Luan Yue thought of something, and suddenly looked up at Qin Shu with a complicated expression.

So! The fight that she noticed on the waterfall that day was really Qin Shu herself? ! And she was so smart that she directly denied the correct answer? !

Qin Shu was confused by her eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

Luan Yue sighed and shook her head, "I'll send him a message."

After contacting Liuyun, Luan Yue learned that he had not seen the river before after flying for a long time.

"I think you have also discovered that the terrain here seems to change, and we don't know how far away we are now."

She took out the jade pendant and input the spiritual energy to carefully comprehend it, and finally sent a message to Liuyun, "Don't look for me, go south, we will keep in touch at any time, be careful on the road."

Put away the communication jade slip, raised her head and met Qin Shu's interested eyes.

Luan Yue rolled her eyes at her, "What are you looking at?"

Qin Shu laughed unabashedly, "You are so good to your forbidden lover. I am not so considerate to my Taoist partner."

Luan Yue was shocked, "Taoist partner?!"

She looked at Qin Shu with an incredible look, "When did you have a Taoist partner?"

Qin Shu, the genius disciple of Xuantian Sect, is well-known throughout Dongzhou. Everyone knows that she is only in her early twenties. Which cultivator would find a Taoist partner at such a young age?

Qin Shu and Luan Yue are not yet at the level of being open and honest, so naturally she will not tell her in detail, "It won't be long, let's go. The terrain has changed. If we don't leave, we may meet someone else."

Speaking of which, Luan Yue's situation is more embarrassing than Qin Shu's. Their Hehuan Sect is neither righteous nor evil, and no matter which group they belong to, they can't fit in.

So, after hearing what Qin Shu said, Luan Yue also nodded, "Let's go."

The direction has changed. They are going south now.

She followed Luan Yue and hurried along the road slowly, in no hurry.

Luan Yue was so tired that she stopped to rest. She glanced at Qin Shu who looked like nothing happened and pursed her lips.

"It's good to have a high level of cultivation." She sighed.

Qin Shu saw her sitting cross-legged to recover her spiritual energy, and she was not in a hurry, so she sat down beside her.

She could take Luan Yue with her, but as the saying goes, haste makes waste. If she only cared about the road, wouldn't she miss the good things on the road?

"Don't be too obsessed with beauty, your cultivation will definitely improve quickly." Qin Shu said casually.

As soon as she finished speaking, Luan Yue's hand accidentally pressed on a piece of vine.

Suddenly, the originally ordinary dry vine suddenly moved.

She screamed in fear, stood up with a carp jump, holding a piece of silk in her hand, and looked at the dry vine warily.

Qin Shu was also startled by her movement and turned her head to look over.

At this glance, they found that the vine suddenly emerged from under the thick fallen leaves, like a poisonous snake entwined around their ankles.

Qin Shu's reaction was very quick. Almost in an instant, she grabbed Luan Yue beside her and flew into the air.

The dry vine also completely emerged from under the fallen leaves, and the two of them could see the whole picture of the vine.

Following the vine, they found that it was connected to a big tree not far away.

This tree is estimated to be about three people's embrace, and its roots have also been pulled out from the ground.

Luan Yue asked in surprise: "What's wrong? Is this old tree a spirit?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "I don't know."

But according to her guess, just like the stone monster just now, this old tree should also be activated by the key in Luan Yue's hand.

She raised her eyes and looked at the big tree, and a thin layer of purple was faintly shrouded her originally dark eyes.

With the blessing of the purple air, her vision changed slightly when she looked at the tree again.

She saw a black and gold fragment, which was a little bigger than the one she got from the stone monster before, but perhaps it was precisely because it was a little bigger that the attack power of this tree was obviously much stronger than that of the stone monster.

Qin Shu turned her wrist and took out a sword.

But this time, what she took out was not the purple jade sword she usually used, but a black sword called "Life and Death".

No matter how powerful it is, it is just a tree, and a tree must have vitality.

And this sword can just cut off the vitality. She has never used it, but she also feels that it is just right to come in handy at this time.

Otherwise, fighting with a tree in the woods is really troublesome.

Luan Yue saw that her momentum had changed, and quickly retreated, "Don't worry about me, I will hide well."

Qin Shu was very satisfied with her words, and she liked people who would not let her have any worries.

She rushed forward with a sword, and a black sword light swept straight to the roots of the tree.

Luan Yue hid in the distance and quietly observed her movements, but found that her sword fell on the old tree, and there was not even a trace left.

She was anxious again. Is the defense of this tree so high? If Qin Shu can't break its defense for a long time, and if she continues to waste her energy, when her spiritual energy is exhausted, won't they be slaughtered by this tree?

No! This is not what she wants to see!

Thinking of this, Luan Yue raised her hand and touched the storage ring, and a bracelet appeared on her hand.

The bracelet was about the size of two palms, with three bells hanging around it.

She threw the bracelet into the air, quickly pinched the formula, and the next moment an egg white halo fell in the direction of Qin Shu.

Qin Shu was startled, and before her brain could react, her body flexibly dodged.

This scene almost made Luan Yue angry to death. She glared at Qin Shu and shouted at her: "Why are you hiding?! I'll attack you again!"

Qin Shu: "..."

Oh, she thought someone was attacking her from behind...

"Sorry, I'm used to hiding." Qin Shu said.

Luan Yue knew that this was not the time to argue about these things, so she quickly pinched the formula again.

Qin Shu did not hide this time, but unfortunately, not only did she receive Luan Yue's attack bonus, but she was also whipped by the withered vine.

Just listening to the sound, Luan Yue couldn't help but feel numb on her scalp.

This time, Qin Shu must have broken bones, right?

Qin Shu felt the numbness on half of her body, and the force gradually spread throughout her body as she practiced her body-building skills.

She grinned, and her eyes changed when she looked at the old tree again.

Yes, this force is very good!

Everything in this world that can't kill her will make her stronger!

The black sword in her hand swept across, and a crescent-shaped black blade of light cut across again.

Under Qin Shu's purple eyes, she could clearly feel the vitality of this old tree fading.

Almost done.

She put away the sword, took a breath and jumped up, raised her fist and hit the trunk.

As her body became stronger and stronger, there were not many hardships that could help her refine her body.

I hope this old tree will not let her down.

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