I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 766 What if there are more than two of us?

Master Lingxu has not yet come out of seclusion, and the message Qin Shu sent has also fallen into disarray.

She then used the search function of the Jade Slip to search for the golden gourd, and found a mess of magical artifacts and accessories, but none of them were like the tree she saw in front of her.

Qin Shu was just about to ask Zhenren Wanjian and Zhenren Yue again, but when she moved her fingers, she suddenly gave up.

Let’s ask Orochi, I always think he is more knowledgeable and talented.

Besides, even if he doesn't know, he should get the answer by asking Guo Chong.

With this thought in mind, she sent out the message, "Orochi, do you know about the golden gourd?"

Xie Shiyuan didn't let her wait long before he came back, "Golden gourd? Tell me more specifically."

Qin Shu replied: "A tree, about ten feet high, as thick as three people hugging each other, with a towering crown, leaves that look like maple leaves, with jagged edges..."

Xie Shiyuan thought for a moment and then said: "From your description, it should be Jin Ze Ling Gourd."

Seeing that he knew it, Qin Shu quickly asked, "Then what's the use of this thing?"

Perhaps her love for gold in her previous life was too deeply rooted in her bones. In this life, she always thinks that golden things are good things.

Xie Shiyuan: "Now that you've encountered it, just keep it. It's hard to find this thing in today's world of immortality. It doesn't have much use, but some good things can only be installed with it."

To hold something? It should be a container made of special materials.

Since Orochi said so, she would naturally accept it.

How uncomfortable it would be if we encountered something good in the future but had no container to take it with us!

Thinking of this, Qin Shu walked towards the foot of the big tree. As she walked, she warned: "Xiao Xiao, hold on tight."

As soon as she finished speaking, two figures suddenly appeared from a distance.

In other words, they were originally standing on the other side of the tree, but Qin Shu never noticed it.

She paused in her steps and became wary.

She had never noticed their existence before this, which at least showed that these two people were very capable of hiding.

So are there anyone else hiding around at this time? If there are too many people, it would be uneconomical to go to war for such a container.

She re-concentrated her consciousness and looked around carefully, but she didn't find any monks, but on this tree...

She raised her head and glanced at the huge tree crown. She hadn't noticed it before, but there was actually a small golden snake the size of a palm hidden in the tree.

"You also want these gourds?" Qin Shu stopped and asked.

The other party saw that she was alone, but he couldn't detect her cultivation level, so he naturally became cautious.

"Fellow Taoist, we are destined to meet each other. Since we met these gourds at the same time today, I see that there are quite a lot of gourds. How about we share it equally among the three of us?" the short man opposite suggested.

Another tall man glared at him dissatisfiedly, and when he was about to retort, he heard the female cultivator opposite suddenly laugh.

The two of them looked at Qin Shu in surprise, and saw the corners of her lips curved up, with a smile in her eyes, "What if I say no?"

The tall man snorted coldly, "Don't be so shameless! Be careful that you won't get any!"

Qin Shu folded her arms, looked at the two male cultivators from a distance, and said, "How capable are you two?"

It's not that she is conceited, it's just that these two people are only at the early stage of Jindan.

If you want to snatch something from under her hand, you can only say four words: wishful thinking.

At this moment, the tall man waved his hand, and two figures appeared in front of him, "What if there are more than two of us?"

Qin Shu's eyes fell on the two tall figures in front of him. They had pale skin, stiff movements, and runes on their backs... She couldn't be more familiar with them.

Qin Shu's expression changed, she looked at them and asked, "Are you from the Maoshanjiang family?"

If it was the Jiang family, he could share a little with them. After all, the Jiang family had done him a great favor. And she got along very happily with the younger members of the Jiang family.

However, the tall man in front of him sneered after hearing Qin Shu's words, "Maoshan? Are you worthy of being compared with us? The Jiang family can't last much longer!"

Qin Shu's expression changed again. She looked at the man in front of her coldly and asked, "Which sect are you from?"

"Heavenly Corpse Sect!"

Qin Shu had heard about this, and it was also a well-known sect in the world of immortality back then.

Later, there were differences among the elders at the top. An elder named Jiang took his branch back to Maoshan. Since then, the name of the Tianzhi Sect has been far from what it used to be.

On the other hand, the Jiang family, using the centipede to catch treasures, is becoming more and more prosperous.

When people slowly mentioned corpse refining, the first thing that everyone thought of was the Maoshan Jiang family, and the Heavenly Corpse Sect also gradually withdrew from everyone's sight.

Perhaps because of this, when Qin Shu mentioned the Maoshan Jiang family, the two monks looked particularly ugly.

Qin Shu found out, but that didn't stop her from adding fuel to the fire.

She pretended to look at the two corpses all over again, and finally touched her chin and sighed, "I'll tell you what you don't want to hear, your corpse refining skills are really inferior compared to the Jiang family. Wait until you get out of here. Now, you can go to the Jiang family and discuss with them, and maybe you can make some progress."

"Shut up! If you dare to question our ability, I will show you today!" the tall male cultivator said through gritted teeth.

The short male cultivator tugged at his clothes with a bitter face and said to him, "Calm down, we can't see her cultivation at all! What if she is a Yuanying stage old monster?"

"How could it be such a coincidence? Who in the Yuanying stage has time to talk to us here? In my opinion, she must be wearing some magic weapon that hides her cultivation."


Qin Shu laughed when she heard it.

To be honest, both of them guessed correctly.

She was indeed a Yuanying "old monster", but she was also wearing a magic weapon that hid her cultivation.

Qin Shu suddenly interrupted them and said, "Let's fight and we'll know."

The short cultivator looked at the eager female cultivator in front of him and could only bite the bullet.

He also raised his hand and released two zombies. The four pale zombies closed their eyes and stood in a row between them.

Qin Shu tutted her tongue twice, "Why do I suddenly feel a little outnumbered?"

She touched her chin and thought for a moment, then continued: "If that's the case, I'll have to find some helpers."

She touched the storage ring, and a series of black shadows appeared in front of her.

The two people opposite her widened their eyes, "Oh my god? What the hell is this?"

"A puppet? Why does it look so weird?"

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