I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 795 Today's sense of security is given by Junior Sister

Wen Chi's eyes widened, looking at the scene in front of him, it was like sparks falling on the straw paper, burning up bit by bit.

Like an old photo that had been set on fire, as the traces of flames spread, pictures appeared in front of them.

Wen Chi stared at the pattern for two seconds and suddenly reacted, "Map?! Quickly write it down!"

Qin Shu glanced at him while holding up the photo stone, and said calmly: "I'm already remembering it."

Wen Chi was silent for a moment, and then took out his scroll again, "Get out of the way! Let me pull it down!"

When Qin Shu heard what he said, she immediately stopped her hand, stepped back and gave her position to him.

At this moment, there was a movement on the stairs.

Qin Shu frowned and walked to the stairs.

The puppets won't have time to take them away when they leave, and they will find out the clues sooner or later.

I just didn't expect them to be so slow, and they didn't look very smart.

Wen Chi obviously noticed the movement at the top of the stairs, and his men speeded up a little. He didn't forget to ask Qin Shu, "Junior sister, can you do it alone?"

Qin Shu flipped her wrist, and the Zixiao White Jade Sword appeared in her right hand.

And he finally said, "Sword cultivator, you can't say no!"

Wen Chi: "..."

As he spoke, Red Beard had already appeared at the corner, "It is indeed you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the corners of Qin Shu's lips raised slightly. With a flick of her fingertips, a ball of fire fell on the wooden stairs.

The wooden stairs here originally had corresponding formations, and they must have fire resistance properties in a region with fire aura. But who knew that Qin Shu had refined the fire from the center of the earth before. The temperature of the flame reached a terrifying level. As soon as it was thrown out, Red Beard and others felt a heat that could burn people and fuse with them.

Immediately afterwards, he watched the stairs leading to the second floor catch fire.

Wen Chi also felt the warmth and asked bravely, "Junior sister, you stopped them with a fire, didn't you also trap us?"

"I believe senior brother, there are always some good things at the bottom of the box."

As Qin Shu spoke, the sharp sword move in her hand had already struck out.

"Hurry up, if you don't leave, someone will come again." Qin Shu did not forget to urge.

The seven evil cultivators in front of them worked together to resist, but the blood shield they held up was still split open by Qin Shu's sword.

The seven evil cultivators looked at each other, is this female cultivator so fierce?

Only Qin Shu secretly rejoiced in her heart. Fortunately, she didn't make a big mistake and used the fourth form of the Vast Sword Technique when she came up. Otherwise, she might not be able to hold off.

She took advantage of these people's confusion and quickly swung two more sword moves.

Soon, her spiritual energy was completely drained by the sword move. She raised her hand and swallowed a handful of full spirit pills, and suddenly remembered that she had seen Liuyun's golden wheel before.

She might also try it at this moment. The sword moves are all formed before they are swung out, and the sword energy is locked by the spiritual energy, so it is certain from the time it is swung out until it disappears.

But if she leaves a hole when she swings the sword and absorbs the surrounding fire aura, wouldn't it also increase its power?

With this thought in mind, she swung her sword out.

Qin Shu watched as the red-hot light blade fell on the blood shield that the opponent had raised again. This time, the blood shield did not break like before, it just shook without even a crack.

The evil cultivators were overjoyed, and the black-faced brother said: "She can't hold it anymore! Second and fourth, you are responsible for the attack, and the others will attack with me!"

After hearing this, Wen Chi looked at the map that was only half-expanded towards him, and suddenly became a little anxious.

Just when he was about to take out his magic weapon to help Qin Shu, he saw Qin Shu swinging his sword again.

This sword slowly increased in size in front of everyone, not only breaking the attack of the second and fourth children, but also shattering the blood shields they had put up.

Qin Shu grinned and said, "Yes, it really works. It's just... just... it's not enough."

She raised her hand and took out a drop of blood and smeared it on the blade of the sword. The next moment she swung the sword again. With the lock of her blood, the spiritual energy and sword energy in it became more stable.

More and more spiritual energy filled her sword moves, and she suddenly became stronger in the wind. The sword blade cut straight through the blood shield.

The evil cultivator Lao Qi who was originally standing in the middle was cut into two, and his whole body was as brittle as a piece of paper.

The blood slowly flowed along the feet of the other six people, and finally fell from the stairs to the bluestone floor on the first floor with a "tick" sound.

This sound seemed to activate the others, who all looked up at Qin Shu who was standing at the stairs of the second floor.

However, Qin Shu looked away directly, turned her head and asked Wen Chi beside her, "Is it still okay?"

"Not yet, you can kill two more." Wen Chi said without raising his head.

After all these years, he has never had such a clear understanding of his junior sister as he does now.

Against seven, she not only escaped unscathed, but actually killed one.

I really didn't expect that the sense of security today was given by my junior sister.

Wen Chi's words undoubtedly ignited the anger of the evil cultivators, "Brothers! Avenge Lao Qi!"

The skull on his shoulder was taken off, and the next moment it seemed to come alive. A black shadow appeared under the white skull.

What he carried on his shoulders was his twin brother. That year, he converted to Wuqing Dao, killed his younger brother who had grown up with him, and sacrificed him into a magical weapon.

His twin brother has a similar mind to him, and he uses this magic weapon very easily.

He gradually injected his spiritual energy into the white skeleton, and saw that the black shadow became more and more solid, and even began to show facial features and outlines.

Qin Shu saw this and simply put away the sword, quickly pinched her hands, and a golden mark gradually appeared in her hands.

When the black shadow rushed towards her, she turned her wrist and pushed the golden mark in her hand out.

The mark fell slowly, but it just hit the head of the black shadow.

In an instant, the light was bright.

The black and golden lights intertwined with each other, just like the dawn of the alternation between day and night.

Qin Shu swallowed another handful of Manling Pills and was ready to make further efforts. The next moment, a big hand grabbed her wrist, "Let's go! This place is going to collapse!"

Qin Shu turned her head and saw Wen Chi's serious expression.

He held a white scroll in his hand, but the map of the roof had completely disappeared.

She breathed a sigh of relief, followed Wen Chi's strength and came to the window with him, and jumped down.

Just after jumping out of the window, they were surprised to find that someone had surrounded them from outside, and they all attacked them at the same time.

Wen Chi cursed loudly, took out a magic weapon, pulled Qin Shu to sit on it, and flew away at a faster speed.

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