I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 767 Six vs. Six is ​​fair

"These puppets look like they could fall apart if they move. Is she serious?"

"How could the zombies we made with our own hands lose to these rags?"

The six black shadows in front of Qin Shu were what she and Senior Brother Kongshen and the others had found in a small world many years ago. These two disciples of the Heavenly Corpse Sect would not understand at all that the puppet standing in front of them was not ordinary at all. The puppet represents Qin Shu's highest level in the formation.

At first, she studied formations every day and made these puppets with a few whims. Now if I ask her to do it again, she may not be able to do it.

Of course, even so, the combat effectiveness of her little puppets is still not outstanding.

Don't even think about relying on these little puppets to deal with the zombies of the Sky Corpse Sect.

However, Qin Shu's own family knew her own affairs, and these puppets could at best withstand beatings. She had no intention of relying on them to gain any advantage.

These puppets were only brought out to help share the attention. These slowly moving zombies could not even touch her afterimage.

"Do you still have zombies? If not...otherwise I will put away the two puppets, and six versus six will be considered fair." Qin Shu raised her eyebrows, looking a bit provocative.

Ping Liang and Ping Jing looked at each other after hearing Qin Shu's words, neither of them looking very good.

Is there something wrong with this female cultivator? The baby is right in front of you, why do you care about fairness? These righteous monks are hypocrites.

However, these weird puppets of hers look like they are pieced together. They must not have much power, but they are not something to be afraid of.

They didn't say anything when they saw that the female cultivator opposite had indeed put away the two puppets.

Qin Shu wasn't really that considerate, she simply felt that too many puppets might...may hold her back.

But her actions fell into the eyes of the two people opposite, and they clearly felt that she was being discriminated against.

Pingliang raised a bell with his hand, his face was very ugly, "Are you looking down on people? She will definitely regret her actions..."

Upon seeing this, Ping Jing also took out a black triangular soul flag with several strange human body patterns painted on it. If you are not determined, just a glance may affect your mind.

"Stop talking nonsense to her. Get rid of her as soon as possible. The longer it takes, someone else may come."

As soon as he finished speaking, a ray of spiritual energy hit the soul flag. As soon as the soul flag moved, a dark wind howled in the surrounding woods, and it seemed that even the temperature dropped.

The visibility in front of Qin Shu decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and something seemed to be approaching faintly behind her.

She frowned and subconsciously put up a protective shield, and then a shrill scream came from behind her.

Qin Shu was startled and quickly turned around to look. She vaguely seemed to see some transparent white shadow passing by.

She had seen this kind of soul in the ghost world before, but she didn't find it scary at all. She was simply frightened by his cry.

She touched her nose and clicked her tongue twice, "I'm sorry, the temperature of my fire spirit energy is a bit high, and these vaginal creatures can't seem to bear it."

Ping Jing's face darkened when he saw this, "It turns out to be a monk from Huo Linggen."

The monks with Fire Spirit Root and Thunder Spirit Root have a natural restraint effect on these evil creatures. It seems that his Ten Evil Soul Banners can no longer be used.

"Lao Liang, it's up to you." He put away the Ten Evil Souls Flag, and then took out a wooden fish made of a skeleton.

Upon seeing this, Taira responded, "Okay!"

Qin Shu looked at the magical weapons brought out by the monks across from her and looked more sinister than the last, and her brows furrowed more and more, "Will your Heavenly Corpse Sect still do this? No wonder the Jiang family wants to break up with you."

Every time the Jiang family refines a corpse, they have obtained the deceased's promise, signed a contract between heaven and earth, and have to help others settle the cause and effect.

And these two people knew that this was not the case just by looking at the evil wooden fish.

"Stop talking nonsense! One Jiang family makes you so close to each other! I want to show you today! In front of our Heavenly Corpse Sect, the Jiang family is nothing!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the bell in his hand shook slightly, and two of the zombies began to move.

Immediately afterwards, the skeleton wooden fish on the other side also started knocking. A clear bell sound was mixed with a muffled sound, and the other two zombies also started to move...

Qin Shu didn't panic at all. Their zombies needed spiritual energy to issue commands, but her puppets could attack and defend on their own.

Compared with zombies, her puppet has obviously higher defense. It doesn't matter if it has broken arms and legs, just put it on again.

In the eyes of Brother Taira and He Jingjing, their attack command has been issued, but the female cultivator is still standing motionless. What is the difference between this and seeking death?

Could it be...that it was really her weird puppets that gave her the confidence?

Pingliang reacted and immediately sent a message to Pingjing, "Pay attention to her puppet."


However, in the next moment, the eyes of the four puppets lit up in unison, and the little bit of gloomy aura left here by the Ten Evil Soul Flags was illuminated by these four pairs of headlights, and not a single bit was left.

The two brothers, Taira and Hejing, had never seen such a battle before. They quickly cheered up, but found that the light seemed to only have the function of lighting, and had no other use.

The two breathed a sigh of relief and controlled the four zombies to attack Qin Shu back and forth.

Qin Shu watched one of the cyan figures flash past her eyes, and suddenly realized that her previous guess was wrong.

The seemingly slow zombies can also have such speed. It seems that the Tianshi Sect should not be underestimated. The cultivators who can cultivate to the Jindan stage are all very capable.

However, if this is all they have, it is not enough.

Qin Shu curled her lips and saw Xiao Dai stepped forward, opened his three heads and six arms and hugged one of the zombies directly.

Xiao Dai No. 2 activated the gravity formation on the spot, and the speed of the other three zombies slowed down significantly.

The other two puppets were also triggered to attack the formation at this time, and they surrounded the four zombies.

One of the zombies directly broke Xiao Dai's arm with his bare hands, and the other two directly knocked over Xiao Dai No. 2 and approached Qin Shu.

To put it bluntly, zombies are also a kind of puppets. Pingliang and the others gave the order to attack the female cultivator in front of them. They have locked Qin Shu's aura and ignored all obstacles in the middle.

Qin Shu walked straight towards the golden gourd as if she didn't see it.

"She actually wants to pick these gourds in front of us? How arrogant! Does she really think that these few broken puppets can hold us back? How naive!" Ping Jing said angrily.

Ping Liang glanced at him and said, "You go and stop her, and leave these puppets to me."

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