I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 803 I’m tired of saying the word envy

A wisp of wind passed through Qin Shu's nose. She looked up in the direction of the wind and knew that the exit to the outside world was open this time.

Qin Shu raised her feet and walked along the corridor to the outside. As she left, all the arrangements behind her gradually disappeared.

Until a light appeared in front of her, she smiled softly and finally came out.

I don't know if my senior brother has gone out. The jade slips for communication are useless here, and the sound transmission notes can't be lit. I can only roughly calculate that he has not had any accidents for the time being.

The moment Qin Shu stepped into the light, a black shadow popped out with her.

Her sight followed the black shadow and saw her second senior brother fell to the ground in a mess.

When he fell, he subconsciously protected the things in his hands, as if he had got an incredible treasure.

He was still complaining, "Throwing someone out so suddenly without even a warning is really too much."

Qin Shu walked towards him and asked, "Brother, are you okay?"

Wen Chi looked up at Qin Shu when he heard her voice. Seeing that she was fine, he shook his head, "I'm fine, how are you?"

Qin Shu shrugged, "No trouble."

At the same time, her eyes fell on the thing in Wen Chi's hand and asked him, "What are you holding?"

Wen Chi came back to his senses and showed her what he was holding in his arms, "I was controlling those sculptures to fight with people just now, and suddenly everything around me began to collapse. This thing fell into my arms and I was carried out."

While he was talking, he suddenly remembered something and asked Qin Shu, "Could it be... that this place collapsed because you got the inheritance?"

Qin Shu smiled and shook her head, "If I really got some inheritance, it would not be just this Wuji Palace that collapsed, but the entire inheritance place."

Wen Chi thought so too, he stood up and began to look at the thing in his arms.

A spherical object, black, with many holes on it.

Wen Chi leaned over to one of the holes to look, but found nothing. It was pitch black inside.

He raised his hand and sent a stream of spiritual energy into it, and it suddenly lit up like a kaleidoscope.

Wen Chi looked at it for a while, and his expression became obviously excited.

He changed the hole to look at it, and he was even more excited.

He changed three holes in a row, and his expression became more excited each time.

Qin Shu looked at the excitement on his face and couldn't help but lean over to ask: "Brother, what did you see? Why are you so excited?"

She couldn't be more clear about her brother's confidence.

If it was an ordinary object, would it make him so excited?

Wen Chi listened to Qin Shu's question, his eyes were shining, and he waved at her.

Qin Shu stretched her ear over and heard Wen Chi whispering in her ear: "Puppetry."

Qin Shu thought of the sculptures she had seen before, and suddenly realized, "But those..."

Wen Chi knew what she meant halfway through her words, and nodded with a reserved look, "That's right!"

Qin Shu was really envious of them. Those sculptures were different from ordinary puppets. They could be controlled only by spiritual consciousness.

If the spiritual consciousness was strong enough, countless puppets could be controlled.

And now, no matter how powerful the puppet control technique in the world of immortal cultivation is, the stiffness of the puppet can be clearly seen, but these puppets are different.

These puppets move just like real people, without any sluggishness.

Wen Chi looked at Qin Shu's envious look, and quietly added, "Even the method of making sculptures is mentioned here."

Qin Shu: "..."

In comparison, why do I suddenly feel that the bracelet I got is so useless?

Wen Chi excitedly put the ball away, looked up at Qin Shu and asked, "Junior sister, where are we going next?"

After only one place, he got such a good thing, and Wen Chi's mood to explore the secret realm suddenly became high.

Qin Shu looked at him again and asked, "Brother, did you get the map fragment?"

Wen Chi shook his head, "No."

Since he entered Wuji Palace, he has been sitting there without moving. How could the map be delivered directly to his door?

If that were the case, he might start to doubt that he was the son of destiny chosen by Master Sen Yao.

Qin Shu raised her hand and touched the bracelet, and transferred a little spiritual energy into it, but found that there was no reaction.

She didn't quite understand how to use this bracelet for a while, so she took the bracelet back and said to Wen Chi, "Let's go look for it somewhere else, and we must find the map."

This is related to Master Sen Yao's body and his final reward, so he still has to be careful.

The two were still standing in Wuji Palace, but the palace in front of them disappeared.

In front of them was a huge lake with three stone bridges.

Qin Shu took out the Bagua mirror and shone it on the stone bridges. Finally, she found that only the stone bridge on the far right was real. She pointed to that side and said to Wen Chi: "Brother, let's go over there."

Wen Chi followed her, and the two walked towards the distance together.

On the other side of the bridge was still an endless palace, and Qin Shu also saw a few people in the distance.

Seeing Qin Shu and Wen Chi coming over, the group immediately became alert.

Qin Shu kept a distance from them, raised her hand and pinched a search trick, roughly determined the direction, "Let's go over there."

The direction that Wen Chi got from the Quest Technique was the same as Qin Shu's, so he nodded and followed Qin Shu.

The people in the distance watched the two brothers and sisters change directions and paid attention to their movements.

If the two of them could really get some treasure, these people would definitely not be merciful.

Qin Shu and Wen Chi followed the guidance of the Quest Technique and came to a palace after many twists and turns.

Compared with the magnificent palace in front, this place was more like a cold palace, which looked really dilapidated.

Half of the door of the house fell off, and the remaining half was also tattered.

Qin Shu stood in front of the door and looked at it for a long time, but did not find anything unusual.

She raised the Bagua mirror and shone it towards the house again. A yellowish chaos appeared in the mirror, as if someone had thrown a handful of dust, and the whole vision was blurred.

She put away the mirror and said to Wen Chi beside her: "Brother, I'll see you when I go in. You stay outside and don't let others come in to disturb me."

Wen Chi thought of the people who were eyeing him covetously just now, and nodded in agreement, "Okay!"

Qin Shu found a piece of jade in the storage ring and handed it to Wen Chi, "I left a drop of my heart's blood here. If there is any accident, you can drop a drop of blood into this jade slip and I can feel it."

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