I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 796 Your luck is always better than mine

Qin Shu looked back and found that someone was still chasing after her.

As soon as she swung her sword, she pulled Wen Chi and jumped onto her sword, "Follow me."

The two brothers and sisters cooperated very well. As soon as Qin Shu pulled him, Wen Chi followed and put away his flying magic weapon with one move.

"Senior brother, get ready and let you see what speed is."

As soon as Qin Shu finished speaking, her sword suddenly accelerated, flying up and down along the contours of the wind, but in the blink of an eye, she distanced herself from the people behind her.

Wen Chi frowned and kept thinking during the silence, why could she fly so fast? Did Master secretly teach her some secret skills?

She has three masters. If one of them teaches her something, she will definitely have many more ways to save her life than others.

When Wen Chi thought about it, he suddenly felt that maybe he could have another master?

Qin Shu flew all the way until her spiritual energy was exhausted again, and she didn't know how far she had jumped.

The monk who was originally following her looked at the figure of Qi Juechen in front of him and no longer had the desire to catch up.

Qin Shu then fell down, took a full spirit pill, and sat cross-legged on the desert.

At this time, the sun has just jumped out from the horizon, and the temperature on the ground is gradually rising.

Wen Chi said with emotion: "It's really thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. Who would have thought that the little Luobotou who joined the sect at the beginning could grow to this point?"

Qin Shu looked up at him and did not answer his words. Instead, she asked directly: "Where is the scroll? Take it out and have a look."

Wen Chi also straightened his expression. Time was running out and they had to find a place quickly.

He raised his hand and touched the storage ring, and a white scroll appeared in his hand. With the tip of his finger, the seal on the scroll was released.

He immediately knelt down, opened the scroll in his hand and laid it flat in front of Qin Shu.

When Qin Shu saw this, she also took out the small piece of sheepskin map in her hand.

Today, when she saw Wen Chi's process of drawing a map, she suddenly realized that maybe the map in her hand was also drawn by someone else?

She put the two maps together. The map drawn from the scroll was a bit too big, but the connection could still be vaguely seen.

The edge of the fire spirit map in her hand happened to have a lump of earthy color, which matched the map they took off.

She looked up at Wen Chi and asked, "Senior brother, can the scroll be reduced?"

Wen Chi nodded, and a burst of spiritual energy hit him, and the map gradually shrank.

Qin Shu turned it over and put a small piece of sheepskin map in her hand on it.

"There is overlap here. We now have two maps."

Wen Chi squatted beside her and looked at the map, his expression rare and solemn, "Shall we go to the earth spiritual energy place now?"

Qin Shu nodded, "Well, I have a hunch that if you want to find the real inheritance, you have to put the entire map together."

Wen Chi put his hand on his forehead, and the early morning sunlight shone on the side of his face, leaving a beautiful light and shadow.

"It's no wonder that no one has been able to inherit it for so many years. I'm afraid the five maps have been scattered to whose hands."

Qin Shu rolled the two maps together, stood up, glanced at her senior brother, smiled, and said: "It doesn't matter, everything is destined. Those who get the map will eventually come back." to here."

Wen Chi was silent for a moment, then looked at her again and sighed: "You are becoming more and more like Master now..."

Qin Shu shrugged, "Let's go, time waits for no one, I'm late but I haven't even had a sip of soup."

Wen Chi stood up with his hands on his knees, but he did not forget to say: "If you arrive late at your speed, I'm afraid not many people will be able to drink the soup."

Qin Shu didn't tell him this. She thought about it and said to him, "Senior brother, I'm afraid we have to change our appearance."

Wen Chi nodded in agreement. With so many people watching them run away just now, it would be trouble if they encountered them again.

He made a magic trick, activated the shape-changing magic weapon, and changed his appearance.

When he turned away and looked at Qin Shu, he was completely silent.

"Xiao Shu'er, are you sure... you want to do this?"

I saw a long string of fist-sized beads hanging around Qin Shu's neck. She was bald and tall with a big beard, and one of her arms could reach someone else's thigh.

If Qin Shu's future friends see it, they will definitely shout, "Junior Brother Sha!"

Qin Shu asked angrily: "How is it? Do I look like I'm not easy to mess with?"

She originally wanted to change into a monkey, but then she thought that meeting a demon cultivator with a monkey face here might be more conspicuous than her current appearance.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the second senior brother who was only as high as her calf and fell completely silent...

"Brother, are you sure you want to do this?"

The second senior brother transformed into a little doll with pink makeup and two buns on her head. No one could connect her with the real Wen Chi in Yushu Linfeng.

Wen Chi was very satisfied with her current appearance, "I'm afraid no one will be able to recognize me this time."

Qin Shu nodded, "That's true."

Wen Chi asked again: "Which way are we going?"

Qin Shu raised her finger and pointed in one direction, "Over there."

Wen Chi: "Are you sure?"

Qin Shu nodded, "We just came from that way. According to the direction of the trap on the map, we are roughly at this position now. Just go east."

As she said that, she grinned at Wen Chi again, "Besides, I also used the Art of Finding Objects, so I can't go in the wrong direction."

Wen Chi's hand that was about to pinch the Object-Seeking Jue stopped and said, "That's all, just follow you. Your luck is always better than mine."

The most important thing in the world of immortality is the elusive luck, which has no trace and nowhere to check.

If you have luck, your cultivation will advance rapidly. If you don't have luck, you can stop countless people with just one foundation building.

The two brothers and sisters, who had changed their appearance, changed directions and flew towards the distance again.

In order not to be recognized, Wen Chi changed his flying weapon again. As he watched the endless desert gradually end, a smile finally appeared on his young face.

"Senior brother, we're almost here!" Qin Shu reminded.

Wen Chi also nodded, "It's all up to you once we get there. I don't have earth spiritual roots."

Qin Shu said confidently: "It doesn't matter, I have it."

Wen Chi glanced at her and said, "Don't talk too much. If I remember correctly, your earth spiritual root attribute is the lowest among the three spiritual roots."

Qin Shu smiled mysteriously at him and winked, "Even with the lowest spiritual roots, you will be surprised. Don't worry."

After more than ten years of growth, her Three Spiritual Roots have long since grown into Heavenly Spiritual Roots, which is nothing to worry about.

Just when their airship was about to cross the desert and fly to the mountains, something suddenly crawled out from the ground not far away, blocking their way.

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