan thought of her purple pupils and her algorithm, nodded briefly, and then continued: "If there really is a fight, the outcome between the divine beasts and the gods is not easy to decide, but the divine power of the gods is determined by It’s determined by the power of their blood.”

He met Qin Shu's clear eyes and spoke slowly, "They extracted the divine blood from tens of thousands of people with the blood of the divine race, and finally concentrated it on the divine king."

Qin Shu took a breath of air and thought of Bai Shuang's words in the ice secret realm.

Could it be that...the Ice Secret Realm was the original altar? ! No wonder there are so many white shadows there...

But soon, her thoughts were pulled back. She frowned at Xie Shiyuan and asked, "How do you know so much?"

According to the law that the more you know, the sooner you die, would the Gods let him speak ill of them outside? I'm afraid he has been obliterated long ago.

Xie Shiyuan knew what she was thinking as soon as his mind moved, and the smile on his face softened, "I... naturally learned it from ancient books."

He was obviously looking at her, but his eyes seemed to be a little distracted, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

When Qin Shu heard this, she also laughed, "The ancient books are not entirely correct. Let's stop worrying and practice hard! When I ascend, maybe the passage will be opened again?"

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