I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 804 Pick up the pen and start painting

The two of them have the same blood power. In a place where one can lose contact if one is not careful, this is the only way to pass the message.

Wen Chi took the jade piece she handed over and told Qin Shu to go without worry.

"I will personally guard it for you. Ordinary people really can't get in."

If someone else said this, it might be regarded as bragging. At that time, Qin Shu really believed Wen Chi.

After all, the scene of his senior brother casually throwing a handful of talismans is still vivid in his mind.

No matter when, once a krypton gold player joins, the ending may change.

The senior brother and sister exchanged glances, and Qin Shu went in directly through the wooden door.

The house was as dilapidated as the outside. On a dilapidated table, there were four treasures of the same dilapidated study.

Qin Shu raised her hand and pinched a cleaning spell, and the yellowed scroll on the table appeared in front of her.

The purple air in her eyes reappeared, and she scanned the scroll bit by bit, but she didn't find any unusual patterns on it.

Qin Shu used the purple air to scan the whole room again, but still saw nothing.

She touched her chin and fell into deep thought. Could it be that the object-hunting formula was wrong?

She took out the lottery chips and paper and cast a hexagram, and found that the final hexagram was auspicious, which means... there is a high probability that she can get something from here.

Even if it is not a map, there should be something good worth her trip.

She stood up and checked the whole room again, even the beams.

She also bent down and knocked on the blue bricks on the floor to see if there were any hollow ones.

Qin Shu checked and found nothing, so she was silent.

She slowly straightened up, and at this moment, her eyes fell on a wall.

There was an obvious mark on the white wall.

There should have been some paintings hanging here before. She walked over and touched the mark, and found that even the cleaning technique could not remove it.

Then there is only one possibility, this trace was left here deliberately by someone, and it is probably a formation.

Her eyes fell on the scroll on the table again. She walked over, picked up the scroll, hung it on the wall, and then stepped back two steps, quietly waiting for the pattern to appear.

The size of the scroll fits the trace on the wall perfectly, so it can be concluded that the scroll should have been hung there.

But there was no pattern on the scroll as Qin Shu guessed, and she sent another spiritual energy to it, but still nothing.

Qin Shu took the scroll off again, removed the bamboo tubes at both ends of the scroll to check, but still found nothing.

Qin Shu was also in a dilemma for a while, what went wrong?

Her eyes fell on the empty scroll, and suddenly thought that it should be a painting hanging on the wall, and no one would just hang a piece of white paper there.

The four treasures of the study were left here, maybe... she could draw a picture herself.

Back then in the Endless Sea, following her good wife, even her painting skills improved.

Qin Shu thought about it, picked up the brush and drew a... tall back.

A human body with a snake tail, the luster of the scales on the snake tail can be seen through the painting.

Qin Shu was very satisfied with her painting, some snakes can be so charming just from the back.

She raised her hand to hang the portrait up again, and the moment the portrait was hung up, the whole house suddenly began to shake.

The roof and the surrounding walls began to collapse one after another. Qin Shu stood in the house without dodging or evading, and the dust and debris seemed to avoid her on their own initiative.

Until there was only a wall with the portrait hanging in front of Qin Shu, Qin Shu just walked over and saw a tile falling down, she raised her hand to catch it.

The moment the tile fell into her hand, the outer layer of debris began to peel off layer by layer, and a palm-sized map finally appeared in Qin Shu's hand.

The corners of Qin Shu's lips slowly rose. Master Sen Yao was right. When the time came, these maps would naturally appear in her hands.

What she didn't know was that Master Sen Yao was also a little confused now.

He had entered Qin Shu's sea of ​​consciousness for a long time. At the beginning, he was in the stage of repairing his soul, so he didn't pay much attention. But gradually he began to realize that there was a breath hidden in Qin Shu's sea of ​​consciousness...

Secret and powerful, just a little residual breath made him feel scared.

He had been floating in the air of Qin Shu's sea of ​​consciousness, not daring to move at all.

This time he happened to see the pattern drawn by Qin Shu, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became.

Why... it seems familiar?

He had been sleeping for too long, and many memories were also covered in dust. He tried to think for a long time, but finally gave up.

Qin Shu put away the fragments of the map with his backhand, and looked at the four treasures of the study on the table.

These things have been here for so many years, maybe they are also some treasures? Take them away first.

Qin Shu searched the entire broken house and walked out with her spoils, satisfied.

As soon as she walked out, she ran into the second senior brother who was confronting someone. His small figure blocked the outside of the house, looking at the five people in front of him with a very unhappy face.

"Senior brother." Qin Shu called him.

Wen Chi turned his head and looked at her, then said: "Why did you make such a big noise?"

He raised his chin and gestured to Qin Shu, "These people were attracted by you."

Qin Shu chuckled and said pretentiously: "This house is so broken that it will collapse if I punch it."

The people in front of me may have believed most of them. The houses here are very dilapidated and cannot withstand the attacks of ordinary monks.

One of them stared at Qin Shu's face and asked again: "Are you really not getting any benefits from this?"

Qin Shu faced such a rough face and said directly: "It's none of your business."

Wen Chi: "..."

His sweet and gentle little junior sister was missing.

The five people opposite also had dark faces, and Qin Shu raised her fist directly, "If you keep talking nonsense, I will beat you up too!"

It is normal in the world to bully the weak and fear the strong. It was Qin Shu's attitude that made the five of them reconsider.

To be so rude when he is obviously at a disadvantage in numbers shows that this person is either a fool or he has extraordinary abilities.

They looked at Qin Shu from head to toe. Qin Shu took out her big hammer. The hammer gradually became bigger. She put it on her shoulder with one hand, spat, and said in a rough voice: " Do you want to take action?"

When Wen Chi saw this, he took a step back. He did not forget that his junior sister was a swordsman, and swordsmen were most interested in fighting.

Although the weapon is replaced by a hammer, the soul of sword cultivator will never die.

The five people on the opposite side felt a little frightened when they saw Wen Chi taking a step back calmly, seemingly giving up the home court to the strong man in front of them.

I heard that there are many monks in the Nascent Soul stage who have entered the secret realm this time. Could this one be the same?

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