I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 775: The only thing in my heart is my hammer

Luan Yue's fingers had quickly touched Qi Zhan's name, and she happened to see Liu Yun's words. She thought for a moment before putting away the jade slip.

Liu Yun has been with her for more than forty years, and they are very compatible in every aspect. Liu Yun is also the only one who protects her wholeheartedly.

He won't lie to himself. He may be a little jealous, but he can distinguish the importance.

Maybe...he really discovered something?

That's all, let's wait until he comes.

However, what she didn't expect was that Qin Shu was the first one to find her.

Qin Shu was originally fast and her consciousness covered a wide range. Within the range specified by Luan Yue, she easily found Luan Yue's traces.

She stood on a thick tree branch, folded her arms, looked down at the woman sitting cross-legged, picked a fruit and threw it down.

Luan Yue's years of practice were not all about fishing in troubled waters. The movement above her head just came, and she dodged it in the next moment.

Seeing that what fell was just an ordinary fruit, she frowned, slowly raised her head and looked towards the tree crown, and saw a female cultivator in black leaning against the tree trunk.

"Why are you still attacking?" Luan Yue recognized Qin Shu's aura.

Qin Shu chuckled and jumped down from the branch, "Who told you to be so vigilant?"

Luan Yue's expression changed. If it wasn't Qin Shu who came, she might have put herself in danger.

Is she so weak? Why didn't he react even though she was so close?

She subconsciously looked at the female cultivator in front of her. She had a face she had never seen before, and her cultivation level could not be clearly seen.

The spiritual energy fluctuations on her body were not hidden deliberately, so she recognized them.

She probably brought some treasure to hide her identity, but Xuantianmen was really willing to give her up.

"Why did you think of coming to see me?" Luan Yue asked.

It’s not that she is belittling herself. In fact, when those well-known and upright monks meet their Hehuan Sect disciples, they would like to draw a clear line with them immediately!

Especially female nuns.

Qin Shu shrugged, "Aren't you going to say it? I miss you?"

Luan Yue sneered and rolled her eyes, "Fellow Taoist, are you still telling me these nonsense? Since you miss me, why don't you even get a message from Qiyuan Shanyi?"

Qin Shu said without changing her expression: "I didn't think much about it at that time, but just now I saw your beautiful figure running away, and my longing for you suddenly reached its peak."

Luan Yue: "..."

Is this what a righteous monk can say? Her ability to speak freely is a bit better than mine.

"What's the matter? Do you also want to join our Hehuan Sect? With your appearance and language skills, within a year, you will definitely win the hearts of a lot of people."

With a straight face, Qin Shu took out her hammer and held it in her arms seriously, "No need, I only have my hammer in my heart."

Luan Yue: "..."

"You're not a swordsman!"

Qin Shu nodded, "As long as you have a sword in your heart, you can be a swordsman in anything."

Luan Yue was speechless for a moment, then took out a long breath and said to Qin Shu: "You didn't come to me to tease me, right?"

Qin Shu nodded again, "Of course not."

Luan Yue raised her eyebrows, "Explain your purpose of coming, and if you fool me again, don't blame me for being rude."

Qin Shu pinched her fingers in front of her, "I just gave you a hexagram, and I found that you will go smoothly next! But I have no clue in this secret realm, so I might as well follow you."

Luan Yue was shocked, "Can all this be calculated?"

Only Liu Yun and Qi Zhan knew that she had the key in her hand, and it was impossible for Qin Shu to hear it. Could it be that she had really calculated it?

She actually knew something about how powerful the algorithm was.

It is precisely because of this that Tianji Pavilion's status in the world of immortality is very transcendent.

She frowned again, "Why do you suddenly know how to calculate?"

Then, as if he thought of something, he suddenly looked up at Qin Shu and asked, "You really went to Tianji Pavilion as an exchange student, right? Have you met the real Suihan?!"

Qin Shu: "..."

"I didn't go, but I learned a little bit and found that it is quite useful. You are alone and your vigilance is still so low, why don't you partner with me."

Luan Yue seriously considered this possibility, but when she thought that if she followed him, there would be many people coming to share the inheritance with her, she felt very confused.

Qin Shu seemed to see what she was thinking, and said to her: "Isn't it your first time to enter the secret realm? How could the secret realm allow you to obtain the inheritance so easily? According to the previous summary, in the late stage of the secret realm, there are almost Forty percent of the monks will gather at the inheritance site. You are only at the golden elixir stage, and it’s hard to say whether you can get out alive. "

Just when Luan Yue was about to retort, the world around him started to spin.

After she stabilized her body and looked around, she found that the river that originally ran from east to west suddenly changed from north to south.

Looking at Qin Shu next to her, she was standing in the air holding her hammer. The great changes around her seemed to have no impact on her.

Luan Yue's pupils shrank and she stood in the air!

"You! You broke through the Nascent Soul?!" Luan Yue was shocked.

They had only been separated for a few years, right? Why did she practice so quickly?

I am diligent in practicing with others every day, but why am I barely making any progress?

Qin Shu looked at Luan Yue's almost doubtful look on life, shrugged and smiled, "It's just a small chance."

However, Luan Yue's attitude changed after learning that she had broken through the Nascent Soul.

She understood what the Nascent Soul stage meant in this secret realm, not to mention that she was still a sword cultivator.

If she had Qin Shu as her companion, she would definitely reach the inheritance place safely.

"You can follow me, but...inheritance..." She actually wanted to ask Qin Shu to give up, but it was impossible at first thought.

In the end, the words that came to my lips became, "We all rely on our own abilities!"

Qin Shu laughed and said, "That's okay."

Luan Yue felt much more relieved. Master Sen Yao didn't look at the cultivation level when choosing the successor. Who would catch his eye when the time comes is another matter!

Seeing that she was obviously relieved, Qin Shu continued, "Don't be too happy first. The terrain here has changed."

Her guess was correct. They had entered Sen Yao's formation from the very beginning. Now, on the fifth day after they entered the secret realm, the formation changed for the first time.

How will it change in the future? There are too few parameters and we cannot build a model for the time being.

Her eyes fell on Luan Yue, "Which way are we going?"

Luan Yue shook her head, "Let's wait until Liuyun comes."

Qin Shu laughed, "If my guess is right, the terrain has changed, and he is now unknown to where he was transferred by the formation. Do you think he can still find him? Or is there something special between the two of you? Contact information?"

Luan Yue was silent, and Qin Shu continued: "If I remember correctly, your forbidden cultivator doesn't seem to have a high level of cultivation. In the past two days, an evil cultivator killed seven or eight cultivators and finally escaped from me. You Aren’t you afraid that he might meet you on the way to find you?”

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