I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 797: Formation within formation

Qin Shu only took a glance and recognized the black shadows blocking their way.

It was the desert scorpion that tried to attack her in vain when she first entered the desert.

"These low-IQ bugs are really troublesome. They know that they can't even break my defense, but they still have to block my way." Qin Shu sighed.

Wen Chi turned his head and looked at Qin Shu in surprise, "Have you encountered them before? Are these bugs difficult to deal with?"

Qin Shu was even more surprised than him, "You didn't encounter them?"

Wen Chi spread his hands, "No."

Qin Shu frowned and said, "Why didn't you encounter them?"

Thinking of the two brothers who were trapped by him before, they were not stopped by these desert scorpions all the way.

Could it be that... all the desert scorpions in the entire fire spirit area are coming for him?

Qin Shu was silent, and Wen Chi asked, "Did you meet anyone else?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "Someone followed me halfway, and I have trapped them with a prison. These desert scorpions are not very powerful. I saw that they could not break my defense before, so I let them follow without taking action."

Wen Chi completely relaxed after hearing this. Qin Shu looked at the black barrier that was gradually gathering in the distance, turned her head and glanced at Wen Chi, and asked, "Brother, shall we rush over directly?"

Wen Chi yawned, "I'll listen to you."

Qin Shu gained the trust of her senior brother, grinned, and increased the speed of the flying boat to the fastest, obviously intending to crash directly into it.

At the moment when it was about to pass through the black barrier, a fiery red protective shield suddenly rose around the flying boat, and the speed of the flying boat also increased again.

Wen Chi did not change his movements while lying on the deck, and saw the flames spreading rapidly, followed by a smell of burning insects.

Qin Shu stood on the deck and turned her head to look at the black barrier behind her.

A huge hole appeared in the center of the original black barrier, and sparks and black smoke burst out in all directions, which looked quite spectacular.

She laughed, "Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

As soon as the voice fell, a fragrance of soil rushed into her nose. It seemed that they should have come to the area of ​​earth spirit.

Qin Shu came back to her senses and looked forward. Large mountain ranges were connected one after another.

She pinched a search trick, stared at the map for a long time, and finally locked a direction and drove the flying boat to fly over.

Before flying ten miles, the flying boat that was originally suspended in the air began to shake.

Wen Chi, who was lying on the deck, sat up quickly and subconsciously controlled the flying boat to fall to the ground.

"There is a gravity limit here. I'm afraid it won't work if you want to fly over." Wen Chi said.

Qin Shu also felt it. As soon as her feet landed on the ground, a majestic earth force poured into her feet.

The long-lost earth spirit is so rich that it really makes people feel happy!

Wen Chi looked around. Although it is a mountain, there are not many trees at a glance.

The sun has already set in the west, and you can see mottled cracks on the soil on the ground.

"It seems that we can only use our body skills to get on the road." Qin Shu said.

Wen Chi put away the flying boat and responded, and directly said: "Take me a ride."

Qin Shu: "?"

Wen Chi: "Don't you have the shrinking earth into an inch?"

Qin Shu accepted her fate, picked up the miniature Wen Chi, held it under her armpit, and walked towards the distance with the shrinking earth into an inch.

Wen Chi looked at the scenes flashing around him and closed his eyes resignedly.

If he had known it would be like this, he would never have turned into this appearance, but there is no such thing as knowing it in advance.

Qin Shu's speed was not slow at all. After a moment, she stopped.

Wen Chi felt that she was not moving, so he opened his eyes and asked, "Are we there yet?"

Qin Shu shook her head, suddenly glanced down at him, and asked without thinking, "Suppose we travel at a speed of 6,000 miles per hour, and the speed of the mountains is 5,600 miles per hour, when can we get out of this mountain?"

Wen Chi was stunned, and saw Qin Shu pointing at the mountains around him, and said helplessly, "I knew it was not that simple, these mountains are actually moving."

Wen Chi thought for a moment, took out a high-level flying talisman from the storage bracelet and handed it to Qin Shu, saying, "Why not try to stick a flying talisman?"

Qin Shu's eyes fell on the flying talisman, and just as she was about to reach out to take it, she seemed to have thought of something, and her expression suddenly became confident.

She put Wen Chi on the ground and sat cross-legged on the spot.

"What? Do you have any other way?" Wen Chi looked at the expression on her face and was also a little curious.

Qin Shu glanced at him and said with a smile: "Since movement is relative, can't we just wait for the mountain to come over here?"

Wen Chi: "?"

This seems to work?

The two of them were sitting cross-legged in meditation. Suddenly, there was a wave from the ground. Qin Shu opened her eyes and quickly moved away from her original position. She saw a pangolin breaking out of the ground.

Luckily, she dodged quickly, otherwise her butt would definitely be in trouble.

The pangolin saw that the attack failed, and its small eyes the size of mung beans flashed, and it was about to burrow into the ground to prepare for the next attack.

However, as soon as its head got into the ground, Qin Shu grabbed its tail and pulled it back.

"Want to run?"

Wen Chi glanced at Qin Shu and saw that she had no intention of killing the monster, nor did she intend to let it go.

When she was unable to figure out her thoughts, another pangolin attacked and was also captured by Qin Shu.

In this way, they waited until four pangolins threw themselves into the trap.

It wasn't until Wen Chi got on the cart pulled by four pangolins that he couldn't help but give a thumbs up to his junior sister.

She really knows how to make the best use of everything.

Pangolins shuttle through the soil very quickly. It is very simple to get pangolins to go where they want to go. You only need to catch a piece of earth crystal in front.

Qin Shu had a lot of these things. Senior Brother Ruiming gave her a lot of them.

As we get closer to the place marked on the map, there are also a few breaths belonging to human monks.

Qin Shu looked at the symbols on the map, turned her head and said to Wen Chi beside her: "Brother, be careful. We are afraid that we will enter the formation within the formation this time when we rush out of the ground."

The marks on the map are arrays within arrays, and these two symbols correspond to the magic array and the killing array.

Wen Chi sighed, "The secret realm of the formation master is recognized as the most difficult to inherit in the entire world of immortality. I have been mentally prepared for it."

As soon as he finished speaking, four pangolins burrowed towards the ground.

The moment Qin Shu rushed out of the ground, she released her grip on the four pangolins and rewarded the four hardworking pangolins with the piece of earth crystal.

Wen Chi looked at the square pit in front of him, and then glanced at the pangolins scrambling for crystal stones.

"There is an underground palace down here, let's go down and have a look?" Wen Chi suggested.

Qin Shu shook her head. With the magic array and the killing array blessing her, how could she dare to wander around?

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