Qi Zhan glanced at the direction of her finger. If he remembered correctly, the female cultivator from Xuantian Sect just now also went in this direction.

It seems...she didn't lie.

"Didn't you say you want 70% of the good stuff? It's time for us to leave." Qi Zhan said.

Luan Yue didn't seem to be in a hurry after hearing this. She looked at Qi Zhan and laughed, "Why are you so anxious? The key is still in our hands. Even if they arrive first, they still have to wait."

Qi Zhan glanced at her lightly and said, "How can you be sure that there is only one key to this secret realm?"

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Luan Yue's face suddenly dropped, and she realized the seriousness of the matter.


But this time, Liu Yun took a step forward and stood between the two of them. Qi Zhan and Luan Yue glanced at him in unison.

Luan Yue reacted instantly and raised her hand to touch his cheek, "I've never seen you so jealous."

Liu Yun knew that they must have misunderstood, but he didn't explain much.

As long as he is around, he will keep an eye on Qi Zhan.

Just as the three people left the place, several more figures appeared one after another, but they did not stay for long before flying towards the direction where Luan Yue and the others disappeared.

Qin Shu flew through another forest, from the broadleaf forest to the coniferous forest.

If it were outside, it would mean climate change, but this is in the secret realm...

Qin Shu looked around and saw that there must be a change in the formation here.

Qin Shu sighed and looked away. The elementary formations she had learned were of no use at this moment.

She thought for a moment, then called Xiaoxiao out and asked it if it had discovered anything.

Xiaoxiao also shook his head honestly. Qin Shu took out the jade slip and went to Kong Shen, wanting to ask him where he was at this time.

But she never received a reply from senior brother Kongshen. Qin Shu held the jade slip and gradually became silent.

If this is the case, then she can only use some small means.

Qin Shu sat cross-legged at the junction of two woods. She didn't understand the formation, but among so many monks, there was always someone who did.

She was waiting here. If someone found the direction later, she would just follow them.

However, what she never expected was that the first group of people she waited for turned out to look familiar.

Looking at the graceful female cultivator, Qin Shu raised her eyebrows. Isn't this a model female cultivator of the Hehuan Sect?

Taking a closer look, there was another monk next to her?

Still remember when she pestered her senior brother Tieniu? Why has the taste changed again?

However, her forbidden love is still carried by her, and she does seem to be well-loved.

Qin Shu saw that none of the three of them knew the formation, but Luan Yue seemed to be holding something in her hand, and she determined the direction after just one glance.

"Huh? What is that?" Qin Shu's consciousness fell on her hand, "It seems to be a jade pendant?"

Qin Shu suddenly realized that since Senyao's secret realm had been opened, it was impossible for Senyao to let everyone in and run into obstacles without giving any clues.

Luan Yue seemed to have some clues in her hands. Seeing the three of them walking away, Qin Shu immediately decided to follow them and have a look!

Compared to the formation here, of course the clues are more important.

If Luan Yue really had the token given by Master Sen Yao, they could completely avoid most detours.

As soon as she took a step, the gourd hanging on her body made a series of collision sounds, and the movement was a little loud.

What is the difference between this and the past, and the cat with the bell?

She raised her hand and touched the small black snake bracelet on her hand, and tried to put the golden gourd into it.

This time, it was successful! Qin Shu touched the little black snake bracelet and couldn't help but sigh in her heart, the big snake is still more powerful!

He raised his head again and glanced at the three people who were flying far in front of him, and followed them as soon as he moved.

The three of them were walking quickly in front, while Qin Shu was far behind, as if strolling in a garden.

When she discovered that the three of them were not just walking around randomly, but seemed to have a purpose, Qin Shu became even more convinced that they indeed had a token.

After walking for almost an hour, Qin Shu's expression suddenly changed and she landed on a high tree crown.

However, Luan Yue and the three people walking in front of her encountered trouble. They had been lucky before, and there were almost no dangers except man-made disasters along the way.

But obviously, Senyao Secret Realm is not as peaceful as everyone initially imagined.

Stopping Luan Yue and the three others was a huge stone giant. At first, everyone thought it was just a stone lying casually on the ground, but as it stood up, the entire forest began to shake.

"Why are there still monsters?" Luan Yue's expression changed.

Their Hehuan Sect majors in Charm, so they can easily fight against monks. But how can they fight against such a stone monster?

Is it possible to get them to ogle this big rock?

Luan Yue let out a long breath, and finally looked at Liu Yun and Qi Zhan beside her, "I'm afraid I need you two to put in more effort this time."

Liu Yun knew that she majored in mental power and had almost no use against such a brainless monster, so he stepped forward and blocked her behind him, "Yeah!"

Qin Shu couldn't help but click her tongue after seeing this. This Liuyun was really devoted to her. No wonder Luan Yue doted on him so much.

Qizhan didn't say anything, but silently took out a sword.

Qin Shu's eyes lit up, "He's actually a sword cultivator?"

But she smiled again. To deal with such a big stone monster, a sword is really not as effective as a hammer.

She didn't go up to show off, but watched the movement in front from a distance.

To her surprise, it was Luan Yue who took action first.

She raised her hand and made a very complicated gesture. Qin Shu saw with her own eyes that her water spirit gradually turned into a pink mark, and finally fell on Liuyun beside her.

The next moment, Liuyun was like a chicken blood, and his momentum soared.

Qin Shu was shocked. How could there be an inspiring magic? Isn't this too magical?

But then she thought again, the two of them practiced dual cultivation every day, maybe there was really some magic that could create some kind of connection between the two of them?

Liuyun's magic weapon was a golden wheel the size of a pot lid. His wheel flew out of his hand, and as the wheel turned, golden light suddenly shone around, as if even the surrounding golden spirit was absorbed by his magic weapon.

When approaching the stone monster, the golden wheel turned into the size of a waterwheel, and even the grass on the ground was lifted up wherever it passed.

Qin Shu was also amazed, but this move of his did inspire Qin Shu.

Can my sword moves also grow after being swung out?

I'll try it in a quiet place after I get out!

Soon the golden wheel slashed the stone monster. The stone monster raised his arms to intercept, but the golden wheel left a deep crack on his arm and cut off many pieces of broken stone.

But the next moment, the stone monster stomped his feet, and a gray-white light passed through it, and the cracks on its arms were restored to their original state.

This time, not only Luan Yue, but also the other two people looked ugly.

Liuyun glanced at Qi Zhan, "Why don't you help?"

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