I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 771: Li Dai Tao Jiang

The evil cultivator took the elixir to repair the wound on his shoulder, fearing that the slight smell of blood would attract the evil star again.

However, he never dreamed that it was not the smell of blood that attracted the evil star, but the insignificant purple spiritual energy left on his shoulder.

He followed the river all the way to a waterfall, leaned on the rock to rest for a while, and recovered the spiritual energy he had just consumed.

He saw it at the first sight, that the one who could control so many swords at the same time must be above the Nascent Soul.

His cultivation level was equivalent to his own, but there was a common sense known to everyone in the world of immortal cultivation, that under the same cultivation level, the sword cultivator was invincible.

Unless you have a magic weapon, if you encounter a sword cultivator, especially a sword cultivator who has comprehended the way of the sword, you should run away quickly.

Although the storage rings of the three cultivators have not been collected in time, it doesn't matter, as long as you have the green mountains, you will not worry about firewood.

I'm afraid that the female evil star is still carefully probing in the blood mist! He didn't believe that she could use such a powerful sword move again.

Just as he was secretly delighted, a head gradually emerged from the top of the waterfall.

Qin Shu stepped on a protruding rock on the edge of the cliff and looked down at the waterfall.

The figure below was leaning against the waterfall, and a lot of water splashed on his body, but his expression seemed quite willful.

Qin Shu showed a sneer at the corner of his lips and threw something down casually.

The splashing water mixed with white things directly hit the evil cultivator's arms, and he subconsciously raised his hand to catch it.

When he got it, he found that it was a white skull, and his face changed immediately.

They were evil cultivators who had cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage, and their hands were stained with thousands of lives, if not tens of thousands, but a mere skull was not enough to make him panic.

What really panicked him was that this skull couldn't have come out of nowhere, so...

He slowly raised his head and saw a black-clad female cultivator swooping down with a sword above his head.

At that moment, he clearly felt that he was locked.

He had no way to hide from this sword. No matter where he hid, he would be stabbed by her.

He quickly activated all the defensive magic tools, opened his right hand, and a magic staff with three small skulls appeared in his hand.

He chanted a string of strange spells, and the next moment, the surrounding waterfall suddenly turned blood red and rushed towards the two of them.

And Qin Shu was not afraid at all. Compared with the sword in her hand, she was more like a sharp sword at this time.

The sword intent covering her whole body seemed to carry a mighty force. Wherever she went, she was unstoppable. The golden gourds hanging on her body collided with each other and made a "clattering" sound.

The purple jade sword broke through the waterfall, his protective shield, and his two layers of defensive magic tools.

In the end, the attack was still blocked by him.

But this one move was enough to make the evil cultivator break out in a cold sweat.

Almost, he almost died.

Is this the strength of a sword cultivator?

He flipped his wrist, and a teleportation talisman appeared in his hand.

"Still want to run?"

Although there was no rain around, the splashing water could also act as rain, and the gathering of cirrus clouds in the sky was just right for a move of Piercing Clouds and Breaking Rain Sword.

The sixth move of Piercing Clouds and Breaking Rain Sword.

The crackling sword moves smashed towards the place where the evil cultivator stood. Qin Shu was confident that if this move was used, he would almost die.

However, when the smoke around dissipated, she only saw a pile of white debris.

"Li Dai Tao Jiang?"

Qin Shu frowned, and then she noticed a space fluctuation in the distance, and saw that the teleportation talisman of the evil cultivator was completely activated, and his figure completely disappeared from the spot.

Did he really run away? It seems that I have to be more careful when facing these Yuanying cultivators in the future.

All the cultivators who can survive to the Nascent Soul stage are full of tricks and have endless ways to save their lives.

If the other party really wants to fight with her, she is sure that she can win, but if the other party is determined to leave, she may not be able to keep them.

Qin Shu was silent for a moment, put away the sword in her hand, raised her hand to make a divination.

Looking at the divination, the corners of her lips could not help but rise again.

She raised her head and looked at the place where the evil cultivator had just escaped, and whispered: "If he ran away, he ran away. We will meet again..."

There seemed to be several breaths coming from behind, and Qin Shu guessed that someone must have heard the noise and chased after him.

She did not dare to stay here for long, and turned around and left.

After she disappeared, three figures appeared on the waterfall, looked around, and frowned.

"Is it the Piercing Clouds and Breaking Rain Sword, the people of Xuantianmen?" The man in green asked.

"Yes, from the Xuantianmen Sword Sect, under the tutelage of the Immortal Sword of Delusion." The woman in white said.

"A disciple of Master Wang Jian? This commotion... could it be Cheng Yan?"

The woman in white rolled her eyes at him, "Master Cheng Yan has only been in the Sword Sect for a short time, he is the eldest disciple of the Dan Sect."

The man in green glanced at her and said, "Then tell me, who could it be?"

For some reason, a figure suddenly appeared in the mind of the woman in white, but she quickly denied it.

The one who could make such a commotion must be in the Nascent Soul stage, it couldn't be Qin Shu.

She turned around and threw the topic to the man in blue standing beside her, "Liuyun, what do you think?"

Liuyun stood beside her, and when he heard her question, he immediately answered obediently, "No matter who it is from Xuantian Sect, they are all upright cultivators, not the same as us."

Luan Yue laughed, "The man she was chasing doesn't look like us either."

Although the Hehuan Sect monks occasionally do bad things, at least they are not so cruel, right?

"The man was smashed into pieces. If he falls into the hands of Xuantian Sect, he will die." Luan Yue crossed her arms and said with a gloating tone.

The man in green said, "I'm not interested in this, I'm just curious about what good things they got."

Liu Yun glanced at him, "Qi Zhan, judging from the noise just now, it should be two Yuanying stage people fighting. That's not something you can get involved in."

Qi Zhan chuckled, "I don't want to get involved. They eat meat, and we just drink some soup with them."

Luan Yue shrugged, "What's the point of just drinking soup? The key is in hand. Not to mention taking over the entire secret realm, at least 70% should be obtained."

Qi Zhan lowered his eyes and looked at her. His eyes were gentle, but if you look closely, you can see the fierceness hidden in them.

If it wasn't because she got the key, why would he go with her?

Luan Yue didn't notice his eyes at all, but Liu Yun saw it.

Liu Yun looked a little worried, but he couldn't say anything to Luan Yue in front of him.

Qi Zhan then asked: "Where should we go next?"

Luan Yue raised her hand and took out a palm-sized jade pendant from the storage ring, felt it carefully, and then pointed forward.

"Follow the direction of the river."

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